
Tea type
Rooibos Yerba maté Blend
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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Yum! Chocolate! I have been spending this early part of the day waiting (and waiting and waiting… and still I wait) for the FedEx truck to arrive. I don’t think I’ve ever been so anxious for a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Prior to infusing this smells like Chocolate Milk!!!! Sweet Chocolate Milk! After infusing it does lose a lot of the sweet aroma but you can still smell cocoa or chocolate just not as sweet and...” Read full tasting note

From White August

This energizing combination of sweet chocolate and south American mate is sure to stimulate your senses.

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2 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

Yum! Chocolate!

I have been spending this early part of the day waiting (and waiting and waiting… and still I wait) for the FedEx truck to arrive. I don’t think I’ve ever been so anxious for a delivery before!

Anyways, while I wait, I decided to have some Yerba Mate. Not that I needed to be caffeinated on top of this anxiety. I didn’t really think that part through very well. haha!
Fortunately, this also has chocolate which has a way of soothing me even when I’m bouncing off the walls.

This is really good. I do wish that there was more chocolate because more chocolate = better. But as it is, it is very pleasantly chocolate-y, and I’ve always felt that Yerba Mate and chocolate are a perfect pairing. The earthiness of the yerba mate works so well with the flavor of the chocolate. This tastes rich, smooth and delicious! YUM!

QuiltGuppy 14 years ago

Did it arrive?? :)

LiberTEAS 14 years ago

It DID! yay!!!

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6768 tasting notes

Prior to infusing this smells like Chocolate Milk!!!! Sweet Chocolate Milk!
After infusing it does lose a lot of the sweet aroma but you can still smell cocoa or chocolate just not as sweet and not nearly as strong. The taste is primarily Yerba Mate. The Sweet Chocolate flavor comes thru nicely but I would LOVE to try it with even more Chocolate flavor! There seems to be a little Rooibos Flavor coming thru too. This is tasty! A very good flavored Yerba Mate! YUM!

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