Lychee Black

Tea type
Black Tea
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Creamy, Honey, Lychee, Smooth, Sweet
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 45 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Vital Tea Leaf

Naturally sweet, smooth flavor tea…a great anytime drinking tea for those who like their tea sweet without adding sugar. Good for a dessert tea.

Water Temperature: 206 F degrees
Caffeine Content: Medium
Steep Time: 3-5 minutes

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22 Tasting Notes

1812 tasting notes

Sitting in the office on a Saturday morning, enjoying sips of this deliciousness, accompanied by the sounds of Mozart.

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

Sounds as perfect as being at work can get! :)

Spencer 11 years ago

Agreed! There were also fountain pens in use, which made things all the better.

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3294 tasting notes

This one is a trade from Spencer. It’s a lightly refreshing gently fruity & sweet one, which was nice to sip on while I was practicing. My daughter, who recently moved back in with me (along with my grandson), woke up, & we ended up visiting for a little while, so my 45 minute practice session ended up starting about 15 minutes late, but I skipped the 15 minute break & played 90 minutes instead. So I’m basically back on track, more or less. My next 45 minute ‘work’ session will be working on my nanowrimo novel, but the truth is, I need a little food first, so that session will probably also last 90 minutes.

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639 tasting notes

This is a super sweet black tea!

I have a major sweet tooth, so I tried this tea out and was not disappointed. Even over a year later, the tea still brews like the day I bought it.

It has a very sweet flavor, which I guess comes from the lychee fruit. Lychee kind of tastes like honey.

If you love honey in tea, you’ll love this! Don’t even think about adding any additional sugar or sweetener. It would be overkill.

I suppose this tea would also be good with milk, but I love it straight. I’m also sure it would be perfect iced, but I have yet to try that out either.

It’s the perfect tea for when I’m craving something bad for me (cake, cookies, ice cream, anything sweet that I know I shouldn’t be eating). Instead, I can drink this tea and relax knowing that I’m getting a much healthier sweet fix.

I steep about 1 tsp of leaves for 30-60 seconds in boiling water. It can be resteeped 2-3 times. Only by the third steep does it start to get weak, so I just increase the steeping time a little. I can’t imagine steeping this for 3-5 minutes as suggested (in fact, when I bought it the suggested steeping time was 30-60 seconds). To each his own.

Boiling 0 min, 45 sec

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4 tasting notes

This is my favorite “every day” tea. I find that it’s very forgiving to water temperature and sloppy steeping, making it great for work and on-the-go consumption. The sweetness of the lychee is very subtle but very pleasant. Makes a fantastic iced tea.

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6 tasting notes

I was just introduced to this tea and it is fantastic for an everyday tea, especially if you like a sweet, honey flavor to your tea. This one is naturally sweet from the Lychee and it’s very smooth and creamy on the tongue. I’m sure it’d be great iced as well, but as of yet, I’ve only tried it hot.

Flavors: Creamy, Honey, Lychee, Smooth, Sweet

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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790 tasting notes

This was my least favorite from our tasting session at Vital Tea Leaf. It was too sweet, almost in a saccharine way. I don’t think it has any sweetener – it’s just the lychee. Having tried a few lychee teas I am coming to the conclusion that lychee isn’t going to be a flavor I like much. :)

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boychik 10 years ago

have you tried real fruit?

Nicole 10 years ago

I haven’t. I don’t think I have ever seen it in stores around here. I’ll have to keep an eye out when traveling. :)

boychik 10 years ago

for me its like if you take of grape skins and eat, slippery, juicy and nutty.

Ag 10 years ago

Try getting the fresh ones if possible, not the canned ones (which are incredibly sweet). Just beware of the pit inside after peeling. I like them (juicy, floral, kinda nutty), but find longan (“dragon eye” because it’s round, translucent, and you can sort of see the pit after peeling, unlike lychees which are opaque white) to be much tastier and complex in flavour.

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688 tasting notes

They made this when I was at the store for a tea tasting, I might have even suggested it. Smelled very fresh and fruity. The flavour was sweet and did taste nicely like the fruit. Since that is one of my favourite fruits I was glad I got to try the sample.

I also liked watching the store staff brew things by gaiwan.

Flavors: Lychee

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