Mad Pots of Tea

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Dear Madame Potts mixed up some of my Personalitea without elderflower or stevia for me to try! So sweet! Thank you, Madame Potts!

I took a little extra effort that I don’t normally venture to do and took a picture of my tea and had youngest help me make it appear on here! LOL! Apparently you can’t do it from a mobile device, or if you can I haven’t figured out how! But it is so pretty, I wanted everyone to see it. If I were having a tea party, I would set this tea out in a pretty dish just Ike this for all the guests to see before steeping it. Pink rose petals, blue cornflowers, white flowers and coriander, all resting on that green base.

The good news is…it worked. I don’t know what was in the other tea that gave me heartburn, but this did not. I am thinking about trying the first one again to see if it happens consistently. I did like the flavor of the other tea, even the stevia. I like ginseng, I like licorice root though I don’t drink much with it because of blood pressure issues, and I liked the flavor of the tea that had stevia in it. Those are all flavors that some folks object to and group together but I like the flavor of all of them. The stevia just didn’t agree with me. And I see why it was in there, it really does add to the blend, but I guess I have to eschew stevia and if I want to sweeten this I will add honey, but I probably won’t sweeten it at all.

Thank you, Madame Potts, for going the extra mile! I may try to get my hands in some elderflower to see for sure if that or the stevia was the culprit!

Tune: Hall of Fame by The Script


so… if it was originally tea potion #9 and this is the revised tea potion… shouldn’t it be tea potion #10? :)


Lol! Good point! But in my hearts of hearts I call this Loooooove Potion No. 9, just like that! You have to draw out the word “love” and make it kind of musical! :)


How much does it cost to get one of these?


Michelle: I am thinking,it,was around $20, probably a shade under.


Just watch out for that cop down on 34th and vine!


Yay so happy she did that for you! She is making my PersonaliTea Blend as well I CAN’T WAIT!


Huzzah! What wonderful customer service with such a happy outcome — good picture too! ::happy dance::

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drank Tea Potion #9 by Mad Pots of Tea
3506 tasting notes

First, I want to say that I love the concept behind Mad Pots of Tea. You fill out a form online about yourself, your likes, your dislikes, how people would describe you, places you would love to be. Based on your answers, a tea is designed just for you.

When I saw Stevia on this, I was unsure whether I wanted to drink it. I don’t sweeten my teas, and I absolutely despise artificial sweeteners. Stevia leaf is natural, though, so I was hoping to like this.

The tea is beautiful to look at. There are so many rose petals, violets, elderflowers, and tiny bits of dried strawberry – very colorful! We each ate a tiny piece of dried strawberry and it was so sweet and good.

The steeped tea smelled mostly of peaches and that was the foremost taste I got as well. My guest agreed. But there was an strong aftertaste to it like licorice root and my tongue burned a bit. My guest said at first that she liked the front of the sip but the aftertaste was bitter like artificial sweetener to her. I asked if it possibly tasted more like licorice, and she said YES! Like the aftertaste of licorice. And now for the second time, this tea has left me with a burning esophagus and stomach, something that happened with the first cup I tried but I didn’t log it because I wanted to be sure the tea was the culprit. And oh, OW! It is! I hope this stops soon!

I think I actually like the TASTE of stevia, because I like the way my throat feels after drinking sore throat teas with licorice root in them, I like ginseng oolong that has a similar flavor, and I kind of liked the aftertaste at first. But then the burning started again and hasn’t stopped.

I didn’t put stevia on the “Don’t” list for my ingredients because a.) It never occurred to me that it might be put in the tea blend, just as I didn’t specify “no black pepper, no codeine, no ampicillin.” Stevia just fell in that category of things I wouldn’t think of saying not to add because I didn’t dream it was an option, and b.) I have never had it so I didn’t know it would do this to me, and c.) I thought I did say that I don’t sweeten my teas, so it wouldn’t have crossed my mind that a sweetener of any kind would go in. I am not trying to be contentious or a smart butt! Just sayin’.

And I don’t know for sure it is the Stevia. There are other ingredients here that I have never had like elderflower. Does anyone have any experience with Stevia leaf and stevia extract? Is it the likely culprit?

The bottom line is that the taste isn’t bad, but the aftereffect is making this undrinkable for me. The great thing is that you can send your tea back if it isn’t to your liking and just pay a $5 shipping charge, although since one is also paying to ship it back, it is hardly worth the trouble to return it, so I am not sure what I will end up doing.

