Peppermint Dreams

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Herbal White Blend
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185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Mad Pots of Tea

Organic White Tea, Organic Peppermint, Candy Canes and Organic Stevia

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195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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Madison Bartholemew 15 years ago

Boy am I late to the party on this one… if the person who blended this tea said “give me 25$ and I’ll blend you something you’ll like” … Would you believe them? Could you even give an answer since you tried teas blended for other people? Their site just seems INSANE… opinion?

Ricky 15 years ago

I guess this is appealing to someone who doesn’t know what they want or if someone is trying to get a tea related gift for a friend. I received this in a secret santa tea swap. I listed my favorite tea as white / silver needles and some how I ended up with two herbals and a chocolate spice tea.

Madison Bartholemew 15 years ago

wow either they were just getting rid of herbals and wasn’t paying attention to what you liked…. or they were really trying to broaden you horizons with a sledge hammer.
Do you think 3oz of this would be worth paying 25 bucks for?

Ricky 15 years ago

Yeah, I don’t think this is exactly Madam Potts fault as I don’t know what my secret santa filled into the form. I receive three tins 2oz tins, but I still don’t think that it’s worth $25. I’m interested to know what other teas they offer though. I mean honestly the tea isn’t horrible, but it’s just herbal so I can’t really say much about their black, green or oolong.

Madison Bartholemew 15 years ago

That’s what makes me nervous about the whole thing… Thanks… It’s good to know I’m not being overly cautious with my tea budget by not wanting to trust someone THAT much.

Ricky 15 years ago

Yeah, if it were me, I wouldn’t splurge $25 on a chance of getting random tea. Actually I did with Lupicia, but I feel that’s different since I’d be receiving a year of free samples on the side and I was able to see a selection of the tea they had to offer.

Madam Potts, the founder of the company, is on Steepster, so I suppose you could inquire some more information regarding the tea they have to offer.

Madam Potts 15 years ago

please understand that the 3 tins you got were NOT PersonaliTEAS that would cost $25. The 3 tins of Holiday blends were my hand at some simpler blends that I sold at some Holiday fairs. They are not indicitive of the PersonaliTEA blends that I produce. Samples of past PersonaliTEA blends are available on my website. The reviews I HAVE gotten for my custom blended teas are highly positive and have never had anyone not like their blend.

Ricky 15 years ago

Ahhhh, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying, much appreciated =]

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