drank Grapefruit Green by Lupicia
1353 tasting notes

From the queue

This one is from the EU TTB, round 2. I don’t drink very much green tea, leaning mostly towards black, flavoured and unflavoured alike, but I’m trying to remember that there are other types in the world as well. Therefore I’m only using half of this to try it. There little use in taking all of it, when I might end up forgetting I have it.

The leaf smells very lovely of grapefruit, and it’s not just generic citrus and suspiciously lemon-y, it’s actual real grapefruit. The scent of the zest, rather than the flesh of the fruit, really. This is also true after steeping, although here the zestyness is softened by the aroma of the base.

This is very strongly flavoured. It tastes like eating a grapefruit, and I can’t pick up the slightest hint of the base at all. I’m a bit torn about this. I like a flavoured tea to taste like what it has been flavoured with, but I also like it to not be so strong that I can only taste flavouring. This one is definitely in the ‘all flavouring, no base’ camp. This could have been anything. From what I can tell, it could have been flavoured water. I rather like to be able to taste that I’m drinking tea, if that makes any sense.

So I’m ambivalent on this one. It tastes lovely like grapefruit, and I’m very fond of grapefruit. But it doesn’t really feel like I’m drinking tea, and this bothers me, so although it’s lovely, I’m still a bit disappointed by it.


This actually makes me want to taste it even ore, because I don’t think I’m a fan of greens getting in the way of flavouring haha.


Haha, yes, I’m with keychange on this one. Oh, Angface. My favourite taste nemesis. <3


I had one today that I only found slightly more drinkable than you did!



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This actually makes me want to taste it even ore, because I don’t think I’m a fan of greens getting in the way of flavouring haha.


Haha, yes, I’m with keychange on this one. Oh, Angface. My favourite taste nemesis. <3


I had one today that I only found slightly more drinkable than you did!



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Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curmudgeon.

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