Yuchi Wild Mountain Black, Lot 336

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Apple Candy, Bread, Caramel, Cinnamon, Honey, Red Wine, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by looseTman
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 8 oz / 238 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is a wonderful, rich black tea. It has a smooth yet robust flavor. Maybe I should have saved it for tomorrow morning, but I was in the mood for this one now, so I brewed it up this evening....” Read full tasting note
  • “OMG this tea is the BOMB!! My first couple of sips I had a sneaking suspicion that there was some unknown and unidentified sugar element hiding down at the bottom of my clean mug and that the...” Read full tasting note
  • “still so annoyed at myself for missing out on getting more of this one. i adore this one..it’s seriously the best harvest of this tea that i’ve had in forever. juicy, taiwanese deliciousness…” Read full tasting note
  • “I think it is only appropriate that my first tea note, ever, be dedicated to the person who introduced me to this highly addictive, relaxing and welcoming world of tea – Courtney. One of the most...” Read full tasting note

From Taiwan Tea Crafts

Not unlike some the mystical tea terroirs of the world like the province of Yunnan known for it’s Pu’er tea or the Assam region of India known for its famous malty black teas, Taiwan also has its own indigenous wild tea plant known as Shancha (mountain tea).

This is possibly the easiest black tea to drink in our selection. It is very distinctive and unique in taste. There’s nothing bold or brash about this tea, we are not in the same range as powerful assams. This is a subtle charming tea, yet extremely satisfying, with a good body and with surprising stamina! The taster will be greeted with a pleasant aroma of baked oats with buttered sweetness and a discreet floral note of wild rose will charm the nose as soon as the leaves are heated by the boiling water. This is where we recognize the Taiwanese signature of this tea in its expressive aromatics. The liqueur is all smoothness with very light refreshing tartness. The taste is all pleasant and round with evocations of pastries and baked sweets with fruit compote notes similar to Japanese white peaches. What surprises the palate is the inviting suppleness of this tea that makes you want to drink cup after cup after cup. If black is not your usual cup, this is the tea that will convert you! This is a must try tea!

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17 Tasting Notes

768 tasting notes

This is a wonderful, rich black tea. It has a smooth yet robust flavor. Maybe I should have saved it for tomorrow morning, but I was in the mood for this one now, so I brewed it up this evening. Really nummy on a cold winter night with sugar cookies. nom nom nom.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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217 tasting notes

OMG this tea is the BOMB!!

My first couple of sips I had a sneaking suspicion that there was some unknown and unidentified sugar element hiding down at the bottom of my clean mug and that the dishwasher was on the fritz… And then I realized… NO ITS THE TEA!!!!

The scent of this tea is insanely intoxicating… it smells like fresh buttery sweetbread or pastry! Taste wise, wow! Talk about delicious! Its malty, naturally sweet and has a slight pastry and stone fruit jam taste… I need more of this RIGHT now!!!!

Maddy Barone

Ooh, I have got to get me some of that!


Hi Maddy! Happy to set up a swap if you’d like to try it first… PM me if your interested :)

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15596 tasting notes

still so annoyed at myself for missing out on getting more of this one. i adore this one..it’s seriously the best harvest of this tea that i’ve had in forever. juicy, taiwanese deliciousness…


I have made out orders with TTC more times than I can count. I need to complete one eventually. :)


To be honest, don’t do it during the sale…wait for the sale to be over then you can do 25g samples with free shipping. Also they have similar flavour profiles so keep that in mind..


Is this one of the ones I had? (I don’t know what I ordered, haha.)


this is the one i picked up a while back

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2 tasting notes

I think it is only appropriate that my first tea note, ever, be dedicated to the person who introduced me to this highly addictive, relaxing and welcoming world of tea – Courtney.

One of the most memorable tea adventures that we’ve shared was when she first made me a cup of Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black. I patiently watched as Courtney picked up the bag of tea from the shelf, peeled open the gold flaps of the bag, shook it and took a big whiff. She looked at me and told me that – after months of trying real teas – that I could finally have a cup of TWMB.

