Infinite Good Feeling

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple Pieces, Currants, Flavouring, Hibiscus, Natural Flavours, Orange Peels, Papaya, Pineapple, Raspberry, Rose Hips, Rose Petals, Strawberry
Berries, Cream, Lemon Zest, Vanilla, Raspberry, Flowers
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Daddyselephant
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 7 min, 0 sec 15 oz / 458 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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20 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oh my God. Oh My God. This is so good. So. Good. At the beginning it’s raspberry with a hint of lemon, but as the sip fades it’s creamy vanilla. It definitely needs sugar to tone down the hibiscus,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Apparently this tea is so good it BROKE STEEPSTER. My wife and I have both been trying to update it since yesterday afternoon. Anyway, this was my bedtime tea last night. I don’t reach for hibiscus...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yum yum. Cold brewed this about 24 hours for my walk this afternoon. I may have made it a bit strong, because the hibiscus came to the forefront a bit much for my liking. Next time I will consider...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (175) When this first touched my lips, I immediately got a delicious dose of vanilla. Next, raspberry seeped in and then…HIBISCUS!! Tart, tart hibiscus. Should have cold brewed this one...” Read full tasting note

From RiverTea

When you think about what makes you feel good, what are the things that pop into your mind? Spending quality time with your loved ones? Your pet’s latest mischief? Your passions? Here’s another thing to add to that list. This Good Feeling blend is a rainbow of fruits: raspberries, strawberries, apple, papaya and pineapple in a mouthwatering cup. When you sip out of this delicious infusion, freshness is the first impression you get. The fruity fragrance is smoothly combined with a lovely touch of vanilla, which crowns the mix with its sweetness and offers a complete, rich treat. Just one sip and you’ll definitely put this blend on your ‘feel good’ list.

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20 Tasting Notes

1473 tasting notes

Oh my God.




This is so good. So. Good. At the beginning it’s raspberry with a hint of lemon, but as the sip fades it’s creamy vanilla. It definitely needs sugar to tone down the hibiscus, but with the sugar this is amazing.

Ooooh, maybe I should add a splash of Vanilla Schnapps…

Edit: Very, very good call on the Vanilla Schnapps. OMG yum


Wow. That sounds really good.
Also, with a name like that… wow… it had better be good.


Oh it is amazing. I am very much in love with it.

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570 tasting notes

Apparently this tea is so good it BROKE STEEPSTER. My wife and I have both been trying to update it since yesterday afternoon.

Anyway, this was my bedtime tea last night. I don’t reach for hibiscus teas often but we got ALL the RiverTeas yesterday so I wanted to try them all. And I don’t usually sweeten my teas, but that was my downfall. It really needed some agave or sugar to cut the tartness of the hibiscus. It was sad that it was so distracting because the rest of the tea was delicious – a big mouthful of strawberries and sunshine. It will make an amazing iced tea in the summer.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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652 tasting notes

Yum yum.

Cold brewed this about 24 hours for my walk this afternoon.

I may have made it a bit strong, because the hibiscus came to the forefront a bit much for my liking. Next time I will consider sweetening it to take away some of the tartness.

Either way I enjoyed it enough to buy some in my RiverTea order, thanks for the sample, Courtney! :)

Roswell Strange

I love this one! So excited to have 50g on the way. If you cold brew at all (sorry, can’t remember) I thought this was epic as a cold brew.


Yep, that’s how I drank it :)

Roswell Strange

(Apparently reading tasting notes at midnight is a bad idea; I totally skipped over the line where you flat out said you cold brewed. My bad.)


Haha, no worries

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (175)

When this first touched my lips, I immediately got a delicious dose of vanilla. Next, raspberry seeped in and then…HIBISCUS!! Tart, tart hibiscus. Should have cold brewed this one because there is potential there for this to be amazing. Alas, hot, the hibby it just too much. Nonetheless, thank you Roswell Strange for sending some my way.


