This was lovely hot, but I can’t wait to try it iced. I have some cold steeping right now. But it tasted a bit off. I’m not going to blame the tea though, as I’m feeling under the weather again. Between my mother in law sharing her bronchitis and someone else feeling the need to come to a slumber party with laryngitis, I’m just destined to spend all of my days off curled up in bed, sick.
I would have been happier with more peach flavor, but I’m a peachaholic. I will try this again when I’m feeling better, provided no one else feels the need to share their illness.
I’m begging people, unless you absolutely have to go out to work or such, stay home and get better instead of going out and getting others sick who maybe can’t afford to stay home and nurse an illness. I’m lucky I have three days off because I can’t call in to work right now.