Nabo Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 8
The smell of this was soooo strong when I opened the packet lol, and it smelled like black jellybeans with a bit of cinnamon.
It tastes like a licorice jellybean and a Red Hot had a baby ha ha. Very candylike and strong on both the licorice and the cinnamon. I’m not surprised, given it has fennel, star anise, and licorice root, AND it has star anise flavoring. Plus obviously, it also has cinnamon and cinnamon flavor. Happily, the licorice root sweetness doesn’t come through too strongly, it does have some sweetness to it, but it’s more of a candy sweetness and not the mouth-coating licorice root kind.
I definitely don’t taste green tea in this. It’s more like an herbal chai that’s very strong on the anise flavors ha ha. I’m enjoying the cup, as I like black licorice, but it’s not something I would drink regularly.
Flavors: Anise, Candy, Cinnamon, Clove, Licorice, Spices, Star Anise, Sweet