Organic Canadian Maple Seduction

Tea type
Black Tea
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by TheTeaGuy
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 378 ml

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34 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Om nom nom. With a tsp of sweetened condensed milk today, to make it more like maple ice cream. Only hot, and in tea form. So not really like ice cream at all. :)” Read full tasting note
  • “I was looking at comments and it seems like I am one of many who was supplied this tea but the very generous OMGsrsly. I was a little hesitant to try this because I find maple is a hard flavor to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Final verdict on this one after several cups of this, is that it’s not the tea for me. The “nutty” factor in it, ruins what i like about it. It was a decent enough time while i had it, but i’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “Without milk I found this to be a somewhat sweet but boring black tea. With milk it becomes a syrupy, creamy cup of goodness that wants to be besties with my pancakes. Of the five big mugs that I...” Read full tasting note

From Steam Tea House

Nilgiri Black Tea, Almond slices, and Maple extract.

1.5 tsp (2-3 grams) per cup (250 ml). Steep 3 mins in 98C water.

Blended by the good folks at

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34 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

Om nom nom.

With a tsp of sweetened condensed milk today, to make it more like maple ice cream. Only hot, and in tea form. So not really like ice cream at all.


Flavors: Maple

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML

Oh OMGsrsly, you always, always have the tastiest editions. This sounds amazing!

Cameron B.

Like those little leaf-shaped soft maple candies! Mmmm…


Soft maple candies? I’ve only seen hard lead-shaped maple candies. What have I been missing out on?! :)


Lead-shaped. Umm. Leaf-shaped, I mean.

Cameron B.

It’s basically maple and sugar, lol. It’s kind of a fudge consistency. Yum yum yum!


OMG. I have some of the hard candies near the bottom of that page. But it looks like they either don’t ship to Canada, or I have to email them to find out about the cost. I really dislike having to email orders in, because even if shipping is $$$ I feel guilty about not ordering after I’ve bothered them.


I couldn’t resist, so I emailed them. If shipping is $$$, I will have to find a Canadian source. :)

Cameron B.

I just googled to find a source, I haven’t tried them from that company specifically. I would say if the shipping is high, try finding another site that sells them. :)


I figured, but they look legit and I don’t think the prices are too high as-is. :)

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6444 tasting notes

I was looking at comments and it seems like I am one of many who was supplied this tea but the very generous OMGsrsly. I was a little hesitant to try this because I find maple is a hard flavor to accomplish as there is a fine line between not enough flavor and cloying. This is slightly to the former side of that line but really right on the edge. I taste mostly the base but the smell of maple goodness is just so strong that I am happy nonetheless. I don’t think I would seek this out but I could definitely sniff this cup all day (that didn’t sound as weird in my head). Thank you OMGsrsly!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Sounds like it would be like Oh Canada from Davids…mmm.


The two are actually really different. This reminded me more of Pancake Breakfast (in smell only though)


Oh, I’ve never had that one! One day I’d love to, though.


You’re welcome! I really like pushing the tea to “cloying” by adding sweetened condensed milk and icing it. Heh.

It’s one they blend themselves, and yes, I send it to everyone!


Love the name of this one :)


That sounds very tasty, OMGsrsly. And Lala, the name is quite fun.

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15588 tasting notes

Final verdict on this one after several cups of this, is that it’s not the tea for me. The “nutty” factor in it, ruins what i like about it. It was a decent enough time while i had it, but i’m over it. :)

Sami Kelsh

The name of this tea is what does it for me. Maple seduction! HOT

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1445 tasting notes

Without milk I found this to be a somewhat sweet but boring black tea. With milk it becomes a syrupy, creamy cup of goodness that wants to be besties with my pancakes. Of the five big mugs that I had over the last few days I never got past the analytical point of deciding it was delicious.

I can’t tell you all if it had nutty notes (I think it had nutty notes), or if its base was interesting or not, but I can say for sure that I drank it very fast and it was a challenge not to have a mug full on hand 24/7. I’ll be revisiting this tea in the fall, on miserable rainy days, and on lazy weekend mornings when I want, but don’t have access to, pancakes.

Thank you, OMGsrsly!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

I love the fall-like teas! There’s something about them that just feels so cozy.


Agreed! I think fall is my favourite season for tea, in regards to flavour and weather/temperature. :)

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2201 tasting notes

People seem to be posting a lot with the new system… I had a lot to read through to get back to where I left off yesterday when Steepster went down for updates. I noticed it stopped updating my iPhone app, but you never know whether updates are going to be more behind the scenes or up front. I have to say the new update looks very familiar to me, as they were clearly trying a lot of it out in the app beta.

Anyway, this tea. I got a sample of this from OMGsrsly in our recent swap, and I pulled it out this morning. I did probably overleaf a bit (a bit more than 3tsp), but that’s fine because it came out awesomely. Sweet, smooth, mapley, yum! The black base had a nice malty undertone as well that served this one well. I haven’t had a maple tea that I really loved before, but this one certainly matches that requirement. I had it this morning while I also had some Vermont maple cream on a bagel, and it was the perfect match. Thanks again OMGsrsly for sharing this one!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

My dashboard exploded, too! I love my timing – coming back today of all days, just poof.

This tea sounds so sexy! ‘Organic Canadian Maple Seduction’ could be a burlesque stage name or something.


I know, right?? It certainly seduced me. :D

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1792 tasting notes

Also wrote this during the Great Steepster Tantrum of earlier this week.

