Honey Scented Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Caramel, Honey, Bread, Creamy, Dill, Dried Fruit, Floral, Malt, Oats, Flowers, Spices
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Edit tea info Last updated by Helene
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 9 oz / 266 ml

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From Oollo Tea

The best kept secret of Taiwan. This black tea is celebrated for its unforgettable honey aroma and lusciously velvet caramel liquor.

Varietal: Qingxin Oolong
Mandarin Name: 蜜香紅茶

Grower Name: Fu Family
Location: Pinglin, New Taipei, Taiwan
Elevation: 400m

Amount: 2 tbls / 3g
Water: 250 ml
Temperature: 95~100 C
Brewing Duration: 2-4 min
Repeat Brews: 4 brews
Teaware: Glass and Porcelain
Gongfu Brewing: 150ml water, 1st brew 20", 2nd 40", 3rd 1’, 4th 1’40"
Cold Brewing: 2tbls / 3g in 250ml water then refrigerate for at least 3 hours

About Oollo Tea View company

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16 Tasting Notes

615 tasting notes

I really enjoyed this one. It has the cooling wet-stone feeling that I’m coming to really enjoy in dark oolongs, but also a lot of sweet honey flavor. It starts soft, but opens up on the tongue, then lingers after the sip. Overall, it’s really smooth and quite pleasant.

I don’t know if I’d purchase this particular one myself, but it’s a good example of this type of oolong, and I’d definitely drink it again.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Cooling wet-stone is an interesting description. :)


I don’t really know how else to explain it, haha. It’s the same sensation in my mouth as wet stones have in my palm!


I think it sounds neat haha.

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612 tasting notes

I had this last night. Really enjoyed this one; one of the best Amoda offerings I’ve tried so far along with the Butikis. Makes sense—I’m a huge fan of the honey oolongs-so-dark-they’re-practically-blacks like Honey Orchid and…I forget the other couple I’ve tried, but yeah (one was disappointingly weak IIRC but I don’t remember where it came from). I like how relatively soft but full of sweet honey aroma and flavor they are, a nice break from brisk breakfast blends and the usual malt and sweet potato of many Chinese black teas. If I didn’t already have plenty of Honey Orchid I’d consider looking into purchasing more of this. It’s a nice specimen of a tea type I love.


I’m happy you enjoyed it! I was looking at my Amoda box yesterday and I wasn’t sure how excited I felt about the selection, but this makes me smile a bit more. :D


it’s getting mehhhh reviews, and god knows my tastes don’t seem to often align with most of steepster for some headscrstching reason (maybe i’m a weirdo, ha), so take it all with a grain of salt! but i do like it, yes! and thanks for mentioning amoda and describing it in some detail on the boards a while back—it helped me go through with subscribing when they announced the holiday butikis. (:


Oh good! I’m happy you’re enjoying it!

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6107 tasting notes

Not thrilled by this tea, unfortunately. I was expecting something along the lines of Butiki’s Mi Xian black, but I really wasn’t getting any leafhopper flavour here. IMHO, it wasn’t even a great example of a straight black tea. Just, not much flavour. Very boring. I may have understeeped, at 2 minutes, so I’ll give it another shot later, but for now I’d pass on having it again.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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