Jun Shan Yin Zhen Yellow Tea

Tea type
Yellow Tea
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Fruity, Nutty, Sweet, Vegetal
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Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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  • “Thank you teafairy for sending me a sample of your precious yellow tea :) I’m glad i have more of this to have again in the future. I think i still struggle with yellow teas because they’re so...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is the only yellow tea I’ve ever tried, so I can’t compare it with others. It’s been a staple in my cupboard for over a year now, I reordered twice, so it’s not just a novelty liking, me do...” Read full tasting note
  • “I received a sample of this from the wonderfully generous scribbles, thank you so much. Honesty, right. I’ve been avoiding this one, but need too be drinking my older samples, don’t want them to...” Read full tasting note
  • “I ordered this tea a couple of months ago, and forgot that I had it, which is unfortunate, because this would have been long gone if I remembered. Now that I know, I’m sure I’ll get through my...” Read full tasting note

From Tealux

Fresh and Delicious

A rare find and produced in very small quantities. Jun Shan Yin Zhen Yellow Tea has been honored as the king of Yellow teas and one of China’s Ten Famous Tea. Jun Shan Yin Zhen is a rare tea consists of only singular tender buds picked in Spring before they open and is prepared according to an ancient fermentation technique.

This Tribute Tea grows on a small island (Jun Shan) within Dong Ting Lake in Hunan Province. The localRead more

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9 Tasting Notes

15618 tasting notes

Thank you teafairy for sending me a sample of your precious yellow tea :) I’m glad i have more of this to have again in the future. I think i still struggle with yellow teas because they’re so close to green/white. This, however IS one that i can get behind. It’s not overly vegetal and has a delicious sweet taste to it that reminds me, as teafairy has pointed out, of a green tea. And yet it’s not. I will have to try and capture more on this one in future. Thanks so much teafairy!

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Now you know why I like it so much :-)

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359 tasting notes

This is the only yellow tea I’ve ever tried, so I can’t compare it with others.

It’s been a staple in my cupboard for over a year now, I reordered twice, so it’s not just a novelty liking, me do like this tea! But it’s hard to describe since I have no reference point.

I drink Sencha on a regular basis, one of my favorite green tea. Though I’m a firm believer that people should have their tea which ever way they like it, I just choose not to add anything, with the exception of a few flavoured teas. But if I was a cream and sugar lover, I’d say this tea tastes like Sencha with a big dash of both!

Of course, it’s only to illustrate how naturaly creamy and sugarcane sweet it is.

How would I know what creamy-sugary Sencha really tastes like, I hate cream… Yes, I’m that boring girl who drinks soy, almond and coconut milk, snacks on seeds and gets excited by leafy greens…please don’t resent me, I promise I can be decadent from time to time!

It’s a beautiful tea, delicate yet very tasty, just not in an assertive way. Smooth, zero astringency, not floral, just slightly vegetal.

To me, it’s definitely closer to green than it is to white tea. But you know when people say they dislike green tea cause it can be bitter or too grassy? Then this is the one to try, I’m tagging it as «green tea friendly».

Non-tea related content:

It’s been 4 years in the making, but today, big puppy Doberman let me clip his nails. (usually requires 2 strong adults at the pet groomer!)
He is terrified of it, and therefore, almost impossible to control. I stopped trying when he was 6 months old cause it was becoming a dangerous task. Why did I wait so long to try again?

Last week, I bought a good clipper. Today, I took it out for the first time, thinking he would just freak out and that I should have spent that money on tea instead. But Dexter looked at it, recognized what it was for, got off the couch and just laid down at my feet. I clipped all his nails, as if it was the easiest thing to do.

With dogs, trust doesn’t happen over night, it has to be earned. Once you have it, you can experience one of the most powerful and unconditional love…just the way he totally abandoned himself to me today, under such a stressful situation, it says it all :-)

Love your puppies Steepster people!

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Nxtdoor 11 years ago

Nah, you’re just lucky. Charlie the chihuahua hated the nail clipping for all of his 12 years. It took a muzzle and two people to get his little doggie might under control. And he still squealed, even through the muzzle. It sounded like we were stabbing him to death.

