Palace Mo Hei (Ripe 2007)

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Earth, Sweet
Sold in
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Average preparation
Boiling 10 g 5 oz / 150 ml

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  • “Autumn!! My favorite time of year is Autumn, I love the cooler weather and the feeling in the air,I like the longer nights and shorter days going into winter(my second fav season). I love autumn...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Teanami for the free sample. This was overall a good ripe. There was a certain amount of fermentation flavor. But that flavor was not horribly unpleasant and certainly not fishy. There...” Read full tasting note

From Teanami

Mo Hei is the hometown of Yang Li Kun (read more about Yang Li Kun in Our Story). Over the years, Mo Hei has been synonymous with a type of Ripe Pu Erh being much darker in color and bolder in taste. This Mo Hei cake is the best ripe cake we have to offer! They are made into cake by the highest Imperial Grade Gong Ting Palace tea, aged for 10 years. Very limited in quantity!

Learn more about Imperial/Palace Grade from our loose leaf!

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2 Tasting Notes

557 tasting notes

My favorite time of year is Autumn, I love the cooler weather and the feeling in the air,I like the longer nights and shorter days going into winter(my second fav season). I love autumn rain and the aroma in the atmosphere afterwards, and even tho I can only see limited colors I love the colors of Autumn, they are easiest on my eyes. I enjoy this time of year for making thick soups to keep warm and pulling out the throw blankets for the doggy and me to cuddle up and read a book, Autumn is Perfect reading season to me, its also perfect for watching scary movies during the Halloween season my fav holiday.
Last year my autumn wasn’t so great and I lost the one I love the most and was left sad and alone during the autumn season that We loved the most together :(
But I’m still here and I’ve carried, I made it a year and on to a New autumn, it will be hard but I must move on and embrace the things that I still have to love.
I still love Autumn and I still love Tea, I still love Dark Tea which has always been Perfect Autumn Tea to me, Dark Teas(Puerh,Hei Cha,LiuAn,LiuBao,etc) to me just Taste like Autumn feels and they are a perfect reflection of this time of year for some reason.
Today was the first day that felt like Autumn to me, I walked outside and it was just 60 degrees which isn’t cold or hot, down here it was Perfect this morning.
So anyways the first Perfect morning and I chose this Palace Mo Hei from Teanami, It was a Sample sent to me earlier this year and I’m glad I saved it for today. I’m not sure if it a “Puerh” maybe a “Hei Cha” I don’t really care its a type I like, Dark Tea and it’s not bad at all, a great choice for this morning.
The tea brews up nice and thick and only at the first did it have a slightly “fermented/fishy” aroma to me, No fishy taste or anything but a rather mellow smooth almost sweet taste. Very thick and velvety smooth, with all the “Autumny” notes that I enjoy in the Dark Teas.
Rich notes of Earthy;wet forest floor, leaves and stones and a slight sweetness, after a few steeps there is a slight nutty type fruity note…Very pleasant to me.
The aroma is really nice too, at first it was a slight bit “fishy” aroma to me on the rinse, but after that rinsed away the aroma is very earthy and sweet to me and even after several steeps i keep catching a whiff of it and sticking my nose it the cup to savor it, it just smell good.
I enjoyed this one very much this morning, the price is steep tho, Down from 165$ to 125$ now, still a bit pricey for me for this tea, It is a decent enjoyable tea tho, I found nothing bad about it at all.

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1758 tasting notes

Thank you Teanami for the free sample. This was overall a good ripe. There was a certain amount of fermentation flavor. But that flavor was not horribly unpleasant and certainly not fishy. There was little bitterness to this tea. I really didn’t even notice any initially. There was a nice sweet note to this tea. Kind of fruity in nature towards the end of twelve steeps. Not entirely sure about any specific fruit to identify it with. This one didn’t seem particularly chocolaty in nature. It was overall a good tea though. This is one I would certainly consider buying if the price is not too high.

I steeped this tea twelve times in a 150ml gaiwan with 10g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 1.5 min, and 2 min. I could have steeped it a few more times but was at my caffeine limit.

Flavors: Earth, Sweet

Boiling 10 g 5 OZ / 150 ML
AllanK 9 years ago

I looked up the price on this one and it is $165. At that price it is not worth buying. It was good, but not that good.

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