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Herbal Tea
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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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  • “Still suffering through this cold/upper respiratory thing. Was craving a Jamocha from Arby’s and sweet hubby picked one up for me. Are they caffeinated? I mean, is that real coffee with real...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been drinking this one a lot in the evening. The stress of the end of semester times two (I both work at a University and attend a University!) can get to me, and I have a bit of trouble...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had hid the Mountain Rose samples ashmanra sent me from Tazo (something catnippy in the packets made him extremely curious)…so well that I basically hid them from myself. Stumbled across this one...” Read full tasting note

From Mountain Rose Herbs

This infusion blend is based on an ancient formula said to evoke powerful and colourful dreams. It is especially blended for the dreamer, stimulating vivid and easily recalled dreams. A light, minty yet, rich flavor. Very enjoyable after a rich or large dinner.

Contains: Organic Peppermint, organic Mugwort, organic Damiana leaf, organic Chamomile flower, organic Gotu Kola leaf, organic Rosemary, organic Rose petals and a pinch of organic Stevia.

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3 Tasting Notes

3371 tasting notes

Still suffering through this cold/upper respiratory thing. Was craving a Jamocha from Arby’s and sweet hubby picked one up for me. Are they caffeinated? I mean, is that real coffee with real “keep you awake” power? I could not fall sleep. I got up and made a cup of this and it was very pleasant to drink. It is light and sweet, with minty floral springlike notes. I taste a lot of the herbs I taste in RoT’s Get Some Zzz’s, I think.

What did not happen was I did not get sleepy. Once I fell asleep I woke up every one and a half hours. Maybe from the cough, cold, caffeine, triple whammy. But I did dream about silver teapots, so that’s something!


Sorry to hear you still sick. My kids had flu just before New year. No much fever but they were miserable. And I felt like I run mini hospital. Get well soon

Terri HarpLady

My son Drew (age 25) was the only one here to get sick, running a 104 fever for a few days even. He’s on the mend now. I hope you feel better.


I’m sorry you’re sick, too. I’ve been down with something since Tuesday. Youngest son had it but is better now. BF is coming down with it. Ugh.


Middle daughter had it first, I came down with it Tuesday and youngest was right behind me. I still pretty much have no voice! The dog thinks I am dying (or angry?) and he kisses me everything I try to talk.


Hope you all are better soon. I’m considering spraying every one’s tasting notes with Lysol. ;)


Hope you’re feeling well soon! That’s so sweet that your dog is trying to help you feel better!

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1112 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this one a lot in the evening. The stress of the end of semester times two (I both work at a University and attend a University!) can get to me, and I have a bit of trouble sleeping. Luckily this is very easy to drink — some nights I even have two cups. Lightly minty, and apple-y from the chamomile, and herbaceous in a good way from the mugwort et al. Honey makes it even nicer.

Do I have wild dreams? No! But I do feel very dreamy when I drink it, and slip right into dreamland.

P.S. Now that gmathis received her Lady Grey Green card (I really did paint one after our conversation about Harney’s Canton Green tea) I can show you all a snap of it!


Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I can’t see it! I don’t have a twitter account. :(


This sounds like a really wonderful tea! Best of luck with the end of the semester!


ashmanra – I just put it on flickr so you can see :) http://www.flickr.com/photos/jackiemania/


I’m glad you posted it! (I’ve finally started taking snaps of cards before I send them out … don’t know why I didn’t start that habit sooner.)


You DREW that? Gah! That is amazing! A beautiful card!


has a nice nouveau feel to it


…and your posted photos are gorgeous, too!


Thanks, everyone!

gmathis – I started taking a camera when I accompany my husband (who is an actual great photographer!) on expeditions and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it!

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2955 tasting notes

I had hid the Mountain Rose samples ashmanra sent me from Tazo (something catnippy in the packets made him extremely curious)…so well that I basically hid them from myself. Stumbled across this one this evening and after a screamer of a workday and a stress binge of too much junk, I could use a gentle wind-down.

This is a finely balanced combo: little mint, little floral, little sweetness from the stevia, nothing too bitter in the herbs. We’ll see how it does on the snooze factor, but regardless, I’m not sharing with Tazo. He gets to sleep 12 hours a day as it is.


Mine just aren’t interested in tea. Strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe… yes. Just not when it’s in tea.


Yep, first thing when he came in the room was jump on my lap and stick his nose in my mug :)


My cat is interested in my husband’s scotch. Any time he drinks some she tries to stick her head in the glass. It’s funny and alarming at the same time.

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