Evil hibby, it ruins everything! I just bought a fruit blend from Harney & Sons that also had so much potential, but then the hibby hit me in the mouth and it was game over.


The only problem is, without hibby, a lot of fruit tisanes are overly sweet and rather monotone.

Roswell Strange

When I eventually buy more of this (it’s gonna happen) I’ll send you some more so you can cold brew it :)


Yay! Thank you!!

Roswell Strange

Actually I’m looking at RiverTea’s site right now and I’m very likely gonna put in an order Saturday (Mulberry White, Infinite Good Feeling, Swedish Cocktail) and am trying to pick samples. One will be Happy Banana – anything else you were curious? I’m not sure what to do for the other two. Leaning towards randoms right now.


You should add Sweet Seduction to your order…just saying :P. And I will go check out the site now and let you know.

Roswell Strange

Ooh, maybe… I love it, but I hardly get around to drinking greens. Maybe I’ll make it one of the samples just so I can have a bit again but not feel like I’m drowning in it?

Roswell Strange

Others I was looking at (but not sold on) were Celebration, Bishop’s Garden, Tuscan Sun, Sun Kiss, and Sweet Meringue…

Roswell Strange

Oh, I like the sound of Magic Summer! Somehow I glazed right over that one. So Happy Banana, Magic Summer, and Sweet Seduction?


Haven’t you had Sweet Seduction?


Ooooh Celebration also sounds delicious. As does all the other ones you listed. I sort of just went to the Fruit blends because RiverTea does tisanes so well but you found so many other tasty treats.


Don’t get Sweet Seduction as a sampler since you had it in the past. You should try something new and there are so many good options.

Roswell Strange

Ok, so Magic Summer, Happy Banana, and Celebration? And then I’ll send you at least a cup worth of each sample (and some Infinite Good Feeling and Swedish Cocktail).


Yay! And when I eventually get around to my RiverTea order, we shall pick three more teas to sample and it will be great.

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16975 tasting notes

Sipdown (183/187)!

…But only a temporary one: it sounds like I’m getting more of it from Courtney. Definitely looking forward to it!

I finished this baby off by cold brewing the last tbsp. and a half in two shots of Raspberry Vodka which sat in the fridge overnight getting all saturated and stuff. I then strained it this morning and now I’m drinking it in the evening with a splash of pineapple juice squeezed into it.

It’s bright, almost neon, purple! How intriguing!

I have to say – it’s not bad this way but it really isn’t anywhere near as good as it was prepared as a straight up, nothing fancy cold brew. When I have more I’ll probably just still to enjoying it that way.

Prepared like this, it’s a little more like the Raspberry Lemonade I was originally expecting, but with a creamy/burny aftertaste. And now that I’ve had my alcohol for the night I’m feeling sleepy so I think I’ll sleep it off and try to get well rested for the long, undoubtedly miserable, shift I have ahead of me tomorrow…

EDIT: Oh hey, I forgot to mention it in any of my tasting notes! Today is/was my friend Geordan’s 19th Birthday! He recently immigrated to Canada from Jamaica and this is his first year in Canada. It was kind of sad, really, that I couldn’t celebrate with him because of work. He recently asked me to make a tea sampler for him because he’s fascinated by my tea obsession: he has no idea what he’s in for…

I’m going to go all out and make the most massive sampler for him as a birthday present! He’ll be overwhelmed by all the tea. You know what’s really fascinating though? He grew up drinking almost solely herbal teas (Peppermint primarily) – but all the tea he drank was made with things grown in his backyard!

I find that a lot more interesting than my going online and just buying what sounds cool. He grew what sounded interesting!


I like your story about your friend! You will have to let us know how he enjoys the teas you give him :)

Sami Kelsh

That’s so exciting! I hope he enjoys all the teas :)


First neon purple is amazing. Second that sounds like an awesome birthday gift!

