Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Not available
Candy, Jam, Rooibos, Strawberry, Vanilla, Caramel, Floral, Sweet, Wood, Artificial, Medicinal
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 325 ml

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39 Tasting Notes View all

  • “MMMMmmmmm! You know what this reminds me of? Strawberry licorice ropes! SPECIFICALLY the good ones that taste like fresh, real strawberries and sugar, NOT waxy ropes or twizzlers or red vines. On...” Read full tasting note
  • “(240 ‘cause apparently i did toss this one in my cupboard) Another sample from Laurent and one of the ones i’ve been most looking forward too. I love me a good strawberry cream tea (thank you...” Read full tasting note
  • “The discription does not lie. Strawberries and cream! This is scrumptious. The strawberry flavor is perfect, just like the real thing, fresh from the farmers markets. Even if Roobious isnt usually...” Read full tasting note
  • “You just can’t mess up a tea that has strawberry in it. This little sample from the nice folks at Nina’s has a bushel of farm-fresh strawberry flavor and is thicker and more velvety on the tongue...” Read full tasting note

From Nina's Paris

Ingredients: Rooibos, strawberry pieces, strawberry and cream flavors

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39 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

This was labeled as Taureau on the sample. My first review was eaten, amazingly not by Steepster this time but my crappy internet connection. Sigh. Short version: To my fellow Steepsterites who weren’t sure they wanted to try this one because it’s rooibos – you really need to reconsider. First sip reminded me of a light cup of wild strawberry. Not tart. Instead it is kind of mildly green. At this point I added sweetener – OH WOW! I don’t care if you normally don’t you need to sweeten this! Totally amazing. The cup explodes with strawberries and cream. I do get a woodsy touch of rooibos in the aftertaste but it blends so well even rooibos haters probably won’t mind. This is a caffeine free tisane I would actually look forward to sipping.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

It is quite good!

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871 tasting notes

Thank you for this free sample (among others) from Sophie and Laurent at Nina’s Paris USA.

Taurus is my zodiac sign so this must be the tea for me then. Even though rooibos is not my favorite, I have found that overall I don’t mind Nina’s Paris’ rooibos blends. They tend to be quite smooth and don’t have too much of a medicinal taste like some rooibos teas have.

The smell of the dry tea is very tart strawberry. The brewed tea smells more sweet, ripe strawberry with a slightly creamy scent. The brewed tea tasted like strawberries and cream! Just like it is supposed to. The strawberry does have a tartness to it, that I found became a bit astringent towards the end of the cup (and after it had cooled quite a bit). The creamy taste blends well with the strawberry. Initially I thought it tasted like strawberry, then a bit later it was kind of like cherry, but then back to strawberry again after a bit more cooling. You can taste the rooibos tea in the background, but it is not too strong, and I think it does a good job of making the tea smooth.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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437 tasting notes

I’ve bee sitting on this sample for a little while because I wanted to be able to do it justice and finally my sense of taste is returning to normal after a summer of weird allergies and minor illnesses. ..

Nina’s Gemini remains one of the best Rooibos Teas I have tasted. One, strawberry often complements and blends well with some of the characteristic flavours of rooibos and two, it’s combination of sweet and tart, with vanilla cream is executed wonderfully. So I was excited to try another strawberry rooibos from Nina’s, thanks again for the sample!

This nice reddish orange tea smells of bright strawberry ( a bit like cooked strawberry mixed with fresh ripe berries ), cream, and a touch of heaviness from the rooibos. However it does not smell woody or medicinal like rooibos sometimes can. It tastes of cream with strawberries mixed with compote and a hint of fresh banana which I think is a result of the rooibos. It’s Very good. The second steep tastes of vanilla scented cream with strawberries with a slight rooibos tang. The aftertaste is of fresh strawberries. I still prefer Gemini over this one, but this is very good.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1184 tasting notes

Somehow, there was a mix-up and my samples got put in the wrong mailbox. So I finally received my samples after some lady down the street had it for like 2 weeks!
Thank you to Laurent and Sophie for these free samples!

This tea is lovely, creamy and fruity, I am getting a slight raspberry tone in here as well as strawberry. The rooibos base is maybe a little bit too heavy.
This is also delicious cold.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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564 tasting notes

This cup came from Jennkay: thank you! I’ve really been wanting to try some Nina’s teas and this will be my first one.

