«This is my #1 favourite black tea» Dexter3657 wrote on this sample she so generously shared with me.
I won’t let this influence my note, but it’s always nice to know you’re drinking someone’s favourite tea :-)
Oh…it’s a nom-nom-nom tea. Sweet and malty, it’s what I call a comfortable tea. I’m sure it’s the type that does’t require much care in the brewing method and always comes out delish, no matter how bad you’ve treated it. I’m having it in the glass Gongfu pot. I forgot how long my first brew was, and it did not affect the taste. No astringency whatsoever.
It’s a Fujian and it wears that beautiful golden robe.
Yes, it’s fruity and nutty, with hints of baked potatoes. But it also has a saltiness and spiciness to it, almost brothy and savoury.
I like it cause it’s different and brings a different dimension to some other similar teas I have tried.
Thank you so much Dexter3657 for sharing one of your favourite with me :-)
Non tea related content:
It’s bird season, and as you know, I’m a fan, I feed them all over the yard. Since this morning, I have identified 17 different spicies. In a few weeks, I’ll have over 40 different species coming and going in the many feeders I fill with love every week…
I thought I’d mention them cause they are beautiful and really gave me joy today.
As I’m writing this, I’m watching a male Rose Breasted Grosbeak, just stunning!