Thé au Chocolat

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Vanilla, Caramelized Sugar, Milk Chocolate, Chocolate, Cocoa, Dark Bittersweet, Malt, Raisins, Wood, Tannic
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 363 ml

Currently unavailable

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52 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The dry leaf smells like cocoa powder and a little dark chocolate. The tea smells pretty much the same but with an added dimension – which I’m pretty sure is the tea but it isn’t strong enough to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Short and sweet – this smells like cocoa, indeed! This is one of the DARKEST Teas I have ever seen once infused! It certainly has character! It’s NOT a dark chocolate taste or a bitter black tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Mixed this with a bit of LeafSpa’s Irish Breakfast today (so sad they’re gone); it was a good blending choice, since the IB already has hints of chocolate and vanilla on it’s own. Very rich and...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got a bit of this tea from Auggy recently and it is filled with nom. It’s not terribly complex, but it winningly combined two loves of mine – chocolate and caramel. I think that the caramel might...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

THE AU CHOCOLAT is a black tea blend inspired by bitter chocolate. The tea contains cacao nibs and cocoa powder – a delicious combination which will satisfy any chocolate lover. Brew it straight for a mature taste. It is also very delicious with milk or a bit of liqueur. Recommended for anyone who appreciates a genuine chocolate flavor.

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52 Tasting Notes

911 tasting notes

The dry leaf smells like cocoa powder and a little dark chocolate. The tea smells pretty much the same but with an added dimension – which I’m pretty sure is the tea but it isn’t strong enough to pick up on smell alone.

The taste is milder than the smell (not hard as the smell is pretty powerful), but it is definitely dark chocolate. I can pick the tea out a bit while it cools but there isn’t a whole lot of nuanced flavor. It’s just dark chocolate and tea. But it isn’t thick, fake or overpowering so I’m really enjoying this cup. It’s almost like having sipping chocolate but without that feeling that I might go into a sugar coma afterward.

It is smooth with zero bitterness and I’m a bit curious to see how it would be with sugar and milk, though it needs neither. This is is easily the best chocolate tea I’ve had.


205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Auggy, this tea sounds so good right now….I’m going to have to dig around and see if I have anything chocolatey hiding in my tea chest.

Cofftea, what kind of creamer do you use? I’ve been looking for one that doesn’t have partially hydrogenated coconut oil, and haven’t found one yet. (In case you aren’t familiar, partially hydrogenated oil is really really nasty, harmful stuff, and the worst form of trans fat (compared to other oils)…the current RDA is literally 0g—you’re supposed to avoid it at all costs. Pretty easy since it’s not in a lot of food, but it is found in most creamers, from what I’ve seen so far.) Anyway, if you have any recs, let me know :)


This sounds curious to me. I’ve tried a tea in the past that was flavored as chocolate mint and it was aweful. I have really enjoyed natural teas that have chocolate notes but I’m assuming this is flavored artificially? or do they add chunks of chocolate. Now I’m a big dark chocolate fan but not necessarily in tea. So that’s why I’m curious on this one, but restrained due to the previous bad experiences.


It is flavored with cocoa powder and cocoa nib. If you are a dark chocolate fan and okay with chocolate in tea, I’d recommend this. Very good, natural, realistic flavor.


Have you tried other chocolate flavored teas? How does this one stack up?


Another tea to add to the shopping list!!


I’ve probably had 5 or 6 chocolate (or chocolate + other flavored) teas from 3 or 4 vendors… This one is by far the best.


Awesome. I’ll have to try some!

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6768 tasting notes

Short and sweet – this smells like cocoa, indeed! This is one of the DARKEST Teas I have ever seen once infused! It certainly has character! It’s NOT a dark chocolate taste or a bitter black tea with chocolate taste…the chocolate is smooth pairing with the black tea – they seem to be inseparable! This is a delight! Thanks Auggy for giving me the opportunity to try this one!!! How lovely!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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412 tasting notes

Mixed this with a bit of LeafSpa’s Irish Breakfast today (so sad they’re gone); it was a good blending choice, since the IB already has hints of chocolate and vanilla on it’s own. Very rich and tasty with milk.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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260 tasting notes

I got a bit of this tea from Auggy recently and it is filled with nom.

It’s not terribly complex, but it winningly combined two loves of mine – chocolate and caramel. I think that the caramel might have been a bit of a mistake, but I’m not complaining. Smelling the tea, it smells of chocolate, dark chocolate, which is my weapon of choice.

I’m going to stop here to say that this visually, it is also very texturally interesting. Interesting enough to inspire me to pinch out some leaves between steeps and take a picture.

Continuing on, tasting the tea I got caramel on the tip of my tongue, which was a bit surprising since the tea doesn’t tout that in the description. At the back of my tongue, and even more so in the aftertaste, I got chocolate. The taste was somewhere between milk and dark, with just a bit of sweetness. It reminded me of chocolate shavings, or a more powdery form of chocolate because the mouthfeel that occurred in the aftertaste for me had a soft coarseness about it.

