Cozy and Warm

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Adventaggedon Day Twenty Five – 1/3

Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all my Steepster friends celebrating either!

Advent season is finally over, and I already feel a massive surge of relief and relaxation knowing that tomorrow I have no forced routine to maintain with tea drinking, tasting notes, or posting on instagram. It’s like the reverse of adrenaline – in a good way. That doesn’t mean I haven’t loved going through advents this year though, and it was a little bitter sweet sipping through these last cups today…

As far as I can tell, no fandom for this one – just a nice sentiment with a cozy spiced tea to go along with it for this last day. The dry leaf smelled a bit pickle-y to me so I was a little worried, but steeped it tastes fine! Notes of burnt sugar, oranges, clove, and ginger. Definitely a little decadent but equally brisk and bold with enough coziness to feel right for a day that almost feels suspended from the rest of the year.

Would I do this advent again? I think the price was a bit expensive for the serving sizes and there were a lot of teas that I didn’t love, but the joy of seeing the new fandom each day was so fun and I think this advent had the most teas in it that I’d want to repurchase large amounts of – so it was good for discovery. So… maybe.

Gonna have to think on it.

Today’s Advent Photos:

Song Pairing:


A belated Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you! Congrats on making it through Adventageddon unscathed!

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