Classic Bai Lin Gong Fu "Golden Monkey" Black Tea of Fuding

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea
Dark Chocolate, Malty, Nutty, Tobacco, Yeasty, Cacao, Malt, Sweet Potatoes, Chocolate
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 12 oz / 355 ml

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From Yunnan Sourcing

Bai Lin Gong Fu (aka Golden Monkey) Black Tea is made from Fuding Bai Hao “White Pekoe” varietal tea leaves. Our Premium grade is a one leaf to 1 bud semi-tippy grade. The tea leaves are picked in sets with 1 leaf and 1 bud. The processing allows for a golden-orange furry tip complemented by a dark leaf.

The brewed tea is sweet, viscous, fruity and floral. Very smooth drinking black tea with a little bit of bite, but not too much. SomeRead more

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9 Tasting Notes

147 tasting notes

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159 tasting notes

Just beautiful – Glad I chose to go with Yunnan Sourcing for my latest tea order! This is everything I want in a black tea – Strong, assertive taste without bitterness, orchid florals, nice peachy notes (like a good dark formosa oolong), honey-like sweetness, and some nice chocolate-y notes (without going too far in that direction). And all that without breaking the bank. The dry tea leaves are beautifully formed, clearly reflecting the one leaf/one bud picking. And I can’t believe they offer a higher “imperial” version of this one – That is definitely going on my list next time I make an order. This tea is magical.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 5 g 16 OZ / 473 ML
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Keemunlover about a year ago

Forgot to mention – I am commenting on the Spring 2023 harvest of this tea.

ashmanra about a year ago

I haven’t had a Golden Monkey in a while. Once my buying ban is lifted I need to try this one!

Keemunlover about a year ago

Well, I have limited experience with “golden monkey” teas. But this one definitely has my approval. Usually I have to drink a tea quite a few times before I decide how I feel about it and maybe write a review. This one, though, I knew it right from the first cup that I had a winner here.

Keemunlover about a year ago

To clarify – This is everything I am looking for in a breakfasty-type black tea. There are other classes of black tea which are quite a bit different, for example a Darjeeling 1st flush, from which I would desire some different characteristics. But for a nice black breakfast tea, this is the tea for me!

ashmanra about a year ago

It sounds worth trying, for sure! Is it sweet potato-y? I find some Golden Monkeys have that note.

Keemunlover about a year ago

Ashmanra, I’ll have to try it again tomorrow and let you know! I find sometimes the “sweet potato” element in black teas is similar to the “chocolatey” element. When it is less intense, it might feel more sweet potato-ish to me, but when it is stronger it moves into the chocolate spectrum.

Keemunlover about a year ago

Ashmanra, I’m drinking another cup of this tea right now, and I think it is firmly on the side of chocolate. More of a milk chocolate or a lighter dark chocolate, and not nearly as chocolatey as some teas I have tasted. On the other hand, I do still get a few sweet potato notes, but they aren’t so noticeable and definitely on the lighter side as far as that goes. I have a Yunnan “pure bud” bi luo chun black tea which has a much more pronounced sweet potato flavor by comparison.

ashmanra about a year ago

Good to know! Thank you for the update!

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491 tasting notes

I seem to have drunk a pouch of this tea without writing a note. I brewed this one heathen style in a whole pot. I had help in drinking this down, this is one that is smooth enough my dad likes. It also steeps three times and has complex flavors, I’m thinking I might need more of this in my cupboard. It’s yeasty, malty, dark chocolate with just enough astringency to be interesting. Add in a bit of nuttiness and tobacco and you have a fun tea for special occasions, or maybe just when it’s rainy and your regular teas look ho-hum.

Flavors: Dark Chocolate, Malty, Nutty, Tobacco, Yeasty

beerandbeancurd 2 years ago

“heathen style” hahahaha

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18 tasting notes

Filled up the bottom of the gai wan with leaf. Delicious roasted, toasted aromatics.