I am not sure if it was the sweetness of the initial first breath that I took as I held the mug close to my mouth for the first sip, or the way she stared me down to make sure that I would lick the mug clean, but I instantaneously knew that this was a very special tea. She informed me that this particular occasion was very significant because this would be the last cup of this tea – one of her favourites! I felt honoured and made sure to savour in every last drop. Needless to say, it was a phenomenally smooth and pleasantly sweet cup of tea that satisfied every expectation that one could have.

While still attempting to recover from the loss of the original TWMB, Courtney stumbled upon this tea, which we ordered immediately and retrieved from the post only hours after its delivery. We made our first cup of this tea tonite and the verdict is in, folks – we love it! It is the reincarnated version of TWMB! I foresee this being a permanent staple tea in our cupboards and on our shelves!

I want to thank you for reading my lengthly first tea note.
I hope your tea was warm and your chair was comfortable.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

YAY! welcome to the boards Alexa! So glad to meet you and look forward to hearing about your adventures with tea :)


Welcome! :) Also, that’s a great tea to start out with. (Casually browses the TTC website…)


hahaha cavo i was totally doing that today too


Yay! This is definitely a tea I need to look into. :)


It’s so easy to spend $25 on samples. I think my first sample order was more like $40 of samples, and now I’ve only got one tea left. /sniff/

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1401 tasting notes

In this moment, this tastes like hot buttered raisin toast.

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652 tasting notes

You know, it’s times like this when I am so SO glad that Steepster exists and that I found it. Without Steepster, and all of you tea lovers posting your awesome reviews encouraging me to try and buy more more more (and also, thanks in general to the internet, for feeding this habit by bringing everything that much closer to me)… I never would have discovered this tea.

Because honestly.

Last night I decided to make a mug of this, I had purchased 5 samples from TTC and recently got them. I am practically on a tea hiatus at this point, i mean i certainly SHOULD be. But I’d had a TTC sample once upon a time and knew that down the road more would be mine, all mine.

So when I cut open my adorably patterned sample bag, I stuck my nose in and inhaled like breathing was going to go out of style and OMG. The scent. INTOXICATING. I don’t even know. So good. I can’t describe.

And then I brewed it up, took my first sip, and it was like happiness exploded all over my tongue. It’s fruity and malty and bready and fresh and bright and SO FLAVOURFUL.

I don’t ever want to live without this tea.

I really need to start drinking down everything I have to reach a point where I only stock my absolute loves. This would be one of them.

I wanted to shout it from the rooftops last night, but there was no one around who would care. There never is, I’m alone in my world of tea love. Except for you guys.

Everyone who hasn’t tried this tea must wishlist it immediately :)
You’re welcome. Trust me.

(PS – I spent like 2 hours just slowly and enjoyably organizing my tea stash yesterday. Of course my online cupboard isn’t really up to date yet, but physically arranging and mentally taking stock of all of my teas (ALL OF THE TEAS) was incredibly calming and satisfying.)


It’s magical right? I have yet to drink a tea that is even close to how awesome this tea is.


I’m thrilled I ordered this one. After your note on the Golden Dragon Tippy, I was inspired to order a bunch of black tea samples from TTC. Yes!


i haven’t had this lot of the yuchi…but it’s a good tea!


Happy I was able to influence someone’s tea buying! hehe

Yeah it’s super magically delicious


Do you pick out any of the rose or licorice notes the website describes? It looked good to me up til that point.


No, none of those tastes are present in that tea. It tastes like a big delicious cinnamon roll to me.


I didn’t notice any rose or licorice at all.
No cinnamon rolls either, but my tastebuds are not that well-honed at this point.


I haven’t had a TTC tea that I was disappointed with. At this point, I’m pretty sure I could just place an order for any 5 samples and they’d all be golden.


aren’t you glad i spread the word :)


YES Sil, I believe you’re the one who sent me a Yuchi Mountain sample at some point, bless your little heart!!


i actually just really love that they give you free shipping if you just get 25$ woth of sample sizes….as i often just want the sample sizes lol


yes!! such a great deal.


I wonder if they’d question just purchasing nothing but sample sizes of this tea… haha


They probably understand it. These teas are not cheap, not cheap at all. We are looking at wholesale prices for some of these teas and at the end of the day we are dealing with very, very high quality teas, processed with great care by very skilled tradespeople. Even wholesale the prices are a little high, but in our opinion, worth it as a treat!


