English Breakfast Decaf

Tea type
Black Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

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From Stash Tea

For our decaffeinated teas, we use an advanced, completely natural European process. This process removes 99.5% of the caffeine leaving the tea leaves with all the flavor, color and aroma you expect from Stash premium black teas.

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2 Tasting Notes

652 tasting notes

2 bags for 500 mL water, no milk or sweetener.

Decaf black tea is dicey. I often find it tastes stale or hollow.

Stash decaf English Breakfast is not the best black tea from Stash, and it’s not the most flavourful English Breakfast blend. I blame the decaffing for this, not the tea itself.

BUT … and this is a major saving ‘but’ … when I wake up feeling sick at 2 in the morning and sleep seems as far away as a Darjeeling estate, Stash’s decaf English Breakfast is lovely. I brew it strong, of course, try to steep it past the decaf hollowness; it quickly slides then into a comforting, if astringent, puckery maltiness. I love it. And even if it doesn’t help me get back to sleep, at least it won’t keep me awake.

Boiling 8 min or more

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1473 tasting notes

To try and put a positive spin on the sweltering heat yesterday, I decided to make sun tea with some of the bagged teas I’d set aside for just such a purpose. I’m not rating any of them, as they were a mix of two Stash decaf english breakfast, one bentley’s raspberry, and one bentley’s mango in a 2 L jug. It came out incredibly weak, which is likely my fault, I should have used more bags of this. But it did come out very, very bitter and I had to sugar it heavily to make it drinkable. Blegh. I’m a Lipton’s girl for sun tea, have been ever since I was a baby and my mother never allowed us to sugar our teas, so I was less than impressed with this tea.

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