Banana & Cream Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
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From Matcha Outlet

We’re not monkeying around with this blend! Our Banana & Cream flavor matcha green tea powder blend is spectacular! You won’t find many banana flavored teas, and we are the first to offer a banana flavored matcha blend. This Banana & Cream Matcha tastes like you just made an old fashioned ice cream shake in an old style blender. You may begin to day dream and think you are sitting at a vintage soda fountain shop! Go ahead, let yourself be whisked away on the dreamy matcha cloud of Banana & Cream! Everyone will love this Matcha blend, both young and old, or at least young at heart.

When we created this blend we wanted to appeal to the young at heart but even more so we wanted to have something so creamy, so sweet and so very yummy that everyone would enjoy making new creations with it. This is surely the flavor to get creative with, make a Banana & Cream matcha shake, use it in cookies, muffins, or scones. Prepare a hot or cold matcha latte and don’t forget to add the whipped cream on top! Drizzle with chocolate syrup, add strawberries, or enjoy it as is, because it is so good just adding water, or milk. Go ahead, go crazy, go bananas, Bananas & Cream Matcha that is!

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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32 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

This matcha was calling to me. The banana flavor really lends itself well to a creamy matcha treat. Yum! Thank you Sil!


:) i’m sure i have another 30 or so teas i can send you…


Haha you can’t beat me by sending me all your teas so my number shoots up and yours drop :P


can too..

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15618 tasting notes

Soooo lazy tealog for me since i’m in swap package mode. This one is off “somewhere” for some “one(s)” to have and try. haha. This one smells like banana medicine upon opening, but as a latte it wasn’t half bad…it cut through the medicinal factor and was more just a banana creamy drink.

I still think about pineapple matcha…. sigh


This will probably be in my next order. It is one I have wanted to try for a while.


uh…yeah maybe don’t do that


I don’t know what I am going to do with you. I am still trying to think of teas to send you to repay you for the first batch of matcha you sent.


At this rate, I will forever be in your debt.


naw, what goes around comes around… sending it to you since roswell strange wanted to try it as well, and i know you two have boxes for one another like terri and i…figured this way she can try it without feeling like she’s getting it from me hahahaha i’m so bad :)


Haha. Between what you are sending me and what she has, she will get a whole little matcha package.

Roswell Strange

Well now I know your devious plan ;P Thank you since (and also VariaTEA for being the go between), you guys are ridiculously kind…

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1330 tasting notes

Holy banana Batman! Actually that could probably be taken the wrong way… Anyway, this is amazing. As soon as you open the bag BAM! Banana and cream. Great flavor as well. Nice matcha finish with a beginning of bananas and cream. I mixed mine with almond milk.


Love this one and love the Batman comment!

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1024 tasting notes

I got super pumped for a mug of this last night for dessert and then as I was microwaving the almond milk (I’m a classy broad) I remembered I was holding off on matcha until my whisk arrives. Oops.


Another great flavoured matcha! Smells and tastes like banana candy. No added sweetness needed thanks to the flavour, bed it’s just a real treat. Perfect for a dessert latte. I’m only two matchas in and it’s already reinforcing that I’m gonna have to make a Red Leaf order in the future.

Thanks so much for these samples VariaTEA — they’re knocking it out of my park.

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45 tasting notes

Another one from GCTTB Round 3 VariaTEA

I used more milk than intended because I just wanted to finish up the last bit of it, so the flavor is not as strong as the camamel popcorn one that I tried before. Nevertheless, still very good. Oh no, I might have to buy myself some flavored matcha soon..


I am glad you are enjoying the matchas :)

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513 tasting notes

Oh Courtney, oh Courtney, what a monster you have created. If I didn’t still have other matcha to try, I’d be on red leaf’s site right now placing an order for this.

I used this matcha as an opportunity to test out the magic bullet (you know, of the food processing variety, just to be clear) Mr. keychange got me for Christmas. What a handy and powerful little machine it is! Anyway, I used about 8 oz of milk, one matcha scoop of matcha, and set to work. When all was done, I had that familiar hesitation: what if I didn’t like it? what if it tasted like grass and everyone loved matcha except me and my underdeveloped palate? I turned to Mr. Keychange, resolver of many things.
“Here,” I encouraged, thrusting the glass towards him, “why don’t you take the first sip?”
“No way! First of all it smells like that nasty banana medicine from when we were kids, and secondly, this is your deal, not mine.”
“Please? Just let me know if it tastes weird.” I begged.
But he wouldn’t budge. So, and not without a wee bit of trepidation, I took my first sip.
Creamy banana milk. No grass to be found anywhere. No vegetation. No vegetables or foliage or underbrush. Just wonderful banana milk. Courtney is off soaking up the son at the moment, but I do wish I knew what the flavouring level of the matcha is, because hooooly shit it’s amazing.


