
Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Flavors, Rose Petals
Floral, Champagne, Cinnamon, Rose, Sweet, Apple, Fruity, Malt, Pear, Smoke, Honey, Fruit Tree Flowers, Plum, Green Apple
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 9 oz / 275 ml

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92 Tasting Notes View all

From Nina's Paris

A very delicate tea, flavored with apples & rose, with a touch of strongness with ceylon tea basis. Apple aroma done with apples coming from King’s Kitchen Garden – Versailles.

Ingredients: Black tea, rose petals, flavoring (rose, apple)

Steeping Instructions: 200F for 3 minutes

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92 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

Between Nina’s and Ashmanra I am learning to be in touch with my more sensitive side. A few years ago I would have smelled the cup and said ain’t no way! Now, well, this is really nice. Rose, apples, and black tea. Not in my wildest dreams, but it works and it is good.

To feel a bit more manly while sipping I am trying to teach myself the bass part to Ain’t No Grave by Russ Taff (off Under Their Influence). It leans towards Zeppelin in places. We are thinking about doing a version of this in church. The ladies agreed to do this if we did a Gaither song with them but they want to tone in down a few notches. We have a drummer that plays professionally in a rock band. We have two metal head guitarists, and me (a punker and the least trained of the bunch). I think the odds of it toning down are pretty slim. Except, I am just not hearing it. Best I can tell it revolves around three chords. I am just not hearing the changes. One of the guys who will be playing guitar is normally our bass player. I guess I’ll have to have him give me a crash course so I don’t cause a train wreck at 100 decibels.


Lol! So glad you are enjoying it! Real men drink tea, but keep on thumping that bass. My husband always has looked hot playing bass, and throwing a teacup into that image would only make him more gorgeous! :)


Find the photo of Ozzy and Slash sipping tea together, maybe it will inspire him. Not that I would know, but I am pretty sure your husband has to be hotter than either of them.

Another bass story – when I get tired trying to learn this song for church I have been thumping bass along with Geezer on Black Sabbath’s Mob Rules (don’t over think it). After the CD shut off, I asked my wife in the living room if I was too loud in the Den. My son yells down the stairs, “YES!” Weird, my dad always said the same thing. In fact he shut the power off to my room one day.


Sorry about the Gaither thing…us little ol’ church ladies think Guy Penrod is just flat hunky.


Gmathis it amuses me that I have no idea what a Guy Penrod is. :) The song is a typical 3 chord bouncy Southern Gospel. It does nothing for me personally but then it’s not about me. I’ll have fun no matter what we play.


You need to sit yourself down in front of a Gaither concert, musical preferences notwithstanding. One of the Gaither Vocal Band, shoulder length gray hair and a scrizzly beard and a honey-smooth baritone/tenor that I’m sure has made even Episcopals raise their hands in church ;)


Oh, I’ve saw him in the background on the Russ Taff video. I’ll try to Youtube him. Can’t let those partying Episcopals get one up on me.

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3374 tasting notes

My best friend came over to have tea with me today. I wanted her to try this one because she likes green apple flavors and this one was strongly apple flavored to me. The rose was a more subtle aspect.

We served it with toast because I read something last night that I wanted to try. I saw someone recommend mixing unrefined coconut oil with honey as a toast spread, and a number of people commented that this was their favorite spread for toast. We decided to try it today since tea and toast are so very tea time! I have to say, it was delicious, tasted like cinnamon toast, and would probably also be good with a bit of cinnamon added!

When I opened the tea tin, my friend thought it smelled like strong perfume and she is very sensitive to that sort of thing. I decided to still make it, but cut the steep time to three minutes, and the most amazing thing happened. The green apple tea with a hint of rose became rose tea with a hint of green apple! And it is a lightly peppery rose flavor. I do not know if the steep time is what changed the taste so greatly, or if it was the food pairing that did it, but I do know this was my favorite way so far to steep it! My friend enjoyed it and said she would like to drink it again when she comes over.

GMathis, JacquelineM, and K S, keep an eye on your mailbox because I mailed your samples of this tea today!


