Tea Potion #9

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Green Tea
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  • “First, I want to say that I love the concept behind Mad Pots of Tea. You fill out a form online about yourself, your likes, your dislikes, how people would describe you, places you would love to...” Read full tasting note

From Mad Pots of Tea

Huang Mountain Green Tea, Peach Green Tea, Roses, Coriander, Violets, Elderflower, Jasmine Flowers, Lemon Verbena, Stevia, and Org. Strawberries.

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1 Tasting Note

3495 tasting notes

First, I want to say that I love the concept behind Mad Pots of Tea. You fill out a form online about yourself, your likes, your dislikes, how people would describe you, places you would love to be. Based on your answers, a tea is designed just for you.

When I saw Stevia on this, I was unsure whether I wanted to drink it. I don’t sweeten my teas, and I absolutely despise artificial sweeteners. Stevia leaf is natural, though, so I was hoping to like this.

The tea is beautiful to look at. There are so many rose petals, violets, elderflowers, and tiny bits of dried strawberry – very colorful! We each ate a tiny piece of dried strawberry and it was so sweet and good.

The steeped tea smelled mostly of peaches and that was the foremost taste I got as well. My guest agreed. But there was an strong aftertaste to it like licorice root and my tongue burned a bit. My guest said at first that she liked the front of the sip but the aftertaste was bitter like artificial sweetener to her. I asked if it possibly tasted more like licorice, and she said YES! Like the aftertaste of licorice. And now for the second time, this tea has left me with a burning esophagus and stomach, something that happened with the first cup I tried but I didn’t log it because I wanted to be sure the tea was the culprit. And oh, OW! It is! I hope this stops soon!

I think I actually like the TASTE of stevia, because I like the way my throat feels after drinking sore throat teas with licorice root in them, I like ginseng oolong that has a similar flavor, and I kind of liked the aftertaste at first. But then the burning started again and hasn’t stopped.

I didn’t put stevia on the “Don’t” list for my ingredients because a.) It never occurred to me that it might be put in the tea blend, just as I didn’t specify “no black pepper, no codeine, no ampicillin.” Stevia just fell in that category of things I wouldn’t think of saying not to add because I didn’t dream it was an option, and b.) I have never had it so I didn’t know it would do this to me, and c.) I thought I did say that I don’t sweeten my teas, so it wouldn’t have crossed my mind that a sweetener of any kind would go in. I am not trying to be contentious or a smart butt! Just sayin’.

And I don’t know for sure it is the Stevia. There are other ingredients here that I have never had like elderflower. Does anyone have any experience with Stevia leaf and stevia extract? Is it the likely culprit?

The bottom line is that the taste isn’t bad, but the aftereffect is making this undrinkable for me. The great thing is that you can send your tea back if it isn’t to your liking and just pay a $5 shipping charge, although since one is also paying to ship it back, it is hardly worth the trouble to return it, so I am not sure what I will end up doing.

Overall, though, I think this is one of the coolest ideas! And it would be such a great gift for someone who loves tea or who is hard to buy for. A tea blend, inspired by and blended just for you? I love the idea!


Bad tea for burning your throat and tummy! Hope you feel better soon. Do you think it may be an allergy to one of the ingredients? Or is it like lava throat? I get that when I eat certain things. Pepperoni really does me in.


Both times I drank it, my tongue burned right away. After the first time, I emailed and asked what kind of stevia it was and I really hoped that since it was organic stevia leaf maybe something else had triggered the problem. But both times, it has been every much immediate. The burning starts with the aftertaste on my tongue and then it grows and grows. My throat is hot like reflux, and my tummy and chest are burning. I think I am going to eat and drink something to p try to put out the fire because it is really uncomfortable! I guess I must be sensitive to stevia, because I think I have had everything in this except elderflower. I don’t think it is the green base because it doesn’t taste like an astringent one. Really, I hope other people will give this company a chance, because I think you could end up with something really fun and special! It just didn’t work out for me,


Ohhh I have a blend they are making for me – have not heard an update – did you get any updates on yours? Sorry this didn’t turn out well :(


I use the stevia extract to sweeten my tea and have never noticed that problem. My little brother is allergic to almost every thing. And your reaction sounds some what similar to things that happened to him. He described more of a pressure and rawness rather than burning, but this could be just the way you react. Did you notice any swelling? Alex will actually show swelling almost immediately. His problems have gotten worse the more he came in contact with his allergens. Just food for thought. Feel better soon. I’d still give them a chance. It really seems like it might be some thing you specifically are having problems with. I’ve had elder berries and they bother people raw, in larger quantities. I’ve only seen people basically purge if they’ve eaten too many raw berries. Perhaps elderflower is related.


I don’t have allergies other than leaf mold and large amounts of dust. I may have just discovered something I am sensitive to, though. But that is okay, at least it is easy to avoid.


True story. I’ll have to give that place a shot since it does sound fun to get a tea custom made for me. :D


Azzrian: I don’t remember if I got an update or not! I did hear from them when it shipped, and oddly enough I got three shipping notifications from Paypal last night all on this one order, containing this order number, yet I have had the tea since Monday. The email I got when it shipped was actually from the company, not Paypal.


I’m so sorry that you’re having the physical reaction to this — and after so much fun anticipation! :(

Madam Potts

I’m so sorry to hear that this tea did not work out for you. There is not any licorice or anise or anything known for being “burning” or giving a harsh aftertaste, so I can only assume that this is a reaction to either the elderflower (perhaps) or the stevia.

I will rework this tea and send you a small sample to see if it is to your liking.

Thank you for your positive comments about the company. I’ve never had anyone experience a reaction before, but then, being food sensitive myself these days, I can fully understand your predicament.


Oh, thank you, Madame Potts! That is too generous of you! How could you formulate it for a food sensitivity if even I didn’t know I had it? LOL! And I considered trying it one more time just to be certain it is the tea. Stevia and Elderflower are the only two things in it I have never had. I don’t have many sensitivities of any kind so I was surprised. The only food sensitivity I knew of was cinnamic alcohol, an artificial cinnamon flavoring in things like Big Red Gum. I just love the romance and personal nature of your tea, and will certainly be giving it as gifts in the future!

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