Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea
Creamy, Pineapple, Butter, Floral, Milk, Vegetal, Cream, Orchids
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by sherapop
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 10 oz / 289 ml

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55 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I love black tea, but I feel like I need to take a break from it, after a long morning of sipping the stuff down. This is a nice enough cup, and I always seem to grab it when I have a headache...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another milk oolong for me :) Thanks Alphakitty! This is my first bagged one; I’m curious to see how well it holds up to loose versions. The smell is clearly delicious, caramelly milk oolong. I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one came from Auggy and one of the last ones I’ve got left untried from her massive parcel. I’ve only had milk oolong a few times before and have never quite been certain what to make of it....” Read full tasting note
  • “I had a tea disaster earlier this evening involving expired milk that was mis-labeled so I decided to go with something safe and relatively simple. I haven’t had this since I first got it in March,...” Read full tasting note

From The Republic of Tea

Cup of Abundance – This delightful, hand-processed green oolong is grown high in the Fujian mountains in China. Famous for its “milky” taste and silky texture, the large, tightly-rolled leaves have the alluring fragrance of sweet cream and pineapple. The flavor is smooth with light, orchid notes. Great for multiple infusions.

About The Republic of Tea View company

The Republic of Tea is a progressive and socially conscious business recognized for being the leading purveyor of more than 200 premium teas and herbs, ready-to-drink iced teas and more. Founded in 1992, The Republic of Tea sparked a tea revolution in America with the purpose of enriching people’s lives through the experience of premium teas and a Sip by Sip Rather Than Gulp by Gulp lifestyle.

55 Tasting Notes

4188 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping Teabox – Round Six – Tea #21
Your standard milk oolong. There is definitely a creamy, buttery flavor to this one. Solid steeps. I used quite a number of leaves that filled the infuser basket but the flavor was never astringent or bitter. Oolong fans… don’t miss this one in the teabox!

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1705 tasting notes

Whiteantlers was dear enough to lend me some. The first steep is the best, though this is not the greatest flavored milk oolong. It is a touch less veggy than a Quangzhou, but still super veggy. The later cups were not as good, but I surprisingly appreciated it even against a great white tea cake. Otherwise, it is pretty typical for a flavored milk oolong, just a tad bit weak and too vegetal for my tastes, but fruity and creamy enough to please me.

Evol Ving Ness

Have you found a replacement for the Mandala Milk Oolong yet? What is your second favourite? Do you have a top three?


Supposedly Mandala will return but it has been a long while now. I had figured if they didn’t return for Black Friday they would return for Christmas. Someone on Steepster must have more information on them than I do.

Daylon R Thomas

What-Cha’s Taiwan Milk Oolong has been the substitute for now, but I haven’t liked it as much as I did the first time I sampled it. It’s still one of my personal favorite milk oolongs. The Chinese one What-Cha offers is also not bad-it’s more of a soft mango candy whereas What-Cha’s Taiwan milk oolong is liquid coconut oil. The sample I got was a winter crop and flavored, but the spring crop is still pretty solid. It is more nutty than Mandala’s, but in the same buttery parameters though more coconut sweet than toffee sweet.

There was also one that me and a few other people found that was almost the same from Dragon Tea House on Ali-Express. I swore it was the same damn tea. I haven’t bought from Mandala as a result.

But my preferences for the flavored milk oolongs have honestly changed. I’ve basically wanted something like the Lishan What-Cha currently offers, or an Alishan I had one time. They were the perfect balance between honeyed, floral, creamy and green. Shan Lin Xi’s used to do that for me, but this year has not been as impressive as last year.

The flavored oolong I really want back is A Quarter to Tea’s Apple Panna Cotta Jade Oolong, but that was a limited edition. Lauren does however have a few more blends using the same approximate base, with one of them being On Wisconsin. It is a honey flavored cheesecake oolong. I’m going to ask Lauren how it compares because I honestly can’t decide if I want to purchase it, get a bunch of oolongs from Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company, get another huge order from What-Cha, get a few oolongs like the Dayuling from Berylleb, or get more of the Dong Ding from Golden Tea Leaf. The Dong Ding from Golden Tea Leaf basically tastes like sweet cream which is impressive. A part of me also wants the Old Style Dong Ding from beautiful Taiwan because its cheaper, and Andrew did say that that particular variety has been good this year.

Do you want my top 3 teas overall now or milk oolongs?

Daylon R Thomas

I also have four notes I need to write

Evol Ving Ness

Both, please. And yes! QTT’s Apple Panna Cotta Jade Oolong is seriously divine. I have been awaiting its return with bated breath.