First steep without a wash is very soft and sweet, a little floral but also bread-like. Delicate, and yet decadent.

Second steep changed to a more toasted rice kind of quality. Also something else in there, like a sweet seaweed quality. Interesting and good.

Third steep: darker, more pungent (stronger tasting), toasted kind of quality, though still soft in the mouth. It’s a curious starchy, salty, toasted kind of taste. Slight astringency in the background, too. No bitterness at all.

Fourth steep: More of the same, though also starting to flatten out a little bit. Clearer sense of astringency.

Fifth steep: a bit flat to me. Not bad per se, but just a basic ‘spent’ black tea taste.

Overall yummy tea that’s definitely worth drinking multiple times. A 100g bag will last a while when in rotation with other teas as you only need 4-5g for a good session. It’s above average to me, but not great. To me, a lot of gentle black teas start out real strong and fade pretty quickly. It may be worth doing a full teapot or hai cha worth of tea instead of gong fu. I’ll check that out next time.

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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676 tasting notes

Spring 2022.

This remains one of my all time favorite black teas. The aroma is intoxicating, dripping with maple, caramel, tobacco, and malt. Haven’t quite figured out how to get all of the aromatics into my cup yet but it still yields a delicious brew. Smooth, rich maltiness with pronounced dark chocolate notes. Brewing at or near boiling brings out sweet potato while infusing on lower temperature (195 F) is sweeter and more chocolatey.

Flavors: Cacao, Malt, Sweet Potatoes

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1325 tasting notes

Drank this tea yesterday while “playing” Life with my four-year-old. The moment the initial aroma hit me in the face I knew this was going to be a good tea. Nothing quite makes one happy like that first smell. Excitement for what’s to come. This one was full of earthy notes. Woodsy in many ways but also a scattering of different forest ones.

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Evol Ving Ness 3 years ago

I love this one. Such a winner.

Lucky you—a four-year-old! A lot of work but such delight!

Michelle 3 years ago

This one is rather hard to mess up. Sometimes you need a forgiving tea that you know is going to brew a good cup.

Evol Ving Ness 3 years ago

Agreed. I have never had a poor cup of this.

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15596 tasting notes

Sipdown! Still undecided on what to do with YS going forward.

Crowkettle 3 years ago

Yeah, I just gave this company a chance a few months ago, but your experience does not instill me with confidence. They seem to have a good selection, but I can find similar delicious teas through What-Cha, Tea from Taiwan, etc.

Evol Ving Ness 3 years ago

Teavivre too has a good selection and an awesome track record re customer service and appreciation. Celebrate what you want to see more of.

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2172 tasting notes

Harvest & Year: Spring 2020

Ahh, this tea is so beautiful! And it smells amazing. Lovely golden dust floating all around and over everything. I left this to steep for too long, of course, but it’s still tasty even if a little bitter/astringent.

Side note – I finished up a quick inventory of the tea cabinet last night and I’m missing four teas! I keep everything separated into specific bins/drawers based on tea type so I’m not sure how they’ve managed to disappear. It’s not a big deal really, but I’m perplexed. I feel like I need to keep looking and looking until they are found, but I don’t know where else to look! I suppose if that’s the only thing going wrong for me today, then I shall count myself lucky. :)

Flavors: Chocolate, Malt

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
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Mastress Alita 4 years ago

I have that problem when a tea goes missing. Usually I find the culprit “miscataloged” (a white tea stuck in the green tea drawer, etc.) There was a bit of shuffling when I moved houses.

Martin Bednář 4 years ago

Weren’t those teas sent to someone else?

Shae 4 years ago

I thought perhaps I’d thrown them in the wrong bin too, so I checked all of them twice. I’ll probably check them all again today because I JUST CANT LET IT GO.

I checked my swap spreadsheet too, Martin, but I never sent them out. :/ I’ll probably find them in two years stuffed in a sock drawer or someother random spot…

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