I really want to love this, but I find it brews really weak! It’s so black and rich smelling in the tin, but when you add water it isn’t very hearty at all. I know there’s a real “tea word” for that but I’m struggling to remember it.
So, caramel. It does smell fairly caramelly, but doesn’t taste as much. I know I’ve been drinking a lot of super sweet dessert teas over the last few years, the kind that punch you in the face with their (often artificial) sweetness. Obviously this one is intended to be much more subtle and therefore classic. I am trying it with a bit of cream now which is weakening it more. I bet a small amount of sugar would bring out the flavour more but I have sworn off adding sugar to anything. I might try a bit of honey though that could be weird.
To summarize, it’s not as sweet or caramellicious as I’d hoped, but my taste buds have long been ruined by ridiculous saccharine confection blends so I will keep trying this as I hone my tastes!
Is there anything in my cupboard you would want to try? I really wanted to try this one and would love to do a swap. If you don’t do swaps or don’t want to I UNDERSTAND!!!!! Just trying to spread the tea love. :)