Overall, though, I think this is one of the coolest ideas! And it would be such a great gift for someone who loves tea or who is hard to buy for. A tea blend, inspired by and blended just for you? I love the idea!


Bad tea for burning your throat and tummy! Hope you feel better soon. Do you think it may be an allergy to one of the ingredients? Or is it like lava throat? I get that when I eat certain things. Pepperoni really does me in.


Both times I drank it, my tongue burned right away. After the first time, I emailed and asked what kind of stevia it was and I really hoped that since it was organic stevia leaf maybe something else had triggered the problem. But both times, it has been every much immediate. The burning starts with the aftertaste on my tongue and then it grows and grows. My throat is hot like reflux, and my tummy and chest are burning. I think I am going to eat and drink something to p try to put out the fire because it is really uncomfortable! I guess I must be sensitive to stevia, because I think I have had everything in this except elderflower. I don’t think it is the green base because it doesn’t taste like an astringent one. Really, I hope other people will give this company a chance, because I think you could end up with something really fun and special! It just didn’t work out for me,


Ohhh I have a blend they are making for me – have not heard an update – did you get any updates on yours? Sorry this didn’t turn out well :(


I use the stevia extract to sweeten my tea and have never noticed that problem. My little brother is allergic to almost every thing. And your reaction sounds some what similar to things that happened to him. He described more of a pressure and rawness rather than burning, but this could be just the way you react. Did you notice any swelling? Alex will actually show swelling almost immediately. His problems have gotten worse the more he came in contact with his allergens. Just food for thought. Feel better soon. I’d still give them a chance. It really seems like it might be some thing you specifically are having problems with. I’ve had elder berries and they bother people raw, in larger quantities. I’ve only seen people basically purge if they’ve eaten too many raw berries. Perhaps elderflower is related.


I don’t have allergies other than leaf mold and large amounts of dust. I may have just discovered something I am sensitive to, though. But that is okay, at least it is easy to avoid.


True story. I’ll have to give that place a shot since it does sound fun to get a tea custom made for me. :D


Azzrian: I don’t remember if I got an update or not! I did hear from them when it shipped, and oddly enough I got three shipping notifications from Paypal last night all on this one order, containing this order number, yet I have had the tea since Monday. The email I got when it shipped was actually from the company, not Paypal.


I’m so sorry that you’re having the physical reaction to this — and after so much fun anticipation! :(

Madam Potts

I’m so sorry to hear that this tea did not work out for you. There is not any licorice or anise or anything known for being “burning” or giving a harsh aftertaste, so I can only assume that this is a reaction to either the elderflower (perhaps) or the stevia.

I will rework this tea and send you a small sample to see if it is to your liking.

Thank you for your positive comments about the company. I’ve never had anyone experience a reaction before, but then, being food sensitive myself these days, I can fully understand your predicament.


Oh, thank you, Madame Potts! That is too generous of you! How could you formulate it for a food sensitivity if even I didn’t know I had it? LOL! And I considered trying it one more time just to be certain it is the tea. Stevia and Elderflower are the only two things in it I have never had. I don’t have many sensitivities of any kind so I was surprised. The only food sensitivity I knew of was cinnamic alcohol, an artificial cinnamon flavoring in things like Big Red Gum. I just love the romance and personal nature of your tea, and will certainly be giving it as gifts in the future!

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I recently did something I’ve wanted to do since I joined Steepster – I got my PersonaliTea done!

You answer a variety of questions, and Madam Potts does her magic. Three weeks later your PersonaliTea arrives at your door with a lovely card explaining the tea, where she drew her inspiration from in your questionnaire, and some brewing instructions.

My tea was beautiful! Flower petals and fruit galore! It smelled wonderful and unusual. I was surprised to see Savory as an ingredient! Once I brewed the tea, it made sense, though. It was the ingredient that gave the blend gravitas, and dare I say its unique personality! I was a little freaked out because yes, I love Rose and Violet, fig and spice, (i.e. the pretty and exotic) but I do have a deep core of seriousness running through me, and Madame totally got that! I’m so pleased! The allspice/cinnamon/fig/Darjeeling (I would say a second flush) synergy? Off the charts delicious. Like spiced apple figs soaked in port or maybe brandy. Like something your French grandmother might have a secret recipe for. The rooibos gives it depth but it doesn’t taste roiboos-y. And one more thing – the color! It’s this gorgeous golden not quite amber. I wish I had a glass tea cup for this one! (I think I need to invest in a glass tea cup for this one!)

