8 Tasting Notes

drank Jasmine by Ten Ren
8 tasting notes

Good everyday jasmine— wonderful fruity florals on the nose without too much sweetness in taste.

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I don’t smell buttercream in this as much as I am reminded more of watermelon bubble gum. Not necessarily a bad thing, but there it is.

Otherwise, I find this tea to be a bit kitchy for me. All nose and little else, it’s okay as a novelty but nothing I find much craving for.

thatsforsure 13 years ago

could i tempt you to swap, I love this tea and its gone…

Stacey Dowswell 13 years ago

I’ve been slowly making my way through it on principal— I bought it , therefore I must use it kinda thing. I’m afraid to say I’ve managed to widdle this down quite a bit as a result, so there’s not really enough to contemplate swapping at this point. Sorry!

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drank Honey Bee by DAVIDsTEA
8 tasting notes

The flavour of this tea is nice, and the mate is certainly a welcome resident in this cubicle, but the smell? Not so much. Every time I open my tea drawer I’m hit by this tea’s biley sweetness. It’s high pitched and intrusive. It’s a total turn off.

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I adore this tea. The colour, the way it makes my cubical smell, even the sweetness can brighten up a dull day.

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Quite like this. It has a deep earthiness that somehow still manages to be light. Very nice.

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This is probably my favorite tea for the moment. I adore mint, and find that a sweet afternoon tea is every bit as comforting as my customary 3pm coffee. Being bagged, it’s a “no gear required” tea: perfect for the cubicle cupboard.

5 min, 30 sec

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Crazy sweet, but sometimes that has its place. Dessert tea, definately. It’s too bad that fall has come early to my corner of the world, as this probably would make an excellent iced tea…

4 min, 0 sec

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Wanted desperately to like this… but couldn’t. The smell promised of comfort and substance, but the taste seemed over-bitter and diluted. Perhaps on another day, sans the takeout cup.

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 45 sec

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