As it brews this smells like…breakfast cereal? Kind of odd but it’s not a bad smell. Maybe that’s what happens when you mix rooibos and berries, because I noted something similar with the Provence Rooibos I got from MissB. The taste is like freeze-dried strawberries, and there’s a creaminess to the mouthfeel and the flavor. I’d be interested to taste the other zodiac blends! I wonder if my favorite would be mine (Cancer)? :)

ETA: This is now a sipdown as I gave the last cup to mom.

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180 tasting notes

Thank you Nina’s Paris (Laurent and Sophie) for this sample. This is the first of the three samples they sent me that I’ve tried. Actually, this is the first Nina’s Paris tea I’ve ever tried and wow! This tea is sooo good. Hot steeped, it’s like sweet and tart strawberry jam with rooibos in the background. Cold steeped the rest of the packet, and this truly makes a great iced tea. This tea is definitely going to be on my buy list!

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113 tasting notes

Once again a sample from Laurent from nina’s tea thanks again!

Opening my small sample ziplock bag i’m greeted by a strong fruity smell, couldn’t place it instantly but seems that it is strawberry!

Straberry’s are one off my favorite fruits ever, i eat kilo’s every week in summertime. So i’m very exited to try a tea that has strawberry flavor!

The rooibos pieces are looking straw like and nicely chopped, not to small not to big. I’m taking the whole sample for brewing.

The color of the brew is the typical rooibos color and smells strongly to strawberry. The smell reminds me a bit off strawberry yogurt. In my first few sips i’m 100% sure this strawberry flavor is very good. Its creamy, not overwhelming in taste… This drink is different then most flavored tea’s. I’m not sure if i would drink it daily, but its nice for every now and then if u want something new!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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726 tasting notes

Lazy day so it’s this tea in my DT cup shaped filter tonight!
Thank you VariaTEA for sending this tea to me! I love rooibos so much, and this definitely had that woodsy smell to it. Don’t really smell the strawberries and cream so much dry, but once I poured the water in, the other non woodsy flavours came out :)
Right now it just tastes like water but SOOOON, I had a slight hint of strawberry so I’m excited for this tea!

Mmmm a very lovely tea. I can definitely taste the strawberries and cream, with a slight hint of wood coming from the rooibos!

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4336 tasting notes

So after ordering some Yummy from Lupicia, which is also a strawberry vanilla rooibos, I remembered I had this one in my cupboard and pulled it out to have tonight.

Does anyone know if it’s even possible to order Nina’s tea online anymore? There used to be a US website I think, and last time I was able to buy almost all of their teas on Amazon. Now the only online shop I can find is for Japan only… :(

Anyway, this is pretty tasty. The rooibos base is quite strong, but I find myself enjoying red rooibos more lately so I don’t mind. It has a pleasant woody taste with a hint of dark caramel. The strawberry is somewhere between fresh and candy, and has a lovely sweet flavor. I’m not sure I really get any vanilla or cream here, maybe a little bit? But honestly I’m okay without it.

Sigh… There are so many teas I never got to try from Nina’s, I hope they aren’t really impossible for me to get now…

ETA – I got a response from Nina’s Paris via Instagram:

“Hi! Thank you for your interest in our products. We are currently working to upgrade our online shop, in the meanwhile you may send your request to export1@ninasparis.com. Have a nice day!”

Flavors: Candy, Caramel, Floral, Strawberry, Sweet, Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I remember getting to go to their office in Miami and trying all their teas. They were so nice and it was such a cool experience. And of course we all then fell in love with Nina’s Japon. I haven’t placed an order with them in a really long time though and it would be quite sad if they were no longer available.

Cameron B.

Apparently they are working on upgrading their online store, I added the response I got from them to the note! :D


I also loved Nina’s, but I ordered from them via Amazon many years ago and haven’t since. I hope we can order from them again one day.


Awesome. Thanks @Cameron B for reaching out!


It used to be available on amazon.


I just checked. There are a few Nina’s Teas available on amazon but I don’t recognize those sellers. Amazon has sent me a few fakes that made me not very trusting of them anymore so I don’t know that I would get it from them.

Cameron B.

I saw that there were a few available in tins, but they weren’t ones I was interested in (aside from Je t’Aime, which I already have) and I didn’t really want to pay for the tins either. :P

The last time I ordered, they had almost all of their teas on Amazon in 50 packages. It’s a shame they don’t now, that was so convenient for me. :(

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371 tasting notes

Thank you, Laurent and Sophie, for a sample!

The aroma for this one is nice as well, a gentle strawberry. But the strawberry doesn’t stand out so much in taste. While the liquor was hot it seemed that the only ingredient was rooibos. I had to let the tea cool down in order for the flavor to take over. I’m a fan of rooibos, but the strawberry could have been stronger.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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