2018 Yunnan Sourcing "Xiao Shui Jing" Raw Pu-erh

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From Yunnan Sourcing

Xiao Shui Jing Village (小水井) is located south-south-west from Jinggu Town. It’s a small village with about 30 households and has been engaged in tea growing for many generations. Our production is from 50-150 year old tea trees growing naturally at an altitude of 1800 meters! This is one of the higher altitude tea areas in Jinggu for tea cultivation and that can really be felt when drinking this tea!

The tea itself is quite strong and thick in the mouth. Very thick and creamy, with bitterness and a long lasting huigan. Very pleasant cha qi.

400 grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)

50kg in total produced

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