2007 Hei Cha Liubao

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205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 10 oz / 310 ml

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  • “Weeeeellll… I guess you can’t love them all. A little fairy told me that. The color here is amazing, like pale amber. And the dry tea smelled nice, but the wet tea had a heavy earthy smell. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “The first time I drank this tea I was put off by the strong bamboo flavor, but it is growing on me. There is a sweet flavor behind that as well and I will have to gongfu this tea sometime soon....” Read full tasting note

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2 Tasting Notes

278 tasting notes

Weeeeellll… I guess you can’t love them all. A little fairy told me that.

The color here is amazing, like pale amber. And the dry tea smelled nice, but the wet tea had a heavy earthy smell. I did two rinses and some short steeps.

This sample is from AllanK and he did warn me of the strong bamboo flavor, but it’s a bit overwhelming at first. It seems to taper off in later steeps. And even though the earthy flavor gets quieter, it lingers at the end of the sip. I can handle it a little better when it’s at the front of the sip and more pleasant flavors remain in the aftertaste.

I’m really grateful to try this one and I have enough for a few more sessions. Maybe I’ll learn to like it a bit more.

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 3 OZ / 88 ML
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boychik 11 years ago

i remember trying some hei cha, could not even swallow. its great we dont love everything.

AllanK 11 years ago

Most of the Liu Bao I have tried seems to have that bamboo flavor. I don’t know if it is because it is often stored in Bamboo baskets or if that is coincidence. When I bought this I was hoping for something like the Serenity Liu Bao from Fang Gourmet Tea but they did not turn out to be similar.

SarsyPie 11 years ago

I would try additional years and makers, because I can’t write off the whole style from one try. :)

AllanK 11 years ago

The problem with buying Liu Baos is its more hit or miss because there just aren’t that many people selling it. The favorite sellers of mine don’t carry it at all. You can’t get it from Berylleb, Dragon Tea House, or Yunnan Sourcing. Fang Gourmet Tea no longer had it listed on their website but she might get it back in stock. Hers was really good, and really expensive.

SarsyPie 11 years ago

I guess it’s not the “in” thing right now. Harder to find

AllanK 11 years ago

The seller whom I bought the Lucky Dragon from has a lot of Fu Zhuan for you to look at. I thought of telling you this because of the Fu Zhuan you liked so much from Camellia Sinensis, Streetshop88. I bought one of their Fu Zhuan and reviewed it here. It was decent but not as good as the ones you reviewed.

SarsyPie 11 years ago

Thanks, Allan! I’ll take a look. I would like to find a spot to order a whole brick of the fu.

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1758 tasting notes

The first time I drank this tea I was put off by the strong bamboo flavor, but it is growing on me. There is a sweet flavor behind that as well and I will have to gongfu this tea sometime soon. Today I brewed it western style as my morning tea. I brewed it once in an 18 oz teapot with 3 tsp leaf and boiling water for 15 sec.

Most of my Liu Baos I notice have this bamboo flavor, it must be common to Liu Bao. At first I thought it was poor storage on the part of Tea Trekker, but as the puerh I got from them did not have the same flavor I doubt it. It could be that these Liu Baos were stored in bamboo before I got them, that is common with Liu Bao.

Flavors: Bamboo

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML

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