Thank you to OMGsrsly for passing down a generous sample of this! I’m looking for the perfect creamy maple tea.

The scent of the dry leaf is quite delicate, like a burnt sugar maple. There are slivers of almonds throughout the dry leaf so I’m curious as to whether they’re going to change the flavour profile at all.

I actually tried the first cup yesterday without any additives. There’s something about this that is very mellow. Even the base is mellow. Like all the flavours melt into each other and any sharp edges have been dulled. You almost can’t even taste the base? I don’t know. But yet the maple is very mellow too. No almond.

The smell that this tea leaves behind in the cup after it’s all gone is marvelous, like maple cream cookies.

Steepster’s recent freakouts have encouraged me to write a few of these in Word and save them to submit later. Now, I’m about to enjoy the second cup with a little bit of half-and-half.

Second cup with half-and-half is nice. The cream complements the maple and wakes it up a bit. I also steeped this round a little longer and the base has more hold too.

It’s a tasty choice but I just wish there were a tad bit more maple in this. I’m sure this would be perfect with a couple drops of actual maple syrup but alas, I don’t have any right now.


mmm i wonder if this one is coming to meeeeeee

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1118 tasting notes

I’m finishing off the last of the generous sample OMGsrsly sent to me. This is really good today. Lots of maple flavor and a nice base tea that is silky smooth. I added a little sugar to my cup and am happily enjoying every sip.

This tea has made me reconsider my feelings toward maple. I was never a big fan if it, but now I’m thinking I’m going to need some sort of maple goodness at least by fall probably sooner.

Thanks again OMGsrsly!


I love the name of this tea. The tea itself sounds wonderful.


This sounds seriously yummy


It is good!

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761 tasting notes

Backlog…ugh, oversteeped or overleafed and it was bitter and astringent. This tea deserves better. Hopefully next time…

This is from OMGsrsly so if I futz up the rest, I can probably secure more fairly easily.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Steeped tonight with hubby, and it is way way way better(!). I did add a little sugar still (less than normal) and some milk. but I am getting a maple taste now. Yum!! It’s like I have maple syrup running down my throat with each swallow.


(Try it with sweetened condensed milk… :)


I don’t have any, but I will at some point.

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652 tasting notes

I think something must be wrong with my tastebuds, because I was so excited for maple but really got a total lack of flavour from my cup.


I think that’s because coming from New Brunswick I know how delicious real maple is, so I expect a maple tea at the very least should taste like it would with real maple syrup added to it. This was so faint!

I will try again later with the rest of my sample, maybe with the addition of some real syrup :)

Thank you for sending it my way to try, Courtney!


And it has such an appealing name too!


I know, right?!


Oh no! Gasp. I am tempted to send more so you can experiment. I enjoy this one, but I drink it very rarely.

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513 tasting notes

You know how you can have the exact same life you had yesterday, and somehow yesterday you were happy to be you and have your life and your choices and your tentative future, and then today you wonder why the hell you chose what you did, where everything went wrong, and what on earth will become of you and why is there so much misery?

It’s one of those days (the latter, I mean). No good reason-nothing momentous has happened; in fact, the plans for our wedding are coming together nicely, and we’re about to book our honeymoon—but I can’t shake this general sense of hopelessness. I’m also really tired, which never ever helps. Anyway, I’ll be fine, but it is what it is at the moment. Perspective is everything and all that jazz.

Anyway, this sample came to me from VariaTea, who so thoughtfully included it in our swap package that was filled to the brim with things on my wishlist! I brewed it up without reading any reviews, so may have botched it a bit, but still really enjoyed the cup. The maple taste is slightly weaker than the smell might have you believe, but it’s still there, supported by a fairly hefty black base, which I like. I brewed for three minutes and added a small amount of sugar and some cream. I can’t decide if I should add a touch more sugar to draw out the maple next time or if I should brew it for a touch longer, but either way there will be a next time thanks to variatea’s generosity!


I hope that feeling passes quickly. I understand it though.


I hope so too, and thanks. I really need some sleep.


Those days just kinda happen sometimes. I hope the day gets better. (And YAY! for wedding plans coming together nicely. It can be so stressful when they’re not.)


Our best wedding-related decision was to hire a wedding planner, and that has helped immensely. And thanks for hoping this mood’ll pass-I’m sure it will also.

Terri HarpLady

Ms Theresa’s recommendations for moodiness, depression, etc:
1. Eat a banana or 2 just in case it’s a B6 deficiency.
2. If possible, spend a little time in the sun with relaxed deep breathing.
3. Pamper your awesome self in any & as many ways as possible!!
4. Breath deep & savor the moment :)
5. Feel better!


Thank you so much! those are all lovely suggestions.


I’m so sorry to hear you’re feeling down today. It’s normal to feel that way from time to time. Just don’t let it consume you. Try and do something that you know will make you feel better. For me, that’s usually eating chocolate and working out for the endorphin rush and good self-esteem that follows (although I don’t recommend doing those two things together or you’re likely to vomit). Snuggling with my husband usually helps too. Feel better soon!


Feel better. I know the feeling. Just do a couple of things you really enjoy — whether it’s food, books or whatever — to make yourself happy again.


Terri – you forgot number6!! the best one ever…



Hang in there! You have so much going for you! Sometimes life just takes a tole and we need to regroup. Pamper yourself and get some rest… you deserve it!

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