Thank you for alerting me to Golden Tea Leaf Co. Yet another addition waiting to happen.

Forgive me, it’s late and my eyes and brain are done for the day.

Daylon R Thomas

I’m at the point where top 3 shifts, but I’ll give it my best.

Best Flavored Milk Oolong:
Toss up between the Mandala Milk Oolong (which might be the same as Dragon Teahouses’s Taiwan Milk Oolong) and What-Cha’s Taiwan Milk Oolong
What-Cha’s Chinese Milk Oolong (the name is more specific)

Favorite White Tea:
The Kenya Rhino

Straight Black:
A Black TieGuanYin no idea where from
The Golden Snail I JUST rated from What-Cha

French Toast Dianhong

Green Oolong:
Depends on the season at this point. You know the quest and existential crisis I’m going through. What-Cha’s Lishan so far matches the best price profile. You brew it between Eastern and Western timing, but it yields multiple cups with strong flavor and aroma.

Daylon R Thomas

I also highly recommend Eco-Cha’s straight Jin Xuan. It is the most floral I’ve encountered. And the rest of their tea is good quality.

Daylon R Thomas

I also will sample some of Quarter to Tea’s new Jade Lineup.

Daylon R Thomas

The Apricot Tart Jade and On Wisconsin specifically

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you, Daylon, for humouring and informing me. :)

I did try What-Cha’s Taiwanese milk oolong some time ago. Perhaps it was a different batch from the one you got. I didn’t find it all that, but perhaps I need to give it another go. Alistair’s teas are generally quite awesome.

I’ve been a bit more into black teas these days, but I imagine the pendulum will swing yet again to oolongs soon. Especially, I feel a milk oolong phase coming on in the near future.

I did order Nostalgia in my last LP order, but there was a hiccup and it didn’t arrive with the other items. I will try again.

I look forward to hearing your impressions of the new QTT jades. I don’t always agree with your spins on things, but they are always of interest and provide pause for reflection in one way or another.

Another question, do sweet oolongs have same impact as sweet foods on blood sugar and such? Have you done any research on this?

Daylon R Thomas

There have been a few studies suggesting that tea might generally lower bloodsugar, but that’s what I’ve seen so far unless I have a lot of tea on an empty stomach. Same with coffee, but I have to practically be fasting. Most studies that I’ve superficially skimmed link the blood sugar lowering to the caffeine anyway.

Some vendors have described how the roasting processes alters the natural sugar quality in the leaves,but I have yet to find any specifics. I think I’d have to ask one of them myself. Otherwise, the caffeine on an empty stomach is the only real thing that has impacted me.

Evol Ving Ness

Hmm, interesting. I was under the impression that studies have been done on green teas mostly and their beneficial impact on health, heart, and such. Regarding sweet oolongs, I suppose some things are better not to know. :)

Interesting question though.

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247 tasting notes

I don’t usually go for oolongs, but this one came in the swap box I got today. After totally oversteeping another (flavored black) tea earlier, I decided to try this one in increments to see if the flavors change/become more pronounced.

After 3 minutes: very light, vegetal flavor
After 5 minutes: starting to taste the cream, milky/buttery flavor
6 minutes: creamy flavor is much more pronounced
8 minutes: starts to lose flavor and become sharp and bitter
10 minutes: Suddenly tastes floral… strange.

I’m really really trying to get into more sophisticated teas and I think drinking this one incrementally helped.

Flavors: Butter, Floral, Milk, Vegetal

6 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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152 tasting notes

Creamy, fresh spring grass, lychee and orchid. Smooth and sweet, easy drinking, nice body.

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226 tasting notes

Ahhh, free at last, free at last. Hubby and I got off the no-caffeine diet finally, but this is the first new tea I’ve tried since then. This may creep some of you out, but I got this tea at an estate sale nearby. Apparently, a fairly wealthy lady passed away, and the family hired a company to sell off basically her entire house worth of stuff… including whatever non-perishable food items she had. This tea was among them, and I just couldn’t pass it up. I think the woman tallying up my stuff just gave it to me for free, because it was in a bag with a whole bunch of other stuff, and she took one look in the bag and said, “Two dollars.” Score!