In the beginning, it tasted very much to me like something that Auggy mentioned to me – grown up Swiss Miss. A bit later in the cup, though, I was reminded very much of Cocoa Puffs, and now I can’t shake that so this has become Cocoa Puffs tea to me. It’s really quite tasty and it does well on the re-steep, so well done, Lupicia! Not to completely gank this entire review from Auggy, but I must echo: easily the best chocolate tea I’ve had.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Thank you for writing this review! Lupicia is fast becoming one of my favorite online tea ordering vices and I’m always happy to have another tea to add to the shopping list. I’m pretty sure I’ve tried to order this tea before, but they were out of stock when I was putting in my order.

Plus, I would love a chocolate tea. I’ve tried some great mint chocolate teas, but I have yet to get a tea I liked that was straight up chocolate.


Haha, you’re welcome! Thank Auggy for sending it my way! [And being honest, this review essentially ganked hers.]

I’ve had teas that have satisfying chocolate notes in them, like Simple Leaf’s Dawn and a number of chai teas, including Samovar’s and Upton Tea Import’s Decaf Chai Agni, but typically dedicated chocolate teas fall flat for me. This one does it smartly, I think.

Anyhow, if when you get it, I hope you enjoy it!

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4843 tasting notes

This has a strong dark chocolate aroma that is almost on the savory side. It is very yummy and makes me hungry for chocolate. Of course, that isn’t difficult to do.

The flavor is definitely dark chocolate. I am getting a slight bitterness from the dark chocolate taste but it is not unpleasant, it just tastes like … a slightly bitter dark chocolate. There is plenty of sweetness to it too, so it is a nice contrast.

The black tea base is smooth, well rounded. This is a good chocolate flavored black tea. Not the best that I’ve ever had (but I’m biased) but it’s good and I’m glad that I ordered it.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Meghann M

Dark chocolate tea? Swoon :) Sounds delish!

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon…..

It has been a good day for tea arrivals. I got my February tea (yes, a little early!) from TeaVivre, and an order from Lupicia that kind of replaces my Christmas tea that was a complete bust. Read all about that fiasco here:
Anyway, I now have some really good Earl Grey in my house thanks to Lupicia, and a few different grades of Keemun to try from TeaVivre. Take that F & M! (I can and will buy my tea elsewhere….obviously Earl Grey and Keemun were on my order….)

Onto this tea….. I have been wanting to try this one for such a long time. It smells of dark chocolate, and I hate to say it, something kind of like fake chocolate. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it is not good. I am thinking this is a flavor to base mismatch for me. Kind of a big let down in a way, but maybe I am more satisfied with teas that have cocoa notes built in rather than a flavored impostor these days. There are only a few places where I like their chocolate tea. And I think this is not one of them….at least until I try the Chocolate Strawberry Puer. I will give it one more go before rehoming…. Maybe it was the PBJ sandwich I just ate?

Usual teapot method. Not even sure I will finish the pot…. :/

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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99 tasting notes

Out of all the chocolate teas I’ve tried, this one smells the most chocolatey by far! Based on my success with the other Lupicia teas I’ve tried thus far, I’m really excited to see how much of that comes across when brewed.

Brewed, it rather smells like hot chocolate with a background of tea. It actually kind of reminds me of the scent of Marco Polo, if Marco Polo didn’t have that fruitiness to it. YUM.

This is certainly a tasty tea! It’s more hinting-at-chocolate than it is tasting-like-chocolate, but I like that. I find that the taste of the chocolate is more spot-on than with the other chocolate teas I’ve had. It’s a bit more cocoa-y. But the flavor doesn’t overpower the black base; it blends with it. Like the other Lupicia teas, this one is very smooth and very well flavored. It’s a winner!! :)

Being the chocolate-lover that I am, I will never stop going for chocolate teas. But, so far, out of the ones I’ve tried thus far, I’m liking this one the best. :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I with you on enjoying Lupicia’s flavored teas – they more often than not make me happy (the one exception so far being anything strawberry which reminds me of strawberry Quik). Yay for Lupicia!

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411 tasting notes

Oh so lovely, oh so chocolate. It’s the perfect afternoon tea, especially for chocolate lovers.

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639 tasting notes

Mmm! Smells like dark chocolate!

The aroma of the tea leaves amongst the chocolate is almost surprising. It reminds me that I’m about to drink a cup of tea, not sink my teeth into a Godiva chocolate bar.

Even straight, it tastes smooth and chocolaty. Part of me loves it! And part of me says, “This is so weird! I’m drinking chocolate tea!”

Adding milk and sugar makes it very much like hot chocolate, but nowhere near as thick and sweet. It’s really good!

I wonder if I served this as hot chocolate, would anyone guess it’s really tea?

What? My cup is empty already? How did this happen? Who drank my tea?! :)

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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1968 tasting notes

Sipdown 6 – 2024

Finished off some teabags that I got at the Lupicia Paris store in December 2022. Lupicia does chocolate so well. The chocolate flavor is super authentic and not at all plasticky. Just a touch of vanilla to offset the bittersweet quality of the dark chocolate flavor.

Flavors: Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Vanilla

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