Grapefruit Green

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Not available
Bitter, Citrus, Grapefruit, Green, Herbaceous, Lavender, Lemon, Grass, Melon, Tart, Citrusy, Sweet, Sour, Fruity, Astringent, Seaweed, Smooth, Spinach, Citrus Zest, Dry Grass, Tangy, Umami
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 65 oz / 1930 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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105 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Finally got around to cold brewing this one to have with lunch, and boy was it delicious! Lots of juicy grapefruit, no bitterness or astringency from the green tea. Super happy to have this one to...” Read full tasting note
  • “My friend who loves black tea and puerh came over for lunch today. I made Vegetarian Tower, which is whatever veggies you have on hand, steamed, stacked on toasted English muffins, with Brie...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hello again grapefruit green! Let’s try you with honey! So I have bronchitis. Yay! bleh. Explain why I’m still sick and me getting over this is taking awhile. However, happy that it’s not messing...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another LiberTEAs Goodie!!! YAY! This Green Flavored actually seems to intensify the scent while and post infusing…rather than losing aroma like most teas seem to. YAY! I think it’s more of a...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

GRAPEFRUIT GREEN is our popular green tea blend scented with refreshing grapefruits. This tea has a mature taste with pleasant subtle bitterness of the fruit.

The essential oils in this tea may stain certain materials. Please refrain from using plastic containers, for the tea leaves or brewed tea, to prevent discoloration.

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105 Tasting Notes

35 tasting notes

My absolute favorite of the Lupicia teas i’ve tried. An excellent fresh grapefruit taste with no bitterness, plus a hit of earthiness from the green tea. I bring an iced cup on my daily runs.

Flavors: Citrus, Grapefruit, Green

4 min, 0 sec

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1780 tasting notes

OMG, I hate this! It’s really no surprise since I hate the fruit too, but I figured I’d give it a try anyways since it came in the Lupicia newsletter. I cold steeped it after reading someone’s review, but it didn’t win me over even cold steeped. Maybe if it didn’t taste so much like grapefruit I’d like it, but it is pretty much what I was expecting after seeing the name. Maybe the hubby will like it…


send it to me.. :)


Hey, you gave it a try.


TeaBrat, it was just a tea bag sample that they send out in their news letter. If it was any more then I’d be looking for someone to pawn it off on for sure!

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46 tasting notes

Drank this again, courtesy of CarolWho. Still delicious. Will be buying some in the future!

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58 tasting notes

I was actually very surprised by this blend. I usually abhor citrus flavors because they are too tart, but this was a welcome change. It brews a light spring green color which makes me think it has a sencha base or some sort of a sencha blend. The grapefruit isn’t too overpowering nor too bitter, it went down smooth and required not additional sweetener.


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2977 tasting notes

Used to poach salmon. Smelled, but did not really taste, the grapefruit, but this is a very old sample.

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408 tasting notes

My relationship with grapefruit is made of love and hate.

When I was a kid, my step father was making the meals. Often, as a starter, he was serving us grapefruit. Here we can serve grapefruit for starter or dessert…even if for me it sounds weird as a starter on its own. We had the right to add a little sugar and we were using the special little spoons made especially for grapefruit.
I hated these moments and I hated grapefruit : so bitter to me so terrible to have had to finish it each time.

Later I tried grapefruit juices and I didn’t like neither. I had more chance with mixing grapefruit with other fruit or vegetables or shrimps.
Now I can eat them without other addition.

Anna was kind to have sent me this tea. I can appreciate the grapefruit here and even the green base. It is fresh grapefruit with a little only grapefruit bitterness for the very best.
Very well done Lupicia, a so lovely blend.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec
Terri HarpLady

When I was a kid, we also had grapefruit sometimes before breakfast. I remember these very small knifes for cutting around the section, & the dainty little spoons! Mom always put sugar on the table, & in those days it seemed that the grapefruits were always the yellow kind, not the sweeter pink or red ones.

When I was visiting my gramma & my cousins were also there, gramma served grapefruit at breakfast too. My cousins all sprinkled salt on theirs.
Now I like mine plain, or in salad with grapefruit, avocado, & lime juice. Maybe some jicama, cilantro, shrimp… :)


with avocado and shrimps this is a must ! I do agree

Terri HarpLady

Also good in this salad is thinly sliced fennel bulb
I need to plant some fennel in my garden!


Ysaurella, I’m so with you on this, we were served half a grapefruit as a starter as well!! As a kid, those special tools were intriguing to me and made the whole thing worth while, cause otherwise, I thought grapefruits existed just to make kid’s lives miserable…today, I can,t get enough of them :-)


and the funniest is my daughter adores grapefruit, she likes its bitterness.

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7 tasting notes

Very good, strong grapefruit aroma. It’s also a fairly light tea—would be great for anyone that is not a fan of the stronger tea flavors imo.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 30 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1118 tasting notes

From the Here’s Hoping Traveling Tea Box #2

Although I have sent the tea box on its way I do have a few more teas to review. I think I have five or six more teas and then I’m done with traveling tea box posts for a while. :)

I love the smell of the dry leaf, but the wet leaf had a smell that made me crinkle my nose. It went from smelling like grapefruit and citrus flowers to something sharp and bitter. I was worried that I had steeped it incorrectly, but thankfully the taste was all grapefruit and fresh grass. I actually had to move the wet leaves away from me so I could enjoy the tea. The tea itself is lovely. The taste is grapefruit, bright fresh grass, and, as the tea cools, slightly floral.

I can see myself enjoying this tea a lot during the summer. It’s light and really refreshing.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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193 tasting notes

Thank you to teataku for this sample!

I really want to make a Lupicia order and was hoping for a chance to try this. I love grapefruit and would love to have a tea that has a real grapefruit taste. However, this wasn’t good at all. It tasted quite dusty as many greens do to me, like it has a lot of particles that get through my perfect mug strainer. It was also quite bitter even though I brewed it with warm water. I couldn’t detect any grapefruit either.

I read through the reviews again and I wish I tasted what other people are tasting. I’m still tempted to pick this one up just in case it is better strait from Lupicia. DECISIONS!

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1353 tasting notes

From the queue

This one is from the EU TTB, round 2. I don’t drink very much green tea, leaning mostly towards black, flavoured and unflavoured alike, but I’m trying to remember that there are other types in the world as well. Therefore I’m only using half of this to try it. There little use in taking all of it, when I might end up forgetting I have it.

The leaf smells very lovely of grapefruit, and it’s not just generic citrus and suspiciously lemon-y, it’s actual real grapefruit. The scent of the zest, rather than the flesh of the fruit, really. This is also true after steeping, although here the zestyness is softened by the aroma of the base.

This is very strongly flavoured. It tastes like eating a grapefruit, and I can’t pick up the slightest hint of the base at all. I’m a bit torn about this. I like a flavoured tea to taste like what it has been flavoured with, but I also like it to not be so strong that I can only taste flavouring. This one is definitely in the ‘all flavouring, no base’ camp. This could have been anything. From what I can tell, it could have been flavoured water. I rather like to be able to taste that I’m drinking tea, if that makes any sense.

So I’m ambivalent on this one. It tastes lovely like grapefruit, and I’m very fond of grapefruit. But it doesn’t really feel like I’m drinking tea, and this bothers me, so although it’s lovely, I’m still a bit disappointed by it.


This actually makes me want to taste it even ore, because I don’t think I’m a fan of greens getting in the way of flavouring haha.


Haha, yes, I’m with keychange on this one. Oh, Angface. My favourite taste nemesis. <3


I had one today that I only found slightly more drinkable than you did!



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