Anyway, the loose leaves smell wonderful, like strawberries and wildflowers. They unfurled nicely when steeped, pretty much all the way, although I still intend to try a resteep, because oolong. The brew is a lovely medium green color, but the strawberry smell is gone. It smells now of just flowers (the package suggests orchids, and I suppose I buy it, along with maybe daisies and honeysuckle, since there’s a little sweetness in there). There’s also a slight earthy/grassy smell, which I associate with oolong in general, like smelling a bouquet of flowers that someone just picked and that have a bit of soil left on them somewhere. Anyway, I don’t really get the milk or cream flavor that these oolongs are supposed to have, but it’s a perfectly enjoyable tea nonetheless. It tastes like summer, fresh and green and lush. I may not buy any more, but I will enjoy it to the last leaf. There’s quite a bit left in the tin, so I have much to look forward to. :)

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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138 tasting notes

i know it must seem as though i rate every tea i like with a 100, but really, this is so deserving! milky, buttery and creamy. probably more buttery than anything else. very forgiving of temperature, though i don’t go out of my way to scald the leaves ;)

i’ve had this for 2 weeks maybe? nearly halfway through the tin, but that’s because i like to double up on pouches/sachets/bags. that’s just me.

buttery mouthfeel, buttery flavor….i can’t believe it’s not butter!….maybe it’s ghee! very delicious.

i can’t tell if this is natural or flavored and i don’t care. assuming this is all-natural, the milk oolong is a creature to be revered!!

rich but delicate….i smell the orchid for sure! but this isn’t an in-your-face orchid (i’ve experienced that with some much greener Spring harvest oolongs that taste, quite frankly, of lilac!) this milk oolong has a very delicate orchid note, a delicate but discernable non-astringent tartness, and an abundance of cream. sometimes, i even pick up on the pineapple (or vague approximation thereof), which is mentioned in the description on the tin.

btw- i should note this review is for the tea pouches, not the loose leaf. i had seen the loose leaf in stores a few months ago!! but have had so many subpar experiences with Republic of tea that i was hesitant to purchase something from them to which i’d attached extremely high expectations. oh, how i’m hitting myself over the head now. it’s virtually nowhere to be found, so while i was hesitant to get the pouches, fearing they’d be a disappointment, they were anything but! yielding not 1 but 2 delightful cups! (you can even get 3, if you do short steeps..) the liquor is an awesomely bright yellow. (quite pigmented in contrast to what i’ve come to expect of most oolongs i’ve tried, which tend to be very light.)

has this tea been genetically engineered?

i’m so enthusiastic about this tea (and the whole milk oolong genre in general) since that is the reason i signed up for Steepster! i was perusing the site and i couldn’t ignore the milk oolong by Mandala which kept popping up at me, and it just looked so scrumptious! the dark green buttery leaves practically overflowing from a white porcelain gaiwan. my mouth was watering. since i wanted to add it to my wishlist, i had to sign up! (not that i minded in the least!) and it is the very first tea i added to my wishlist. a very fond recollection. happy to finally to meet the leaf face-to-face ;)

now of course, i’m off to purchase some more of this in loose leaf form from RoT’s website (just for comparison and because i’ll inevitably run out), and also many others from other companies. first stop, Mandala!

ETA there is a peach note i get in the after sip, that lingers on the back of the soft palate. it’s happened many times now, so maybe it’s safe to assume i’m not imagining things..

Flavors: Butter, Cream, Orchids


We all search for our perfect 100…. How lucky you’ve found it!! Congrats!

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518 tasting notes

Samples-Only Small TTB

Huge plus – this is not flavored.

It’s okay. Somewhat creamy, but not as creamy as I wanted it to be. I was really hopeful for this one. It’s just okay. I’m glad it’s not flavored, and I can see drinking this one on occasion. I tried is specifically because it’s available at my grocery store for $11 for the 3.5oz container. That’s not a bad price. I just don’t know that I need 3.5oz. I think I’d rather spend more money and get something I really enjoy.

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1737 tasting notes

It’s hard to believe but true: I now find myself craving The Republic of Tea Milk Oolong! I went to their website and found that tons of reviewers are completely obsessed with this tea, so maybe it’s not my imagination that it is so good.

It takes like food—so rich and satisfying. This seems like it could be an effective diet aid. As in: a milkshake replacement tea! The entire experience is very positive, from lifting the lid off the tin and being literally hit with the enticing aroma, to admiring the shiny gnarled nuggets, to watching them partially unfurl in the first infusion, producing a golden elixir.

Then there’s the second infusion, almost as good as the first.

Flavors: Cream

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 45 sec 4 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

Gah! The last thing I need is another milk oolong in my collection! lol


It’s really good, jeweledthumb! ;-)

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35 tasting notes

Great aroma. The taste leaves a little to be desired for me.

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219 tasting notes

Had a milk oolong last weekend at the Crazy Wisdom Bookstore and Tea Room in Ann Arbor. It was incredible. I wish I had bought some while I was there. I had to settle for this. It is good, but not quite as creamy/silky/caramel-y. It will do until I can make it back to Ann Arbor.

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