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1401 tasting notes

They can’t all be winners. This one was far too hibiscus-heavy. I’ll try again with a shorter steeping time, since I went at the mid-steeping point suggested. I may also try it iced.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec

Yuck, hibby. :(

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987 tasting notes

Thanks to De and aisling of tea for giving me a sample of this to try! This is my first taste of what River Tea has to offer.

Okay, so a little bit of background: today, for medical reasons, I had to fast. To prepare for a minor procedure, my doctor said not eat anything after midnight of the night before, and to drink as little as possible. Not wanting to risk anything, I just drank a glass of water in the morning. So I’ve gone most of the day without tea. :-(

Once I got home I decided to make up for this appalling lack by drinking something fruity and caffeine-free. So that’s where this tea comes in.

On first sniff, the dry leaf of this tea is very fruity and floral. I followed the instructions I was given, and ended up with a beautiful teacup of magenta-coloured liquid.

The smell of the wet leaf once it’s done steeping is different from that of the dry leaf, but very true to the taste of the brewed tea itself. There’s a layer of vanilla over everything, lending a hint of creaminess, but below that the strongest taste and smell is of hibiscus and rosehips (I find them very similar in flavour). I can see the lemon peeking out from underneath the hibiscus, but am finding it very difficult to discern the other fruit flavours that are supposed to be present. I sweetened things up with a touch of lemon-infused honey, but still the flowers are the strongest flavour.

Unfortunately, I’m not a big fan of hibiscus teas, so this is really more of a novelty for me than a keeper. However, it was nice to have something to look forward to when I came home earlier today.

Flavors: Flowers, Lemon Zest, Vanilla

Boiling 8 min or more 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

I find that cold brewing hibiscus teas cuts down on the hibiscus taste, and a touch of sugar works better than honey at taming it. Especially lemon honey, because lemon would just bring out more tartness.

Christina / BooksandTea

Yeah, I think this probably would be better cold brewed – gotta wait a few more months for the weather to be worth it. I didn’t know about the difference between white sugar and honey when it comes to hibiscus.


If you have any plain honeybush, adding that could also help soften the tartness.

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1598 tasting notes

Well after dealing with some really terrible food poisoning, I can REALLY go for some “Infinite Good Feeling!”

And this tea really delivers. I was worried about the hibiscus, but I have no problem with it. Each sip is slightly tart, and super sweet, with strong raspberry notes, followed by a lingering creamy vanilla. It’s really delicious. I used my entire sample in my 24 oz mason jug which is great for now, but I wish I’d left some to try iced. I suspect I would drink gallons of this in the summer, and I could share it with the kiddo too!

I’m really happy I gave this sample a try – I wasn’t that sure I’d enjoy it.
(sipdown 186)

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

Oh no! I’m glad you’re over the food poisoning though.


If there’s anything to make you want to rip your stomach out with your bare hands, food poisoning is it!


Also…hell yeah, mason jar!


Now I’ll be thinking about bare handed stomach ripping LOL


LOL. There’s wasn’t much of that. (thx for the visual!) Just me being super pathetic and afraid to move. I think I lay on my bed for 14 hours yesterday? After waking up every hour that night? I don’t wish it on anyone.

This tea though, yes. I would share it if I had more. :D

Sami Kelsh

That is genuinely the best name for a tea. I want to hug it.


I totally agree Sami! I had to buy it for that name alone!

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15596 tasting notes

sooooo another of my samples from RiverTea. Long story short? this would be a fantastic, awesome tea…if there were no flowers in it. Sadly, i’m picking up enough floral notes (even through the tartness of the raspberry) that it lessens my desire for this tea. I really like the fruity base of this, and the creaminess of the vanilla….but i just can’t get past the floral notes in here. Anyone who doesn’t mind floral but loves raspberry cream should really try this though, as i think that would love this!


I love the names of RiverTea’s teas


Me too! I grabbed a sample of this JUST because of the name. (Because it was a sample so why not take a chance because what if it IS Infinite Good Feeling? I’ll just need one cup!)

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