
Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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  • “Drinking this again tonight… after reading Kristaleyns review. I dug through my entire cupboard and found it wayyyy in the back. That’s how badly I was craving! lol but I am SO glad to have this....” Read full tasting note
  • “Hummm maybe I should have only did 8 oz like Kittenna…..this is a little weak but I sure can tell there are yummy flavors there wanting to come through! Slightly sweet which is nice but not really...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one was just too interesting to pass up. Little balls of herbs held together with a light coating of sucrose?? Sure, why not! And at 30%, I think each ball only ended up being a bit less than...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! This is a weird tea. I feel like i’m sipping on a cup of sweetened veggies, something like carrots and spinach. I think i’d actually prefer it sans sugar since it’s the sweetness that’s...” Read full tasting note

From Teaopia

Jiaogulan (pronounced ‘JOW GOO LANN’) is a Chinese herb (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) which has been consumed for centuries for its reputed anti-aging, antioxidant and disease-fighting properties, which is why it is known as the `immortality tea`. Jiaogulan is held in shape by a very light sucrose, which adds to its natural sweetness when infused.

Infusion Recommendations: Infuse each ball in approximately 24 ounces of water at no more than 175 degrees for at least five minutes. Multiple infusions are strongly recommended. Successive infusions are smooth and delicious.

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10 Tasting Notes

1759 tasting notes

Drinking this again tonight… after reading Kristaleyns review. I dug through my entire cupboard and found it wayyyy in the back. That’s how badly I was craving! lol
but I am SO glad to have this. Ugh, I need to pick some up asap, but then if I do, I need to drink it before it gets stale! Hmmm, the life of a tea hoarder :)
The rating for this holds, I really enjoy this tea!!


Glad! Old friends should be there when you need them!


I agree, a tea I can count on! :)


What a funky looking (and sounding) tea! That is an incredible picture (like something out of a Sci-fi movie). The `immortality tea`, huh? Interesting …


Indeed, and it’s not caffeinated either! it tastes “green” but isn’t!! love that about this one, since I can drink it in the evening :)

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807 tasting notes

Hummm maybe I should have only did 8 oz like Kittenna…..this is a little weak but I sure can tell there are yummy flavors there wanting to come through! Slightly sweet which is nice but not really getting too much of the lovely vegetal only SLIGHTLY – I may re-steep this in 8 oz and see how it comes out.


I can’t help but notice that this tea looks a little bit like… something else.


Yes indeed as do several teas as my son likes to always point out to me lol


How much water did you use?


21 – it said use 24 but as I was adding the water I got scared so stopped at 21. Mad at myself.

Daniel Scott

My sister calls this one “mutant weed,” LOL.


Oh – I thought it was one ball for 8 oz. water, and it was plenty strong that way. It definitely re-steeped ok though! I found it rather vegetal (but different than tea), and sweet.


Well its weird the description does say 24 ounces to 1 ball but maybe that was a mistake. I think it did better when I re-steeped it using 16 ounces of water.


I saw on the tea page that it indicates 24 oz. My bad! I guess I just did what I wanted :D


ha I used 8oz as well, way back when! I didn’t trust the 24oz theory!

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6107 tasting notes

This one was just too interesting to pass up. Little balls of herbs held together with a light coating of sucrose?? Sure, why not! And at 30%, I think each ball only ended up being a bit less than $1, so that’s not too bad. I used one ball for about 8 oz. of water.

The smell is very boiled veggie-like, moreso than I usually get from green teas. The taste is similar in that sense – I wish I could tell which veggie I was tasting! It’s quite strong and distinct, and tasty with the small hit of sugary sweetness. I want to say perhaps asparagus? It’s a veggie with sulfurous notes, for sure. Almost boiled spinachy? It reminds me of asian rice snacks with seaweed that have a sugary coating, so maybe I’m getting a seaweedy sort of taste too. Either way, it’s interesting and tasty, although I think I have enough that I won’t feel the need to buy it again.

That was a fun little experiment :D

ETA: Re-steep (175F/5.5min) is very similar. So vegetal! Still sweet! I do think asparagus might be the closest I can get to what it actually tastes like.

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

This sounds so intriguing! I totally want to try some!


Um sounds good to me too!


Definitely have enough to send a ball or two off if either of you are interested in a swap :)


Yay! A swap! I’ll PM you! I should be sleeping but I’m all hyped for no reason! I could have sworn I had a honeybush this evening!

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15267 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! This is a weird tea. I feel like i’m sipping on a cup of sweetened veggies, something like carrots and spinach. I think i’d actually prefer it sans sugar since it’s the sweetness that’s throwing me off.

I used about 12oz of water and steeped this a little longer than 5 mins. I don’t feel the need to buy this again ever, but i don’t dislike this. I just don’t tend to prefer green teas. Interesting to say the least.

(on a random other note…the name of this and the way it looks, totally took me off on a tangent imagining this as a little plant monster that explodes out of it’s ball state screaming it’s name JIAOGULAN!)

175 °F / 79 °C 6 min, 0 sec

I love the image of the tea as a plant monster. :) Your reviews rock.


Lol my other half says when we have kids, they are totally going to look at the world in a way that no one else does thanks to me. Me? I just never want to grow up!

Rob Rauschenberg

That is a total tea monster! haha


Are you a toys r us kid :P
(well, aren’t we all…)

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525 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking but not had time to log. :( I had a few teas that TeaEqualsBliss was kind enough to send me. They were tasty but I’ve forgotten why so I’ll log those when I have them again.

This tea though, I had it yesterday and I still remember it very clearly. It left an impression. :) not really a good one. To be honest, it tastes completely inoffensive. I couldn’t describe what I didn’t like about it. All I can say is that it reminds me of bitter melon even though it’s not really all that bitter. It’s slightly cooling. This cooling bitterness is much prized by the Chinese as medicinal quality in foods and drinks so I’ve had plenty of such flavors forced on me growing up. I think my dad would love this as a fan of bitter melon, but it’s not for me.
I gave the rest of this to a friend who enjoyed it. It’s was definitely an interesting experience for me as well. Thank you Kittenna!


Glad you found someone to enjoy it! I can see how this would be an acquired taste.

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639 tasting notes

I requested a sample of this and Kittenna generously obliged. :) These little balls of herbs and sucrose sure are interesting. They unravel into yellow-ish green leaves that look like clovers. The aroma and flavor is very light. I used one ball in about 8 oz. of water. Anything less and I think this would be a flavorless cup of warm water.

As others have said, it does kind of remind me of green tea, but only because it’s not even remotely similar to any other type of tea. It’s not vegetal to me though nor is it herbal-y. This really does have its own unique taste. It also seems to have more flavor as it cools. I’m definitely getting more sweetness now too.

Interesting! I rate it slightly above average. Overall, it’s not something I would frequently crave. But I’m glad I got to try it because I would have remained curious forever. Thanks Kittenna!!

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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836 tasting notes

1 cluster used for 375 ml

Quite bland in taste. Light licorice-like sweetness. Sweet note is cloying and artificial. Brothy mouth-feel. Very slight vegetal notes.

Thanks to Kittenna for sharing this with me!

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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42 tasting notes

This is… a great tea. Absolutely lovely. It’s got a leafy taste, but is very mild. The sucrose isn’t over-powering, and actually compliments it really well. It’s worth it for the health benefits alone.
I just wish it had caffeine…. sigh.
Also each ball can be re-steeped up to 4 times, still with a full flavour!

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