I actually make my “cinnamon toast” by mixing 2 parts each coconut oil and honey to one part cinnamon (I love cinnamon though!). I spread that on my bread instead of spreading butter and then sprinkling cinnamon sugar. I prefer it this way because everything is more even, and I also get more cinnamon. :)


Both the spread and the tea sound delightful!


I definitely want to try it with cinnamon!

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464 tasting notes

I used the rest if the sample Ashmanra sent me in a cold-steep and guess what? The vinegary aspect is gone! This is much better! It’s a lovely apple taste, mellow sweet and just the right amount of bite for a green apple. I’m raising the score of it a little because as a cold steep ths is quite n


Cold-steeping is the best! I’ve been able to salvage a bunch of teas that haven’t quite worked for me otherwise.


I am glad you found a way that you enjoy it!


Thanks again, Ashmanra, for the sample! :-)

Greenteafairy- yup! Cold-steeping is great!

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2955 tasting notes

First time to cold steep in the fridge—apple, apple, apple; happy, happy, happy. (Oh, and there’s a little rose in there, too.)


Not weak apple for a change huh!


Love apple teas but there is a surprisingly small number of good ones out there.


Sounds lovely!


Agreed. Get back to work! lol


Smart aleck! Just posted on Facebook that I wonder if Moses was this beat after writing Genesis. Adapted one chapter for kids today, with posters, gameboard, and activities, and I feel like I’ve been dragged through the desert behind a chariot.


Ha ha! My daughter would sympathise with you.
She has 8 kids and has published 2 prayer books for teens. She just finished the dialog for a childrens radio theatre series (her husband has a studio recording set-up). I can’t remember having that energy although I must have had it. She gets up before dawn to pray which is key to it all.
It doesn’t matter that we know the end of the story with the good deeds we do. I know you matter though, and your spirit will shine.


Bonnie, that’s so kind! Thanks. I moan and groan while I’m at the keyboard, but I love getting to do this. I have so much fun teaching my bunch of 10-year-olds, I want it to be catching. Way-y-y too few inspired and enthusiastic volunteer leaders working with kids at church these days. (Climbing down off the soapbox now.)


I for one have loved church from my earliest memories on. Almost nowhere else do the varied ages blend. Time is measured by prayers and Liturgies, births, weddings and funerals. Potlucks and music. Summer camp and rummage sales. Coat and food drives for the poor. Mosquito nets for Africa. Prayers and visits to the sick and dying. Fussy children. I do so love the holiness of Church!


Friend, that is absolutely beautiful.

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6444 tasting notes

I was given both a loose leaf sample and a sachet of this so I decided to use the sachet and try out this tea.

Dry it smells exactly like a fresh, ripe apple. Brewed, the apple smell mellows but it is still very present in the taste. Each sip is a delicious combination of a sweet juicy apple and a beautiful hint of rose florals. The base also comes through but in this blend it ties the flavors together as opposed to drowning them out. A very good blend and I am definitely glad I have more of this to enjoy.

Thank you Sophie and Laurent for the samples of this great tea!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec

Yay! Thanks to Sophie and Laurent for helping to cure your tea boredom.


They definitely did. It is nice to have variety again!

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557 tasting notes

I couldn’t stay away from this one and I had to give it a third steep of about seven to eight long minutes. It is very light in flavor with rose at the beginning and apple in the middle. I like it better if I think of an apple tea with rose instead of a rose tea with apple.

I think I am worrying mom with tea samples though. These samples just came in small packages in an envelope. Mom said that the envelope was almost opened (even though it didn’t look like it had been opened or searched) and she almost didn’t give them to me. For her sake, have other people’s samples came like this too? Or was there more packaging involved? I mean, the tea looks like tea and the individual packages are whole, but she is worrying a bit and her worrying is worrying dad. I don’t really want to worry Mom either. (and yes, I’m overage and a legal adult. My family is just really tight knit and they tend to worry about me some)


Yep, a business sized envelope with three tiny clear sample bags containing almost powder. I don’t know if it is supposed to be that fine or if it got crushed in the mail. The tea was fine even if it looked a little odd.