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Oh my, poor Charlie and poor you! Well, that’s pretty much what Dexter does at the groomer, even if it’s always the same two groomers taking care of him! That’s how I know he now feels he can trust me at least. Hopefully, I’ll be able to repeat this procedure next time without him transforming into a great white shark!

TeaBrat 11 years ago

your food loves sound like mine. I can get decadent sometimes too. Still love chocolate and a glass of wine!

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Oh, Amy oh!! Yes please, chocolate and wine!!!!!

Charles Thomas Draper 11 years ago

My Akita Kibo thankfully has his nails filed from 20 minute walks every day. Now Hope my Jug, half Pug half Jack Russell, needs to be held down at the vet but thankfully shes not even 20 pounds.

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Charles, you are right, a walk a day keeps the clipper away! Back when I was a city girl, I owned a chocolate Lab and the sidewalks were taking care of business.
But Dobermans paws are peculiar, the nails don’t curve much, they grow more straight and pretty much never touch the ground. It wouldn’t make a difference anyways, there are no sidewalks around here, only trails!
I realize it’s a little cheesy but I can help myself, heres a picture my baby Dexter:


Akitas are beautiful strong dogs, but I never heard of Jugs before… How cute a mix of Pug and Jack Russell must look like :-)

JennyFur 11 years ago

This made me so happy to read. Tea and puppies <3

I had the blessing of taking care of a dog for a few months earlier this year before she passed away who completely changed my life by showing me what trust and love can do to help an animal. <3 It always makes me happy to hear of other pets and their bond with their pet parents.

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Glad it made you happy JennyFur, me too, Love to hear about pets and their families!

Charles Thomas Draper 11 years ago

Your dog is beautiful! How do I send a picture of mine. Remember I am partially Amish LOL….

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Charles, a partially Amish surfer, for real??? Never heard of such a thing, LOL!
I will PM you later, d’love to see your dogs :-)

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1040 tasting notes

I received a sample of this from the wonderfully generous scribbles, thank you so much. Honesty, right. I’ve been avoiding this one, but need too be drinking my older samples, don’t want them to go stale when someone generously sent it to me. I thought this would be a cross between a white and a green tea. I don’t really do well with either….
This wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. It’s very smooth and neutral. It’s not floral, like I think some whites are, it’s not grassy like I think some greens are, it’s just mild tea like. I’m not sure I can articulate what it tastes like, but not much of anything is really what I thought. I’m not sure if too mild is a good or a bad thing.
I don’t think I’m the best judge of this so I’m not going to rate it.
Sribbles, I always enjoy trying new teas. You never know what might surprise you. Thank you so much, appreciate it even if this was a miss for me.

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Sil 11 years ago

best part about swapping! stepping outside your comfort zone without having to buy stupid amounts of tea from places haha

Dexter 11 years ago

Agreed, I’ve found some awesome teas that I would never have chosen for myself. Even the misses are a good learning experience. I learned that I don’t need to buy yellow teas.

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

Here here!

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286 tasting notes

I ordered this tea a couple of months ago, and forgot that I had it, which is unfortunate, because this would have been long gone if I remembered. Now that I know, I’m sure I’ll get through my package fairly quickly.

In dry leaf form the tea has long green needles which looks and smells like green tea. The tea brews up to the palest of yellows that reminds me of the colour of butter.

The colour of the tea is probably contributing to my impression of the taste which to me is a light creamy vegetable. There is no heavy grassiness in this tea, but rather a cross between a neutral white and veg-like green. The flavour light and complex.

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475 tasting notes

Has a very faint slightly citrus aroma and a taste that is very sweet. Liquid is pretty clear with a slightly yellow green colour.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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661 tasting notes

If someone blindfolded me and served me this tea I would almost swear it’s a bi luo chun. It is very similar to bi luo chun. It’s a bit fruity, nutty sweetness, vegetal. The dry leaves do not look like bi luo chun though. They’re long and straight.

Tealux or Tealyra as they are called now describes this tea as being grown on a tiny island within Dong Ting Lake. I know bi luo chun is grown around in that area with the fruit trees and maybe that’s why there is something very similar. It is a delicious tea. Would definitely order again.

Flavors: Fruity, Nutty, Sweet, Vegetal

Christina / BooksandTea 10 years ago

Ooh, I love Bi Luo Chun. You’ve sold me.

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