I am pretty amazed that Madam Potts was able to capture so many nuances of my personality in a tea! It’s definitely one that everyone might not like, a little strange and unexpected, a little old-fashioned and European, a little flowery.

I highly enjoyed my experience, and I look forward to many, many cups of this tea!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

oh my what fun!!


Hmmm….I don’t know that shredded book pages would taste very well steeped and I’m sure that would show up in my T-quiz!

Hesper June

I had not heard of this. Sounds fun!

Daisy Chubb

Wha – so unique and so you!


I had not heard of this either! I will try this once I have money again! :)


sounds interesting….


I love Maddam Potts! Her blends are AMAZING! I did a company profile on her last year and I’m still in love with my blend. If anyone ever wants to swap tea blend samples, PM me! :)


KeenTeaThyme – That’s so neat that she hit your nail on the head, too!


I love the name of this company!


Oh my! That sounds fun and amazing! LOL!


OK, I went for it. I’ll try to remember to come back and report!


Barb – please do! I would love to hear!


That sounds beyond lovely! :)


I did it, Jacqueline! I am so excited….how long does it take for it to come?


Sorry! Just re-read your post and saw it is three weeks!


ashmanra – the anticipation is definitely part of the fun :) Every time I would wonder what in the world my tea would be like, I’d get butterflies!

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drank Toasta Rica by Mad Pots of Tea
4843 tasting notes


Thank you Azzrian for sending me some of her custom tea. This is tasty!

The words of description for this tea – Rainforest, Autumn, Rich spice scents, Costa Rica, Full-Bodied, Meditative Toasty, Aromatic, Fruity, Spicy, Exotic, Intense, Earth Tones – match this cuppa to a TEA!

A really delicious chai-like blend. Spicy … but nicely contrasted with notes of Sarsaparilla. I really like this tea a lot! When I re-order my personal blend (which I need to do soon!) I will have to inquire about getting some of this one too!

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drank I <3 NY by Mad Pots of Tea
6768 tasting notes

Keen herself sent me a bit of this tea that was made for her by Mad Pots of Tea. I’m unsure of all the ingredients that were included but did quickly add it to the database.

It tastes mostly herbally…I can certainly taste and smell the chamomile. I can also taste citrusy flavors that are probably my favorite part of this blend! It’s smooth, slightly juicy, and quite delightful!

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drank Toasta Rica by Mad Pots of Tea
807 tasting notes

My blend was inspired from my love for Costa Rica, Earthy notes, intense in your face flavors, and my clustered personality, as well as my love for heavy fruity flavors.
Madame Potts could not have done a better job with my confusing questionnaire I provided her!
My love for tea was founded on Chai, which I have honestly not found a chai I can fall in love with until now!
In addition I love fruity teas and she found just the right amount of fruit flavors to add so that it was not over shadowed by the intense chai flavors!
I recently went to the renaissance fair as I do every year. Some years I am a season ticket holder haha. This tea really hits the nail on the head for all things renaissance which I am IN LOVE with the renaissance!
See the full review on the 19th at 6pm EST on


ah I love ren fairs!! so much fun.


:) I know I want to move there haha.
I am sending you some of this in your box!

Terri HarpLady

What a great name for a tea! It sounds delicious, of course, I love Chai. I miss the KC Ren Fair, it’s been so long…


Oh yay I’m glad the blend worked out!


I’ve been wanting to order my own Madame Potts blend, I think its such a cool idea.
I used to love going to the Ren Fest too. the turkey legs yum


Thanks everyone!!! :)
Oh yes the Ren fest was wonderful as always! All we did this time around was eat lol
Did a little shopping but not much.
The atmosphere is what I love :)
And the smells!
Which is part of the atmosphere of course.
CupofTree you really should do this with Madame Potts!

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I’ve been MIA again because of work and a mild (probably stress-related) puniness so I am somewhat behind in tasting and in tasting notes.

Madam Potts has scored again! This is really uncanny. For those who don’t know about, [CORRECTED! So sorry!] if you go there and choose Personalitea, you can fill out a questionnaire that Madame will then consult and anaylze to blend a tea specifically for you.

I felt like my questionnaire responses were all over the place, but in the note I got back with my tea Madame said that she had focused on a favorite scent family (chypre) because it was one she hadn’t worked with extensively, and on my fondness for Santa Fe.