Anyone else a fan of the verdant tea of the. Month sampler? Darling little tea company that gets it fresh from China, the teas come from—CHINA!!

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30 tasting notes

Today my order from Taiwan Tea Crafts arrived, after a long delay. I have been excited to try a Yuchi wild mountain black tea for a very long time and now I can! I cannot say I’m disappointed. From the first smell of the dried leaves to the first sip I’m completely blown away. Those little leaf-hoppers are the unsung hero of the hour!

The initial smell is, I kid you not, cinnamon rolls. This tea smells exactly like walking by the cinnamon roll stand in the mall, only better. I opened the package and immediately told my wife “you must smell this, now!” She didn’t, because she was too busy drinking some other tea and didn’t want to ‘ruin that experience’. News-flash, drinking this tea ruins all subsequent tea drinking experiences.

I weighed out 4 grams and poured 240 ml of boiling water over the leaves and immediately, again, the smell hits me from the tea pot, candy apples, cinnamon, unicorn tears, who knows, it is just glorious. Those 4 minutes cannot go by fast enough!

I pour the tea, I’m busy signing into Steepster to get this review ready, my wife tastes it first, her face lights up, “You need to try this now!” The taste is ineffable. So unbelievably good. There is cinnamon, wine, apple, candy, brown sugar, caramel, no bitterness, no astringency, other flavours that I cannot even put my tongue upon.

I will literally move Taiwanese mountains to find a supply of this tea to sell. Nothing comes close, all other teas should just pack up their leaves and go back to tea-island because this tea, hands down, unequivocally, and I say this without compunction, kicks the absolute fucking crap out of every single other tea that I have drank. I’m at the bottom of my cup now, and it is really, really sad because it had to end, and I knew it had to end when I began. My wife is smelling her empty cup because it smells good, make another infusion god-dammit!

I can honestly say that none of this is hyperbole.

Flavors: Apple Candy, Bread, Caramel, Cinnamon, Honey, Red Wine, Sweet

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 8 OZ / 240 ML

Wow, I think I need to try this.


Yeah, hurry up and start selling it so I can buy it from you. :)


They only harvest this type of tea during a short period in the summer. Supply is limited. We have not been able to locate a supplier who has any yet. We will, like we said in the review move heaven and earth to bring this tea to our customers.

We also have our own selfish reasons. We promise to try our best not to drink our inventory … It’s really that good. They sent us some Taiwanese assam as a sample as well. Actually it wasn’t quite a pure assam. It was a hybrid between an assamica and a wild tea tree. My god was that ever good too, tasted quite similar to a really fabulous ceylon we have a sample of, but it paled in comparison to the wild mountain black tea.


thanks to your review I placed my first order from TTC….this tea was one that made the list, as well as samples of their assams. Looking forward to standing my tastebuds up against your review!


Yes, it is a great tea…we have recently found a supplier, so we may have Wild Mountain black available in the near future. So excited for it!


good….someone’s got to fill the hole that Butiki left behind! (wait…that made it sound like you could become a behind hole…not what i meant.)


Haha, we do plan to attempt to fill some of the hole, as we are huge fans of many of her teas and simply can’t live without some. We’re working on a watermelon white tea currently, with more teas to come! We’ve become slightly obsessed with taiwanese teas, so we will be getting some of those too. We were just throwing around the idea of doing an orange creamsicle type tea today. Any other ideas are welcome :D


Taiwanese teas, yes please!!


Also some sort of nutty maple tea would be very Canadian of you ;)


Canadian indeed…a maple pecan oolong perhaps??? It is already in the works. :D




I’ve just ordered quite a bit of your vanilla tea (cindy in ramona ca) as one of it’s surprising qualities is that it travels well in a stainless travel mug. I’m super picky about teas and am looking forward to what comes next!


Thanks for the order, it should get to you soon! The Not So Vanilla gets really tasty as it cools down too. We’re just comparing some awesome Taiwanese assams today, so we’ll be ordering them soon along with some other teas.

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