Ripe Mango Oolong

Tea type
Fruit Oolong Blend
Not available
Apple, Berries, Bubblegum, Citrusy, Floral, Fruity, Mango, Sweet, Butter, Candy, Creamy, Mineral, Tropical, Astringent, Toasty, Blueberry, Flowers, Jasmine, Nectar, Orchid, Smooth, Peach, Silky, Thick, Green, Round
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 4 g 13 oz / 394 ml

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75 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This tea, this tea, this tea. I know exactly when I first made it, how cool the counter was against my fingertips, where we went for dinner that day, what the text message I wrote just then said...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown no. 74 for the year 2014. A teabag from the work stash. (Oolong in a bag just seems weird to me because of leaf expansion and all.) But wow. After yesterday’s not particularly successful...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am so behind on my tasting notes, this is from 3 days ago! I think it just slipped my mind, so I suppose I should dive back in. This was in my box from LiberTEAS, which yes I am still digging...” Read full tasting note
  • “In one word, delicious delicious delicious! I don’t have much time to type, so in short, this reminds me of a mango version of Golden Moon’s Coconut Pouchong. I love it! Got this free teabag...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

RIPE MANGO OOLONG is a refreshing high-quality Taiwanese oolong tea scented with sweet, ripe mangoes. The exquisite aroma of juicy mangoes enhances the flavor of the Taiwanese pouchong. Great as hot tea enjoyed over several steeps or as iced tea which emphasizes the exotic mango flavor.

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75 Tasting Notes

4194 tasting notes

This was a GREAT surprise in the package from Kawaii433! Thanks so much! It’s one I wanted to try so a sample is the perfect amount for me. :D I actually split the sample for two steep sessions to make it last. So a teaspoon of these leaves each time, I won’t quite fill the mug all the way up. The dry leaf definitely has a lovely mango fragrance! And I think this base of oolong is perfect with mango – I’m assuming it’s the Baozhong which is always an oolong I don’t have enough of in the cupboards! The flavor is light and fruity, possibly with notes of orchid. Just enough mango. All three steeps tasted exactly the same. Somehow, the mango does remind me a bit of the splenda flavor profile, so this might not be my favorite. That melon oolong is tough to beat. VERY happy I got to experience this tea before I wasn’t able to though! I have some Alphonso Mango tea I bought from Cameron B, so it will be interesting to see if I experience the same flavor that I do with this one.
Steep #1 // 1 teaspoon for a not-quite full mug // 14 minutes after boiling // 1 minute steep
Steep #2 // 10 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #3 // few minutes after boiling // 2 1/2 min steep


I can’t wait to hear your comparison. :D

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379 tasting notes

Aww, very nice. It has a rich mango aroma (dry and wet leaves), along with a little floral aroma. I was worried that it would be sweet but it’s not. Now that I’ve been reviewing flavored teas, I think that’s one of my paranoias or something haha. Lupicia has surprised me almost everytime. I’ve tasted so many described “unflavored” milk oolongs that are far sweeter that I just know are not unflavored. So much so I can’t finish the cup.

It’s sweet but like the fruit, not a candy or overdone sweetness or artificial flavor. Very natural mango flavor. It’s lightly astringent and has a very slight bitterness that is equivalent to the peel of a mango. It gives the tea that wonderful tropical taste, an authentic mango taste. I almost want to put a little lime and chili powder in it lol (my favorite way to eat mangoes.) The oolong itself is very nice with light floral notes, rich buttery feel, warm, comforting. The floral notes take the backseat and the Mango is forefront. If you like Mangoes as much as I do, maybe give this a spin.

5g, 200ml, 212°F, 3 steeps, 2.5m., 3m, 3.5m

Note: In the future, I look forward to trying the Lupicia oolongs in a series of shorter infusions to see how they evolve but I just wanted to taste the mango yumminess right away. ^^ (Patience has never been one of my virtues)

Flavors: Astringent, Butter, Floral, Fruity, Mango

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 5 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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2958 tasting notes

Coldbrewed 700 mL water, one pyramid sachet. Left the teabag in.