When I read the ingredients (see above) I thought, hmmm. They didn’t exactly proclaim “Santa Fe” to me. Then I prepared my first cup, and guess what? Santa Fe.

The chypre must be coming from the lavender and cornflower. I’m getting a little coolness that must be from the valerian and clover. The pecans may be the source of the slight smokiness. And then there’s the orange peel, carob, cinnamon, and ginger, none of which stand out sharply, but all of which seem to blend into something subtle and exotic like a mole sauce — the classic Mexican sauce based on unsweetened chocolate and cinnamon and chiles.

I’ve had two cups so far. Both times I boiled the water, steeped 5 minutes, and let it cool to almost-tepid before drinking most of it. (I wanted to try the second cup hot, but my boss came up to chat with me.) Using an Earl Grey as the base ties the flavors together in a way I would never have guessed it could.

This is mysterious and seriously addictive for me, and I’m planning to order more.

I wish I could show you a picture of it. I have resisted moving into the smart phone era and do not have a digital camera. The bright blue of the cornflower petals and the pale lavender buds really stand out against the black tea leaves. And then you see the little chunks of orange peel and pecans and carob.

You should try the questionnaire. I am amazed by and very happy with my blend.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

I have never even heard of chypre, and neither has autocorrect obviously! To google I go! Isn’t Madame Potts the coolest?


Clinique’s Aromatics, pure patchouli, and Cabochard by Gres perfumes are the scents I use for examples when people ask me what it is. I like bergamot and sandalwood too. But all of the above are a little strong for daily use so I mostly wear lavender cologne if I use it at all. How Madame Potts got from what I told her to this tea just boggles me. It’s perfect.


I can’t believe I put in the URL incorrectly. Fixed it!


My hubby isn’t too find of lavender, though I like it well enough. He does like sandalwood and patchouli, ylang ylang, myrrh, and gardenia. I don’t wear much scent, so I try to buy scented candles, wax tarts like Scentsy, or oils. I looked at the wiki article on chypre to learn more about it. I don’t think I had ever heard that term! We learn new things on this site all the time! :)

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The Purrfect Cup sent me some of this (THANKS!) and it was blended by Mad Pots of Tea for her business Collar City Teas! It has Assam, Lemon Verbena, Cinnamon, and Almonds in it.

The Assam makes a lovely base here. It’s slightly malty but full and even.

The Lemon Verbena is the 2nd flavor I’m tasting but paired with the Cinnamon it creates a flavor of it’s own! It’s really interesting! It’s herbal, but lemon, but cinnamon, but it tastes like ONE ingredient instead of two. The nuttiness of the almonds also contributes to the overall flavor.

This is something special! I’m loving the Assam Base and the three flavors are ideal with whatever ratio Mad Pots of Tea used! I wouldn’t change a thing! FAB!

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I wasn’t sure what I would get when I filled in my PersonaliTEA profile, but I am incredibly happy with the results, this tea is delicious, caffeine free and I have been happily drinking it day & night. I really love floral, fruit and spicy flavors and this tea manages to have all of them at once. It’s so cleverly blended, the holy basil and chamomile come to the fore, but only just, the rose blends beautifully with the apple and apricot, there’s a citrus undertone and everything works so well with the spicy back end of the ginger and black pepper. I just love it!

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Fleur de Grey by Mad Pots of Tea
788 tasting notes

with a bit of milk, 195F, 3 min, 2 tsp, 500ml -floral mostly

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Fleur de Grey by Mad Pots of Tea
788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 2 tsp
Water: 500ml 212°F
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL
Steep Time: 3 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: lavender, bergamot
Steeped Tea Smell: lavender, bergamot, floral
Flavor: floral, bergamot, black tea
Body: Full
Aftertaste: bergamot
Liquor: translucent light brown, amber

Too much lavender for me, but i like how the chrysanthemum plays into the earl grey.


Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Indigo Dreams by Mad Pots of Tea
4843 tasting notes

A really lovely way to relax after a long day. Here is my full-length review:

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drank Indigo Dreams by Mad Pots of Tea
4843 tasting notes

Absolutely lovely!

The jasmine and lavender are the strongest components in this blend, but they don’t really compete… rather, they seem to work together harmoniously to create one of the most beautiful flavors that ever graced a teacup!

The green tea tastes lightly sweet with very little (meaning, barely any at all) vegetative flavor. Just smooth, sweet deliciousness.

