ZhengHe GongFu Black Tea - Jin Ping Village

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Chocolate, Cocoa, Nuts, Roasted, Earth, Fruity, Bread, Butter, Cinnamon, Creamy, Dill, Green Beans, Raisins, Sweet Potatoes
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by looseTman
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 3 g 9 oz / 256 ml

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28 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Don’t like this harvest. I’ve tried to drink this version in multiple ways and all I get is dirt. I’m channeling my inner “omgsrsly” i think. Not the end of the world, but i have ZERO desire to...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a really nice Fujian tea that had a great mix of bright fruit and sweet cocoa notes. It is very similar in flavour to a tea I love and may not be able to replace, so I am grateful to...” Read full tasting note
  • “first off, i believe i updated the tea info correctly for this excellent blend… it took some digging on tao tea leaf’s site, but if it’s wrong feel free to lecture, lol. the description for this...” Read full tasting note
  • “A lovely sample from Dexter3657. I didn’t read anything about this tea before I steeped it, I just went with the directions included on the sample packet. :) Sil apparently says it tastes like LB,...” Read full tasting note

From Tao Tea Leaf

This is our most popular black tea and is one of Fujian province’s famous black teas. JinPing is the oldest and best village for ZhengHe GongFu black tea. This is also one of the oldest black teas in the world. One of the earliest teas to be exported to foreign countries. This tea is picked in the early spring harvest. A rich brew with tasting notes of sweet potato and nuts.

Region: JinPing Village, ZhengHe, Fujian Province

See also: http://steepster.com/teas/tao-tea-leaf/46992-jin-ping-gong-fu-aka-zhenghe-gongfu-star

Steeping Guide:

Teaware: Glass or ceramic Gaiwan

Amount: 3g /1½ teaspoons

Temperature: 100°c (212°F)

Steeping Time: 1 to 2 minutes for the first two steeps and 3 to 5 minutes for the third and fourth.

*These steeping directions are for a traditional Gong Fu style tea, if you are brewing this tea in a regular cup we recommend steeping for 2 – 3 minutes. This tea can also been steeped 4 times

About Tao Tea Leaf View company

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28 Tasting Notes

15618 tasting notes

Don’t like this harvest. I’ve tried to drink this version in multiple ways and all I get is dirt. I’m channeling my inner “omgsrsly” i think. Not the end of the world, but i have ZERO desire to drink the rest of this. So i’m not going to. A waste of tea but i am really not a fan of this harvest and i refuse to drink things that i don’t enjoy.

Original version of this was a 91 for me; this year is closer to a 54.


I gotta try mine


if you try it and love it, let me know. I’d happily send you the rest of mine so it goes to a good home.


Ok. Thanks dear ;)


Such a great tea…. sad face that you aren’t enjoying that harvest. :(


Agreed. I bought some based on the rave reviews and I’m just not getting that flavor everyone fell in love with.


i think that’s one of my complaints with Tao – would like to see harvests on his teas so that I could be sure i was getting the same year that i enjoy. The nice thing is, i can stop buy the store if i need to, but not everyone has that luxury.


@tealizzy – i’m sorry to hear that. the version that has the rave reviews, was a totally different beast than this version. it was wonderful. this is..dirt.


Do you think we should let him know? If new harvest is not that great why offer it at all :(


he might be out by now… that was 2014 harvest..i’m guessing.

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437 tasting notes

This is a really nice Fujian tea that had a great mix of bright fruit and sweet cocoa notes. It is very similar in flavour to a tea I love and may not be able to replace, so I am grateful to Dexter3657 for this sample as I’ve been curious about it for some time.

Below are my observations. I steeped it 5 times.

This tea brewed into a medium amber brown.

Scent longan, cocoa, honey, malt. Both bright and rich smelling.

1.5 TSP/200 ml/95°C/1 min

Nice balance of bright citrusy longan, honey,with cocoa in the finish. Slight hint of dark bread crust, cherry and spice.
1 min scent similar to above but stronger sweet cocoa note.
Long an, stronger cocoa with honey underrneath

1:30. Longan honey, cocoa in back again but still quite present.
2:10 longan dominant other flavours present underneath. Becomes sweeter as it cools

4 min slightly tart sweet potato with cocoa honey note

Altogether this is really a nice tea that I will purchase in the future. Thanks!


I changed the picture and description of this tea as this is the only King Pin on their website and it is described as a staple at the tea shop.


Beautiful notes in there!


Thanks! I meant jing pin;)


Glad you liked it. This is my favorite black tea, and I share it quite often – I don’t think others love it as much as I do – but it’s nice to read other’s reviews. :))


Sounds very nice!


Love this one!


oooh, longan! I love zhenghes and have enjoyed everything I’ve tried from TTL, so onto the list it goes!


ifjuly did I not send you any of this? I can if you would like to try it. :))


you did, and I’m a total doof! I went to add it to my wishlist and saw it was already in my cupboard! hahaha my bad.


(more shameful “your stash is out of control” symptoms…)


i bought this one after dexter shared it with me..love it as well!