Thanks! That will probably make my mom feel better. Between her and my friends thinking that all tea in the mail looks like marijuana it isn’t easy convincing them that it is actually safe to consume sometimes (even if they know that it is only tea)


Haha! My hubby says that one day they are not going to believe me about those leaves in the mail! But every time I mail tea in an envelope I go to the post office and have it marked for hand canceling so the leaves don’t get squished. I always tell them up front it is tea leaves. Ice I opened the envelope I received from someone in the parking lot and realized how it must look, so I quickly stuck it in my purse. It was a ton of Moroccan Mint samples from Missy! One sniff and they would have known it wasn’t anything illegal! Don’t worry, I think everything would be fine. They can identify the real thing pretty quickly! It is nice to have someone to care, isn’t it? :)


Depending on how many samples I send, I usually use a manila padded envelope or a small box. I always include a note though :)


It is nice to have someone who cares for my safety. I just wish they were tea nuts too so they would understand! Lol.

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3294 tasting notes

Thanks to Laurent for this sample.
A very apple & rose tasting cup, highly fragrant. It’s not bad, but definitely too perfumed for me.


that’s funny because I remember you liked very much the Dammann rose I sent you and I always thought (no idea why) this tea may be the same kind of rose (I know it has apple in addition too)- I definitively need my mom to share some of this one with me. Would you say we get more rose in this one vs the DF one ?

Terri HarpLady

You know, it’s been so long since I tried the DF ones, I can’t say. The Apple is VERY present in this tea, & a little tart. Of course, flavored teas are not always my preference, & I hope you’ll try this one, because I think you might like it :)


until now my only reserve with Nina’s is the tea base (too weak for my taste). You know I love flavoured teas but really not all I need to have a very present base. e.g I never found a David’s tea I can really consider as a tea… and actually I am drinking more and more straight teas :)

Terri HarpLady

I also want to taste a very full & flavorful bass, really that is the most important part! A little flavor on top can be nice, but only as an enhancement :)

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408 tasting notes

Which tea can be better to sum up my day ? Like Marie-Antoinette, I feel like someone just cut my head ! And this is my boss (my N+1 as we have to say when we want to be taken seriously at work)

The company supposed to absorbe the one I am working for, has now some serious accounting difficulties meaning they probably will give up the activity represented by my company…fantastic…I’ve been told that they may, pershaps, manage to integrate my contract in the new company but not sure and “if I was considering to find another job they won’t hold a grudge towards me”…
My collegue won’t be reconducted and another one will probably be fired.

So even if I am trying not to repeat myself since almost 2 years that I made the worst mistake of my profesionnal life when I resigned from my previous job…I think I really have repeated this to myself 588 times since this afternoon.
But I am thinking too I probably won’t have to have 3 to 4 hours per day of train, subway, bus anymore…and won’t suffer anymore of the lack of ressources to do properly my job as I won’t have a job :)

Marie-Antoinette is a really pleasant tea with apples and roses, 2 flavours I appreciate a lot. I like the little astringency I get on the aftertaste and the strong tea base here.
This is loose leaf I get from my mom.
I really like it even if I am not very good tonight at expressing this.
I’ll do a better note soon.
At the moment I feel like a crazy Marie-Antoinette who somehow decapited herself by making a bad choice at a bad moment 2 years ago.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Wow! I hope things work out for you! And yes, at least you may be able to find a job with a better commute! That’s a good way of looking at things! :-)

Terri HarpLady

I’m glad you got to try this tea! Sorry to hear about the work issues, but a bet there is something even better in store for you! Hang in there, and don’t lose your head! (sorry…I just had to say that…lol)


thank you girls :) need to find something better sure even if this not easy actually


Having been there – it gets better. Stay strong, drink good tea.


thank you KS, yes I thought about you while typing this note, I remember how you were several months ago


a hug, and hope it works out. Have a good cup of tea and hold on.


Hopefully things happen for a reason and you’ll find something much better for you if the worst you anticipate does happen. Hang in there.