I have been wavering back and forth on getting this one on my next matcha order!!! Now I am definitely intrigued!!


Oh, if you liked the taste of the banana medicine, and if you like banana flavouring at all, I think this one is a must-try. It’s just that delicious. And no grass!


I am glad Courtney shared this with you. It is certainly a matcha I thought you would enjoy so I am happy you got a chance to taste it.


It’s amazing!


I’m going to do the buy 3 get 1 free deal when I get paid again I think and that one might be in the line up!! It seems like we like some of the same teas, so maybe I will get lucky. I went to thier site to look around again after reading your review and they have caramel matcha on sale for $4.99! I ordered some, I couldn’t help myself! Lol! I love the taste of anything tropical, such as coconut, bananas etc so this one is probably going to be in my big order! I’m glad u posted this tasting note :)


Well, I’m really glad it nudged you in the direction of getting some! I’ve never ordered from RLT before, but think I may follow suit and do the buy three get one free deal also! I can’t wait to try more matcha. The caramel sounds wonderful-I think I have a sample of that to try soon too! and mmm coconut!


I like the coconut mixed with coconut milk! I think it would be even better with some of the banana mixed in! I have placed one order so far and it was just one small bag of coconut matcha, and so far I like it, but I can’t wait to try more variety!


That sounds divine. Can’t wait to place my first order also!


We will have to compare notes!! What else are you thinking about getting?


I totally agree! Hmmm, so I still have a sample of french vanilla, french butter cookie, cheesecake, and caramel to try. Aside from those, I’m thinking of: wintergreen (best mint flavor ever!), strawberries and cream, raspberries and cream, ameretto, orange and vanilla (I’m kind of looking for a creamcicle flavor, although I have my reservations), bubble gum, coconut, maybe pineapple, and cotton candy. haha obviously I’m going to narrow it down, but those are possibilities. How about you?

Roswell Strange

@Keychange – I’m mailing your matcha samples to you after payday this Thursday (likely on Friday), before then let me know which ones you have tried from what’s in my cupboard :)


roswell, you are an angel in matcha form…or….something. LOL

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17008 tasting notes

Thanks Sil and VariaTEA! This was an awesome (early) birthday present! Seriously; I opened the birthday package I got today from VariaTEA and this was all I could smell – even through the tin foil! Mmm! Bananas!

It’s, of course, the first one I tried out and the first tea I made for myself today – whisked into cold milk. It tastes exactly like it smells – and that’s banana medicine (the best kind of medicine; I feel for my brother who never got to have it because he’s highly allergic to penicillin) or those marshmallow-y banana candies.

I may have gotten a bit too excited though, heh…

I chugged the whole 12 oz. of it in about two minute and the felt immediately full and bloated. Too much yummy banana! I’ll try to be more patient with future cups.

(Banana Cheesecake, anyone? YES!)

Flavors: Cream




So happy to share :) you wouldn’t let me send you any so I sent it to you sneakily ;)

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1404 tasting notes

In continuation with the cold matcha sitting in the fridge for hours method, this was the next logical option. The banana goodness is there, and the milk makes everything creamier.

Also, I’ve placed a Red Leaf order.


You make me wanna try this SO MUCH. I love banana!


Haha poor J. I always liked the banana-flavoured medicine. Made strep throat FUN haha.

Does it make the milk taste like banana milk?


What did you get?!?! Also, you have been saying you have too much matcha so I have not been sending you any to try. I will keep this in mind for future packages :P.


Mem you should try it! I’m picky about my bananas, in that they have to be pretty much green for me to eat them. But I love banana bread, and banana matcha milk now haha.

Fjellrev it totally does! Banana milk is amazing.

VariaTEA Gasp! I just sent off the last of my matcha to Roswell Strange actually haha. I drink it at the pace of a snail though. But now with my two new methods, and being back to drinking milk, I have a feeling I’ll be drinking more.


I think it’s tough to get down here in Australia—I’m just gonna have to hope I can find some international swappage. Shall investigate!


Ahh Australia! When my order comes in, I’ll happily swap some with you. No guarantees that I won’t also come in the envelope. :P


hahahahah that’s too funny


Woohoo! All welcome ;)


Green bananas are the best! :) But I have some ripe ones. Maybe I’ll make banana bread.


Good call OMGsrsly! Something about ripe bananas doesn’t work well with my stomach so they always get made in banana bread. Or peanut butter banana bread. :)


Oh that’s an even better idea. Hmm.

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