Tiramisu Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Chocolate, Cream, Espresso, Coffee, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 15 sec 6 oz / 177 ml

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From Matcha Outlet

Tiramisu Matcha is a deliciously blended treat that exquisitely combines hints of chocolate, coffee and Matcha. This exotic drink with strongly oriental leanings is delectable in its ability to produce different sensations on the palate. With its chocolate hints of sweetness and distinct coffee appeal complemented by Matcha’s light presence, Tiramisu Matcha is an unforgettable drink. It is an exceptional addition to the refreshment offering for special occasions where people are willing to go out of their palate’s comfort zones to experience rare wonders.

This distinct tasting treat makes a wonderful addition in any kitchen where fine sophisticated drinks can be enjoyed and appreciated anytime of the day or night. Its well rounded and bold flavors make for exquisite entertainment on any adventurous palate. Tiramisu Matcha, is a sweetish treat that changes depending on the desires of its may takers. It can be an excellent acquired taste for any high tea gathering of like-minded adventurous people.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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34 Tasting Notes

7 tasting notes

This was a miss for me, the flavour sounded amazing, Tiramisu is one of my favourite desserts and matcha is amazing, mix the two together it should be even better right? Wrong. The matcha barely tasted of coffee or cheese or anything remotely similar to the dessert, it just tasted bad.

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15816 tasting notes

Another round of tea for another episode of BBAUS; that’ll make three episodes in total, meaning I will be officially caught up! I’m learning so much from Australian Big Brother – one of the coolest things so far being that the contestants are pretty expressly forbidden to talk about nominations/campaign for votes and, based on what I’ve seen so far, there’s no POV. That’s crazy.

I mean, in Canadian and American Big Brother campaigning for votes and talking about nominations and stuff like that is such an integral part of game play. That’s basically how you play the game other than competitions. Some of the best players (thinking Dr. Will as an example) basically got by on just social gameplay and manipulation. Wow. Such a different perspective on things…

Anyway; in addition to a few cups of tea for the episode (they’re long episodes!) I whisked some of this matcha into a vanilla pudding cup. I was thinking I’d totally be cool with this but on my first bite my gag reflex went into over drive and I almost immediately threw up my first bite. It’s not even that it tastes bad – because it doesn’t, but it’s the texture/consistency combined with the fact it’s vomit green. Shudder.

Mind over matter; this tastes good so I should be able to eat it! Coffee, cream, vanilla…

Come on body; these are good things!


Were you able to eat it in the end?


Did you have to close your eyes?

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652 tasting notes

Another tea from Miss B’s stash clear out!

Been wanting to try this for awhile based on all the positive reviews. Decided to make it as a hot latte to go along with my breakfast this morning.

I enjoyed it quite a lot, though there was a flavour in it that reminds me of something I can’t quite put my finger on….this sample was robust and I think I’d actually prefer a level down, so much flavoring made it taste a bit chemical.

I think the thing it reminded me of was an old lip balm I used to have. Not one of the lovely homemade ones I buy now, but like a holiday version of a lipsmacker or something.

However, that aside, still yummy! I’d order it :)

Makes me even more curious about the Belgium Chocolate one because I liked the chocolate flavor in this one.

Merci Miss B, for sending this along!


Where do you get your homemade lipbalms?


I’ve purchased some on etsy but my faves were a local woman who moved out west :(


Creativewanderings.ca :)


Worst. Bleh. Is she near me?


Ummm not sure! She’s in Alberta somewhere looks like


I always think “oh AB, so close”. But I’m used to living in a wee little province haha.


Lipbalm is way easy to make yourself


Courtney yeah, that would take some adjusting!

MzPriss I know, but it’s easier to buy it…I love the ones that lady makes and I like supporting a crafts person!

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1501 tasting notes

Ah, I love tiramisu, even if it’s been a while since I’ve had it. I definitely wanted to try this at a Robust flavor, because I’m finding I prefer all the dessert matchas stronger. This was creamy, eggy, and chocolatey, although I did miss any sort of flaky pastry in the mix.

Iced 0 OZ / 0 ML

Oh me too.. A favorite dessert, & we have a restaurant nearby that does them well. Unfortunately we usually have someone with us & I have to share. I need to try my hand at making it myself sometime! Sounds like this was pretty close… And much better for you!

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1598 tasting notes

Sipdown! (194)

I’m thankful that Sil shared some of this with me, but I think it was too subtle a flavour for me. It just tasted like sorta sweet milk? I guess it was creamy too. I liked it, but wish it had more pow! (And that was distinctive, so I think that means this one isn’t quite right for me). Still, that strikes this off the list and with x-blllion flavours of matcha out there, that’s helpful. :D


weird. this one was like zomg yummy for me hahaha

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1792 tasting notes

I’m having some Tiramisu matcha with Greek yogurt and honey right now. I figured that the tart whipped cream/yogurt note I’m getting from the matcha would blend in with the yogurt, and it does. I also now get more of the chocolate in here. It’s a little artificial but I prefer having the matcha this way than drinking it.

This makes me want to try actual tiramisu again, as I’ve only had it once in my life, a long time ago.


I just got in cranberry matcha today and cranberry milk didn’t sound appealing, so perhaps cranberry yogurt is the way to go. Hmm.


So much matcha today! I would be up all night! ;)


that’s a novel idea…. very nice!


I have had a few matchas in yogurts. It is certainly a tasty way to eat it. My most recent mix was Bananas & Cream Matcha in strawberry greek yogurt. Yum!


Such a crazy matcha day, indeed. :)

Oooh, I’m sure the Bananas and Cream tasted like a healthy banana pudding. My favourite in yogurt so far has been the Pee Bollen, but probably because I’ve been mixing it with frozen berries and it complements everything.

Cranberry would be a good idea too!

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (212)

Thank you Fjellrev (and Sil) for the sample of this tasty matcha. I actually had just under a 1/2 tsp left so I added a touch of French Vanilla since that seemed appropriate (and easier than having to unwrap my Belgium Chocolate). The end result is a really delicious combination of mocha and vanilla creaminess. I think the two combined has actually helped to bring out each individual matcha as this seems to be more aromatic and flavorful than when I had each matcha separately. Interesting…


Oh nice, I should try that!


I am thinking I may combine French Vanilla and Cola as a tea soda.

Sami Kelsh

This sounds magical.

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1439 tasting notes

I made some up in a blender with chocolate almond milk and chia seeds, which was decent. Then I decided warm some of it up and use an electric frother. Even better.

It was still a bit watery, and I added a bit too much cold milk after which didn’t help, but the creamy sweet chocolate mocha vibe is good enough even when not perfectly prepared.

Thanks Sil!

Flavors: Chocolate, Cream


I love this one as a hot latte….


Yes, this was really good warm, which I wasn’t expecting!


How did the frother work?

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612 tasting notes

As always, latted. (Dang, I gotta say matcha makes drinking my daily milk a much more pleasurable proposition! Goes down so easily, yum!) At first dry this had the same chemical bubble gummy sweet smell, but I think that might have just been aroma cross contamination with the fig (they’re both in my freezer chest). Made, the tiramisu comes out, still subtler than the Caramel Popcorn but very pleasant, with a true cheesecake tang and coffee n’ cream smell especially at the end of the sip. Caramel Popcorn continues to reign supreme, but I have my Eggnog sample left to try yet, and hopefully my missing Cheesecake soon enough. All in all, I’m really enjoying these matcha lattes.


You guys are really turning me on to Caramel Popcorn.

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