I don’t like this one better than my own blend by Madam Potts – because, well, that one was for me – but, this one comes in pretty close. I do love this!

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drank Indigo Dreams by Mad Pots of Tea
196 tasting notes

Hot, this is a wonderful tea which has 2 of my favorite flavors – Lavender and Jasmine, which somehow take turns being in the forefront of taste. A delicate tea, but well flavored. Cold, it is equally a star, with the lavender having first place and the jasmine sweetening it. All around good stuff

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Tried iced; it was juicy and then warmed by the cardamom and cinnamon
not a cool you down iced tea but a very interesting iced tea


hmmm the word “interesting” in this tasting note scares me! LOL


it’s not a cool refreshing drink like you expect iced tea to be, it’s more warm and spicy and juicy…

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Steep Information:
Amount: 4 tsp
Water: 750ml 212°
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL (Black, custom)
Steep Time: a little over 4 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: a root beer tropical floral explosion! I can’t put my finger on the smells, but I enjoy sniffing it
Steeped Tea Smell: warm, spicy, fruity
Flavor: warm, spicy, fruity, smooth
Body: Full
Aftertaste: cirtusy sweet and cinnamon
Liquor: Dark opaque orange-brown

I saw LiberTEAS talking about ordering a PersonaliTEA, so I ordered one too.

It arrived in a box decorated with cute teacup stamps. Inside the box was red tissuepaper wrapping up a bag of tea and a card. The card talked about creating my blend, and what the inspiration from my survey was. Everything was done up very adorably, I love when packages seem wrapped in care.

I wonder if the coloring was done just for me, or if they’re all red.

I think this would do well prepared as a latte.

It has less of the WAKE UP than I was hoping for and the name implied, this is more like a brunch cup of delicious warm and comforting.


Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Oooh! I’m going to have to try Mad Pots of Tea too someday in the near future — that personalized note was too cute :)


So cool!!!I really want to do this too!


Oh you really should! It’s exciting


It’s on my “to do list” for sure!!


My package was in purple… so she customizes the entire experience! :)


Thanks LiberTEAS I was wondering, that’s awesome!


Yes I agree. I’m glad that you decided to order from her. I like the whole “customized” just for me experience of it. It was so refreshing and lovely.

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My 2nd cuppa the day! It was nice. More floral than I remember but still lovely. YUM.

SIPDOWN #1 for today!

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Floral yet sweet today. I’m almost out of this…

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I was admiring LiberTEAs Tea that was made just for her – she was AWESOME as usual – and sent me some to try!

This is so neat to look at – it’s so colorful! A Lot of thought went into this custom blend for Anne!!!

There is going to be a lot to say about it too!!

Smell: Floral, Earthy, I can also pick up on a “seed” type sent…sunflower or pumpkin-esque. A tad citrus even. I can pick out the Rootbeer scent that LiberTEAs mentioned in her review, too!

It’s a texture-y brown in color. Post infusion all smells still apply and now I can sniff a little bit of the carob, too.

It’s surprisingly sweet on the tongue. The Sarsaparilla really gives it that Umph. The Black and Oolong play together nice and all the additional ingredients seem to be best of friends. Everything in this works out really well with eachother! The first sip is a tad peppery but then turns sweeter. The end of the sip into the after taste is more of the Rootbeer feel.

This blend is really neat. I’m so glad I to try it. A lot went into it – ingredients AND thought. What a lovely tea experience!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I must say – this is pretty good COLD too!!!!

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drank Fleur de Grey by Mad Pots of Tea
4843 tasting notes

This is really nice. I love the lavender in this cup, it not only offers such a pleasing scent but the flavor of the lavender is strong as it intermingles with the bergamot. I like the combination of flavors here very much.

I just wrote a review about this one for the Tea Review Blog – it should publish soon!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Fleur de Grey by Mad Pots of Tea
4843 tasting notes

I purchased this as a sample at the same time that I submitted my personaliTEA profile for my own customized blend by Mad Pots of Tea. This is a blend that was created for Steph, who is the Tea Guru of The Tea Review Blog.

I really like the combination of Earl Grey and licorice root. Very unique and unexpected kind of taste. The lavender is also prominent in the blend (a big plus in my opinion). One down side for me is the addition of stevia to this blend. I am not a big fan of stevia, and I personally think that this blend would be so much better without it.

But, then, this blend wasn’t created for me. I do like it, but I so prefer my custom blend from Mad Pots of Tea!!!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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