First half of the cup (~10 minutes) is very fruity, sweet, distinctly a very realistic mango. It tastes like mango puree.
Second half of the cup was still lots of mango, but this flavour was accompanied by a nice toasty oolong base. Extremely tasty, and great hold or cold.

Flavors: Fruity, Mango, Sweet, Toasty


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226 tasting notes

Got this a while ago in my Lupicia newsletter.

Open the bag, smell a nice Mango-ish smell. I love mango juice, but not crazy about actually alot of mango, just a few pieces here and there. Amyways, post brew it still smells like Mango, but it’s fairly muted. Actually the smell and taste reminds me alot of Lychee. I mostly like it. Jury is kind of out whether or not I would actually buy this. I mean at best it would be a good alternative to when I want a fruity Oolong but tired of the Pineapple (Or when I want hoard it!) Though if it comes to crunch time (When I’ve got to reduce my order.) It would probably come off the list. Since I haven’t been able to buy from Lupicia since last February, when I am able to order, it will be mainly to restock though hopefully I’ll be able to a few more try-outs. This tea reminds me a lot of this mango gummy candy that I get from a Japanese grocery store in Novi (One World Market. Sadly can only get there every few months at best.) It’s one of my favorite candies, I usually get the mixed fruit bag (The Strawberry flavor is a bit to sweet and I like the Lychee. ) Oh and another thing, like with the Pineapple Oolong, I didn’t get a tropical flavor that others have gotten…if it had some coconut then maybe (Mmm that sounds like a delicious tea!)

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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3 tasting notes

Very pleasant flavor, yet could be stronger and more intense. With two teaspoons and 10 oz of hot water, the tea favor still appeared weak. And I am not just talking about the mango flavor, but of the tea leaf itself. Tastes watered down. I will try more tea less water next time, yet even the smell is not very intense.

Flavors: Blueberry, Flowers, Mango

3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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1242 tasting notes

This tea is amazing. I didn’t think could beat Alpanso Mango (and that one is right next to this one on the amazing scale). As soon as you open the packet the mango scent overpowers you. The taste is just the same. Is this base Tie Guan Yin? It matches so well with the mango. I’m cold steeping this one. It’s amazing.

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333 tasting notes

I’ve managed to go through 3 boxes/bags/tins of this over the years, and somehow never left a note. It’s quite good! The base is what I think of as Lupicia’s standard Taiwanese oolong, greenish and fresh. The touch of mango complements it nicely. More of a summer tea than anything. Maybe I’ll restock when warmer weather rolls around?

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6106 tasting notes

Such a beautifully-flavoured tea. Had a very enjoyable cup and multiple additional infusion of this over the past 24 hours or so.

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199 tasting notes

I’m enjoying trying other Lupicia fruit-flavored oolongs! This one has a lighter flavor, perhaps a touch too light for my preferences even when overleafed, as compared to the Melon Oolong or the Kotobuki (which is my favorite of theirs). I got two good steeps out of it, though. A nice, true mango flavor. This really makes me want to pick up some of their Alphonso Mango tea now. Thanks for the sample, Ost!

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4055 tasting notes

Another sample from greenteafairy. I’ve been itching to try this one after loving their Melon Oolong so much, and considering mango is one of my favorite fruits. The base tea of this one looks like a pouchong, similar to their Mountain Grape Oolong. There was one little yellow flower petal in my sample. Dry scent is very sweet and fruity, and definitely of the mango persuasion.

Mm, once steeped the tea retains its sweet mango aroma, although there is a touch of floral now as well. Yum, this is a good one. The mango flavor is sweet and juicy, and the oolong base is substantial but not overpowering the flavor. There is a bit of a floral note, but I think I could probably lessen that by using more tea and a shorter steep. Overall, mango yum!

Flavors: Floral, Fruity, Mango, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I covet this one greatly. And just saw the Lupicia has free shipping in the US. Yikes! :P


They ship to Canada as well, and IIRC it’s not too terribly expensive. I think Dexter did an order.



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