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390 tasting notes

first off, i believe i updated the tea info correctly for this excellent blend… it took some digging on tao tea leaf’s site, but if it’s wrong feel free to lecture, lol.

the description for this tea is bang on… it’s a sweet souchong, for which i am hugely grateful. a number of us have been discussing allergies on here tonight and one of my many is smoke. incense, cigarettes, the oven being cleaned. i think as a result i dislike/can’t tolerate smoke in tea. to my delight this one was just the right mix of sweet and smoke.

thank you so much scribbles for this great little baggie of surprise. i am enjoying it as we speak! lovely with cream and sugar (i do smoke creamed, lol)… i will try it all by it’s lonesome another day. today i crave my standard comforts. it has been another looooong medical day.

scribbles, is tao tea leaf giving you an extra discount or a stipend at all? because i will buy this one in future. xoxo

steep 2: less sweet but no increase in smoke. takes on a marine tone, but not unpleasantly so… like a sweet mild version of seaweed. there is also an echo of puerh in it… again, very gently. just a hint.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Next time I go to Tao, I’ll pick some up for you.


I think you said somewhere that the image uploads don’t work when editing teas? I’ve found that if you update it, save it, and then JUST upload the picture (and upload – don’t link it), it’ll work. I just did it for this one: http://steepster.com/teas/zen-tea/38921-shui-hsien-organic-oolong


thank you cavocorax, i’ll do that next time!

scribbles my dearest, do not spend Your tea budget on Me. you are lovely, but i can buy my own tea, LOL.

there is something winging its way to you by the way =0P


Too much!! :)


hah! too bad! xo

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2291 tasting notes

A lovely sample from Dexter3657.

I didn’t read anything about this tea before I steeped it, I just went with the directions included on the sample packet. :) Sil apparently says it tastes like LB, and I’ll agree. The flavours are not to my taste at all. Not really smoky, more roasty and dark with a tiny bit of smoke. Plain it was better once it cooled, but it was generally much nicer with maple syrup. I guess I’m really not into teas with this flavour profile (yet).

The rest of the sample will go to my brother… maybe he’ll like it better!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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612 tasting notes

This was good but doesn’t give me the immediate pleasure-pang satisfaction it seems to for most. Part of it is that inescapable sweet potato thing so many popular Chinese black teas have that I’m just bored to tears by personally. And I don’t know, for some reason that note always signals a wateriness to my brain even when I don’t think it’s actually there, hard to explain and I don’t know why. It was certainly not bad but all the wonderful notes others are mentioning I don’t get at all, just sweet starch and a little smoke. It seems I can only appreciate/detect longan when it’s waaaay overpoweringly flavored like in Lupicia’s Earl Grey Grand Classic. I’m such a subtaster. I did this gongfu but I think next time I will try it Western style and overleaf a bit.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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790 tasting notes

This is not very smoky which is good because I am not a Lapsang fan. When it cools down the smoke becomes more present. But when hot, this is sweet and thick and hay-ey. Reminds me a bit of the Black Pearl from Mountain Tea Co. Also a bit of Laoshan Black but the main difference is that I don’t like Laoshan Black and I really, really like this.

Thanks so much, Sil!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

woohoo! i found you your very own LB grin

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1040 tasting notes

I often say that this is my favorite black tea. But is it really? This is the first black that really blew me away, but since then I’ve tried lots more great black teas. Is this really the best black that I’ve tried or am I just emotionally attached to it?
I have been drinking it at work for the last couple of days. HHHhhhhmmmm – yep I love it. Awesome, fantastic, perfect. This is everything that I LOVE about black tea. Emotional or not – I’m still calling this my favorite and need to get more of it in my cupboard.


Was waiting for a special occasion to drink my sample, but reading this made me decide that my special occasion will be tomorrow morning :-)


I hope you like it – it is possible that I’m just nuts, but I loved it then, I’ve drank it awhile ago, I still love it now.


This one is pretty darn good…just wish it was a. Little less pricy….but I stock up every sale lol

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (168 because I forgot to add it)

It might be human error but this tastes rather watery. Plus, there is a weird raisin flavor and that’s it. Not sure what happened but if this is how this tea is supposed to taste than it is not for me.


i didn’t love this in 2015, but in 2014/2013 it was fantastic.

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818 tasting notes

So, I’ve had this one twice now. It’s very bread-y with a nice thickness, and there’s a cocoa element as well, but I’m not getting as much sweetness as I would like. I think if it had a nice honey note, that would make it a great tea. As it is, it lingers on the edge of cocoa bitterness. Maybe it’s delicious with some added sugar, but I’m not doing that with my Chinese black teas anymore. The other black tea I have from them, I believe it’s the ying de black tea, has a lot of honey sweetness…hmmm, I see an experiment mixing the two in my future!


less than a minute ago
Have you tried this one? http://steepster.com/teas/titan-chinese-commodity-express/54404-fujian-zhenghe-gongfu.
yyz speaks very highly of it.

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149 tasting notes

Again, Dexter, if you get a chance, let me know if I’m logging this in the wrong spot….

Another sample from Dexter (She’s the BEST! :D ).
Oh, is this good… I mean, “I NEED TO ORDER THIS ASAP!”, good. If I had this in my cupboard at all times, I would be one happy human….
It’s like a mug of dark chocolate…. I don’t ever want this cup to be empty!!
Thanks so much for this, Dexter, because I’ve found a new favourite tea that I hadn’t been aware of. :))))


Yep that it. and more importantly – this is it:
That’s my #1 favorite black tea. I keep trying others, and there are some amazing ones out there – but this is still my favorite… :)


Dexter IS the best! I’ve been enjoying my samples too, but my descriptions are terrible because I can’t really taste anything still. :D


Hmm I keep reading these comments and thinking to myself “Jeee I really need to get to know this Dexter person better” :D :P

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