I feel a little guilty about clicking ‘Like this’ – not really appropriate – there should be a ‘Sympathise with this’ button. My sympathies, Ysaurella.


thank you all :)

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390 tasting notes

thank you so much to laurent and sophie for this sample…..

the description of this tea is wrong. it is appallingly understated and borders on misleading. strong words, i know. allow me to explain:

apple teas are rarely what they claim to be. they are rarely ‘apple pie with spices’, they are rarely even good bases for tisanes— the apple gets lost, becomes vague…. not sweet, not tangy, not there.

at this point i will segue: french teas are a different breed. the nuance, the layers, the hundreds of years backing the study….. still what could they do with an apple. just because it’s a french apple doesn’t mean it’s going to carry any more punch. while i was excited to have a famously named sample….. as soon as i saw ‘apple’ listed in the ingredients list my heart felt a little less buoyed.

wrong. WRONG. i need a size 22 font……WRONG.

if i’m not mistaken they chose crab apples. plenty. of. punch.

clever, so clever…. rose can be too perfumed, crab apple could be too bitter…. the acid aspect of the apples draws out the fresh petal suggestion of the roses, i get fresh flowers…. not an intense perfume. fruit, flowers…… all made brilliantly because of what seems to be a crab apple.

laurent, sophie, mes compliments tres sinceres.
laurent, sophie, my most sincere compliments.

this is the first and only apple tea i have ever found even remotely tolerable, nevermind outstanding.

i steeped for 3 minutes after a full boil, i think perhaps a slightly lower temperature for perhaps 2.5 minutes next time.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

This is my favourite apple tea so far too!


okay…. definitely squirrel suits, from the top of the eiffel tower and then stop by vendome (nina’s), mariage freres, dammann, fauchon….. you decided it!


This tea reminds me of an old classic French movie…an oppulant one of course. But crab apple? Not for me. The sweet yellow delicious apples that grew outside my window growing up in California tasted like this too!


Sounds good! I need to spend more time in Paris anyways;) I picked up my accent in French in the south of France and all the Quebecois think I’m from Germany. Ironically the French congratulate me for being able to speak proper french.


lol, people always thought i was from beligium. was told to ‘eradicate’ my francophone accent before arriving in paris, and thus i now carry an indiscernible one. =0) call me a mystery man…. well, that’s not what my wife most commonly calls me, but anyway!

@Bonnie… they have captured the scent of crab apple….. not the vicious twang. if you can coax a sample from laurent i absolutely would. the next time i place an order if i’ll probably get some of this blend and i’ll ship some down. it’ll be a couple of months though.


I’ve tasted it. Thought it was splendid. My daughter has a crab apple tree (messy thing).

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1112 tasting notes

I was trying to make some room in my spice cabinet for a newly bought jar of paprika, and saw an envelope in the back of the cupboard. Hmm. What’s this?

I opened it and saw that it was tea from ashmanra! Gasp! I must have been in one of my crazyrush flurries and put it in the general place it was supposed to go and never put it with my actual tea things. Bad, bad JacquelineM.

I sniffed the leaves and they smelled like apples and cloves and almonds and something floral. Ohmygosh. Could there be a more perfect tea for the beginning of autumn?

I’m enjoying my first cup, sans additions, and loving it (I took a raw sugar packet out, but sipped the tea first and decided it needs nothing). I read some tasting notes saying it was strong in flavor, so I steeped it for two minutes — perfect.

I’m tasting just what I smelled — an apple cider flavor, almonds, and a floral-ness — it doesn’t scream rose to me, but floral, and it’s just on the end of the sip. I love it. I must procure some!

What other lovelies should I try from Nina’s? :)

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I am totally addicted to Nina’s Paris. My favourites are eve, Tigre blanc and ma passion. But to be honest I have not tried a Nina’s I didn’t like. I also really like the Assam and even though I am not a huge rooibos fan, Taurus was very good.


Thank you, Lala! I looked them up, and they all sound good!


I recomend Je T’aime, as I know you are a vanilla fan as well. Its a great wooly sweater of a caramel vanilla tea.


Rosehips – that sounds Mmmm!!!!!


Oh, it is!


I adore Grand Amour and Japon. But like Lala said, I haven’t had one I didn’t like yet.


Enthusiastic affirmation of all of the above!

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