Instant Ginger Honey Crystals

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Ginger, Honey, Sugar Crystals
Ginger, Honey, Spices, Spicy, Sweet
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Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by Arby
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 18 g 9 oz / 273 ml

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From Prince of Peace

Each bag contains concentrated extract from 12 gram of raw ginger which is the base for the appealing aroma and exquisitely smooth taste. Instantly soluble, convenient, and has no artificial additives.

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16 Tasting Notes

761 tasting notes

Feeling sick today, so I opted to have this one finally, to help push away what I know is coming, and I don’t want. It’s DH’s birthday this week, and I would rather not be snotty and sick. :( So hoping this helps my system and aids in clearing up my sinuses some.

I used the whole packet and about 8 oz of water, but ended up diluting it a little more with a few more ounces. It’s still pretty strong and burny, but more tolerable now. I feel like having these crystals on hand is something I would like. Where does one get them when not sent as part of a swap?

This one is from OMGsrsly and I’m grateful she sent it. It’s been waiting for a while for the right time to use. :)

Flavors: Ginger, Honey


:) I got them at T&T, and found more at Superstore. There are lots of varieties, just check the ingredients. I prefer ones with honey and sugar, rather than just sugar.


I find these at Whole Foods. I like to mix half a packet with a cup of black tea. It’s a great drink when I’m feeling under the weather.


No Whole Foods here. What’s T&T? We have a Stupidstore, but it’s in Langford. I’m in James Bay. I wish we had one closer. We don’t go out that way much except for Costco which is the opposite direction, but I’ve been aiming to get there lately.


T&T is an Asian grocery store. You could go to the bigger grocery store in Chinatown, they might have something like this. Check the bags of individually packaged hot drinks, the latest package I got was in with the “cereal” drinks.

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1398 tasting notes

I couldn’t believe the whole package was for 6-8 oz. of water. I used 15oz. and it is strong. Delicious but strong. Thanks OMGsrsly!


I might have used like 1/4 of the package for 8 oz and the honey was too strong. I wanted more ginger!!


The honey was pretty strong but I got a lot of ginger too. It burned the back of my throat. In a good way haha. I used the whole package though, gah. It was intense.


Haha. I got a lot of ginger but I wanted more to drown out the sweetness.


I love this one. So good for camping! :) Glad someone else is now addicted. :D

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1 tasting notes

Mmmmm… This is definitely one to remember if you have a sore throat, stomachache, cold, or on freezing nights. The honey, the ginger, a steaming cup – warms you up instantly! For those not accustomed to the taste of ginger, or don’t like strong ginger drinks, this is not for you. The ginger is incredibly distinct, and can be a little overpowering, but the sweetness of the honey and sugar take the bite off it, turning it into a drink that’s sweet, savory, and spicy.

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1 tasting notes

This is de-freaking-licious and spicy, in a good way!

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