Ceylon OP Blackwood Øko

Tea type
Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Courtney
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 oz / 300 ml

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From Tante-T

Denne te kommer fra Uva, et område i højlandet, som producerer kraftige, aromatiske teer. De bedste teer bliver høstet fra juli til september. Blackwood teplantagen producerer højkvalitets økologiske Ceylon teer med kobberfarvet bryg og blade med knopper.
Tantens Ceylon Blackwood er en ren sort te, som til forskel fra vores andre Ceylon teer, er storbladet, hvilket gør den lidt mildere end de mere fintskårne teer. Plukket i juli.

Ceylon er det gamle navn for øen Sri Lanka, som er hjemstavn for et væld af te-plantager.

Indeholder: Storbladet sort te*

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2 Tasting Notes

2078 tasting notes

A sipdown! (M: 3 Y: 90)

Another tea from Courtney and I feel sad finishing this tea. As she wrote, it seems to be perfect for morning, breakfast tea. I would even say it’s a bit woody and malty… and if my understanding of Danish is correct, it says (in description), it is from Uva region… so no surprise I like it that much; considering Uva by Basilur… which I like for similar qualities. Maybe this is a bit higher quality… and loose leaf as the other one I tried just bagged.

Very good tea. Now I need to check out Uva region black teas.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 OZ / 300 ML

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1406 tasting notes

I’ve been enjoying this one for breakfast/first cup of the day as the weather cools. It’s crisp, clean, and a great ‘breakfast’ type tea.

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