Blueberry Bliss Rooibos

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Rooibos Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Beet Root Pieces, Black Currant, Blueberry, Green Rooibos, Hibiscus Flowers, Raisins, Rose Hips
Blueberry, Astringent, Berries, Menthol, Tart, Fruity, Rooibos
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaEqualsBliss
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 45 sec 5 g 14 oz / 404 ml

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83 Tasting Notes View all

  • “It’s still way too hot today for me so it’s definitely time to bring out the fruit teas and go crazy. In raw form this tea has large, whole blueberries and it smells so juicy and delicious. Just...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m tempted to dock them a whole bunch of points for overcharging me by a ton on the loose tea that I bought at the same time, and putting way more in the bag than I initially asked for. Anyway, I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really enjoy this one hot – although it’s great iced and blended with Strawberry Lemonade too. I’m a huge fan of blueberries and this tastes like fresh blueberries – not freeze-dried, petrified...” Read full tasting note
  • “I drank this all weekend. I drank it hot. I drank it iced. Both were great. This is, by far, one of my favorite tisanes. I think one of the only draw backs is that the smell of the dry tea is so...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

This tea evokes childhood summers in the bright blaze of a blueberry patch. The sun streams into green rooibos with sweet fruity aromas, capturing the essence of summer in berries, grapes, black currants and hibiscus flowers.

Rich notes of blueberry, raisins, and black currants.

Use 1.5-2 tsp of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to just at boiling (208 degrees/ 98 degrees Celsius) and steep for 5-6 minutes. For stronger flavor, use more tea leaves.

Ingredients: Green rooibos, black chokeberries, raisins, black currants, rose hip peels, beetroot pieces, hibiscus flowers, blueberries, artificial flavoring

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83 Tasting Notes

3 tasting notes

I wont really get into a connoisseurs finite review of Teavanas Blueberry bliss but I will tell you this…My daughters (3 & 7) attack me on a regular basis while steeping my own tea’s with the dreaded “Daddy, I want some!”. If you are a parent I’m sure you understand. I’m not super comfortable loading them up with caffeine from my morning black teas and even though the green pack a considerable lighter punch its still not high on my list of afternoon treats for two already overly energetic girls. I have been searching for some sort of tea placebo for my two little angels that didn’t include powdered chocolate and sugar…. Enter the Blueberry Bliss Rooibos, not only is it fun for them to watch the steep as the water goes from clear to a very pretty reddish purple (wife swears I’m color blind but thats what I’m going with), it smells heavenly and they hover over the pot as it steeps breathing in the aroma and telling me how good it smells (over and over). As for the flavor.. it is nowhere near as potent as the smell of this tea. It has a nice fruity, lightly sweet liquor.

So now for the real question.. Do the girls like it? they are kids and quite fickle. What is their favorite yesterday may be horrible today yet they will demand more tomorrow. However they genuinely seem to enjoy the experience and flavor most of the time, Especially with a couple drops of fresh organic honey from the neighbors bee’s mixed in.

As for me and a slightly more adult point of view…I tend to struggle with flavored teas/herbals and this is no exception. For me its a bit much as a straight hot tea and you wouldn’t find me choosing it over a cuppa Monkey Picked Oolong, Orange Pekoe or emperors mist green. It is nice as an iced (in moderation) it does add a nice flavor character when added to a iced black tea. For some reason I findit to be less morally offensive to flavor an iced tea….. When iced there is, as with all Rooibos i’ve tried a very nice grassy finish or aftertaste that is quite pleasant and very different than any flavors I’ve yet to have pulled from “real” teas.

All in all and much to my chagrin this is a tea that has a home in my tea cabinet….. at least until the girls outgrow it.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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19 tasting notes

Tastes heavenly and sweet as an iced tea… for an added effect, I let blueberries sit in the pitcher until it’s finished off.

Boiling 8 min or more

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6768 tasting notes

Revisited this one this evening. Still not as tart as I thought it would be but that’s a good thing :) Smells great and tastes smooth, refreshing, and fruity but not overly or tart. I like this Fruit-Based Rooibos Blend!

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7 tasting notes

i LOVE this tea! its delicious hot or cold. it smells like blueberry muffins!

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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7 tasting notes

This is the little black dress of Teavana teas. It goes with absolutely everything. Caramel Almond Amaretti? You get a blueberry muffin. Pineapple Kona Pop? Sure, why not. Literally, EVERYTHING this tea is added to turns magical. It’s a tea I’ll buy over and over again.

Boiling 8 min or more

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2 tasting notes

A fresh and sweet taste, it’s a unique addition to my pantry. It’s sweet with gentle notes of flavor that runs down smooth. A great buy from Teavana; no regrets yet! <3 I recommend it to anyone. And since I’m not a fan of berry anything, that’s saying something.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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85 tasting notes

I really enjoy this tea in the summer since it blends well with a lot of other teas to make delicious iced teas. I’ve steeped it with Pineapple Kona Pop in 8oz of water for 10 minutes, 2 tsp of rock sugar and add 8oz of ice and it is fantastic! It is great with Teavana’s Lemon Lime Kampai Rooibos and Wild Orange Blossom, brewed the same as previously stated. Steeping it for 10 minutes in these blends did not taste bitter to me at all, and this tea seems pretty versatile for experimenting with other fruity blends if you like variety. The tea also wasn’t bad hot, but it is so refreshing iced that I prefer it iced.

Boiling 8 min or more

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21 tasting notes

It’s a tisane, but I blended it with some blueberry black tea my sister brought back from Maine for me. I made a delicious pitcher full iced with a couple table spoons of sugar syrup. It’s not the best by itself.. a little too much of that metallic feel, but it’s nice to add to my black tea.

5 min, 30 sec

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2 tasting notes

I mixed this with Teavana’s Peach Tranquility. It was very sweet, but not too sweet.

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2340 tasting notes

Once upon a time, I had two pounds of this tea. It wasn’t my favorite, but I’d drink it happily every day. I’d keep pitchers of it in the fridge as well as brewing it hot and rebrewing the leaves with earl grey. Anyway, I ran out of that a long time ago, and I was happy to come across a little bag of this in my relatives’ cabinets. It tastes so fresh with strong blueberry flavor and a little bit of complexity that I can’t quite pinpoint. Anyway, I’m glad I no longer have such a large amount of this to force myself to power through, but it was also so nice and reminiscent to try this tea again.

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