Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Broth, Cherry, Floral, Fruity, Herbaceous, Plum, Sakura, Salty, Savory, Smooth, Sweet, Tart, Viscous, Airy, Briny, Cherry Blossom, Light, Salt, Flowers, Honey, Tangy, Umami, Vinegar
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 45 sec 5 g 7 oz / 194 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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  • “Tea peeps? This tea is FREAKING BEAUTIFUL! This is a new tea for me, and from what I was told from the tea seller, yunomi.us, this is a very traditional japanese flavor. Ehh! A Challenge! An...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea has very interesting steeping directions. However, they help to offset the salt (which preserves the blossoms)… The sight of the tea is very nice—clear liquid with a pink flower floating...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is basically a pickled flower. It is lovely once the petals unfurl. It makes me feel like a princess. Everyone knows that flowers are a princess’ favorite food. The tea itself it a little...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow, talk about different but so cool. You have to go into this with an open mind and I think I did or at least I hope I did. It was lovely and so very unique. I tried it plain for my first time...” Read full tasting note

From Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms

Light and smooth, this Sakura Tea is mildly salty with a floral aftertaste and plum undertones. A transparent pink expands in the cup revealing a flowery aroma with hints of the sea. This tea is made by preserving cherry blossoms in salt and plum vinegar. Its salty taste is common in Japan and the tea is most often used for celebrations and special occasions.

Taste: Salty
Body: Light
Texture: Rounded
Length: Medium
Harvest: April
Tea Cultivar: N/A
Origin: Wazuka
Cultivation: N/A
Processing: Preserved with salt and plum vinegar

About Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms View company

It started with a single cup of tea. As the legend goes, our president Akihiro Kita, or Akky-san, visited Wazuka, Kyoto one fateful day. At the time, Akky-san was still a college student in search for life's calling. After trying the region's famous Ujicha (literally meaning tea from the Uji district), he immediately fell in love and his passion for green tea was born. He had finally found what he was looking for in that one simple cup of tea. After fifteen years of learning to master the art of growing tea from tea farmers in Wazuka, Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms was born and as they say, the rest is history. So what's an Obubu? Obubu is the Kyoto slang for tea. Here in the international department we call ourselves Obubu Tea. That's "Tea Tea" for the bilinguals. We love tea so much, we just had to have it twice in our name. Now Obubu means more than just tea to us. It means, family, friends, passion and the place we call home. More than just tea. Though the roots of Obubu stem from tea, it has become more than that over the years. Obubu is an agricultural social venture, operating with three (1) bring quality Japanese tea to the world (2) contribute to the local and global community through tea (3) revitalize interest in tea and agriculture through education.

15 Tasting Notes

1271 tasting notes

Tea peeps? This tea is FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!

This is a new tea for me, and from what I was told from the tea seller, yunomi.us, this is a very traditional japanese flavor. Ehh! A Challenge! An Adventure! Lets go!

Dry leaf, these pretty blossoms smells like pickles. Oh boy! Most likely they smell like this since they are salt pickled cherry blossoms.

The taste? I get a cute kiss of a sweet cherry taste that is floral. The sakura tea’s flavor flutters softly towards a more savory flavor that’s a little salty. The more I sip away, the more stronger and floral this tea gets.

Full review with lots of gorgeous pictures on my blog, The Oolong Owl http://oolongowl.wordpress.com/2013/04/03/sakura-tea-from-yunomi-us-tea-review/

Terri HarpLady

Hmmm….I have a cherry tree…I wonder if I can salt pickle some of the blossoms…

Terri HarpLady

This also sounds like a perfect tea for the book we’re reading in the steepster book club!

Oolong Owl

I’m not sure if they do a special process when they salt pickle it, but it be interesting if you could pull it off! If I had more of these, I’d be experimenting with their other suggestions on how to use the blossoms.


What a beautiful blossom! You are right – it would be AMAZING for a wedding!


That is so cool! I wish there was a tree in the neighbourhood I knew hadn’t been sprayed that I could steal some blossoms from in the middle of the night… :)



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280 tasting notes

This tea has very interesting steeping directions. However, they help to offset the salt (which preserves the blossoms)…
The sight of the tea is very nice—clear liquid with a pink flower floating in it.

The smell of the blossoms and the taste of the tea is like cherry jam, which I like very much. However, it is muted, and there is certainly salt present in the flavor (especially towards the end of the cup) so that wasn’t my favorite…

This is good, but, I wouldn’t buy it. The coolest thing about it (besides the appearance) is that I can now tell what Sakura really tastes like, and so it has pretty much the exact same flavor of cherry that Den’s Sakura Sencha has (though, that one is definitely stronger). I’m curious to also try Rishi’s Sakura Sencha to compare. Either way, I’ve now learned the difference between simply cherry flavor and sakura flavor (the latter being different, though I’m not exactly able to describe it well, it seems more buttery).

Geoffrey Norman

I so want this.


If I had more than that sample, I would have sent some!

Geoffrey Norman

How did you get it? Did you do order their starter pack?


Yes…. sometime around the end of Nov, they had a deal, $15 for the whole starter/sampler pack (incl. shipping) and my wife got it for me as a Xmas gift. Now, I think it’s back to normal at $25 (that should include shipping), but I’m not quite sure it’s worth it. Not that their teas aren’t good, but of the 90g of samples they send you, 5g are genmai (not genmaicha, just popped rice for you to mix with whatever you like… which, to me, isn’t a good deal since if you buy it separate it is very cheap in a store), and 5g are genmaicha (kind of doubling up right?)… anyway, it seems like it would be a little on the expensive side at $25.

Geoffrey Norman

I’m not much of a genmaicha fan anyway, so that wouldn’t really interest me much. The matcha sampler had my attention.


Yeah, exactly. I’d prefer the price of the sampler to be more like $18 or something, and include just their best senchas and maybe the sakura tea since it’s so fun and unique.

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525 tasting notes

This is basically a pickled flower. It is lovely once the petals unfurl. It makes me feel like a princess. Everyone knows that flowers are a princess’ favorite food.
The tea itself it a little salty and winey tasting. I’m guessing the wine flavor is actually the vinegar. Mostly it tastes lightly a cherry with a floral character underneath.

It is a pleasant drink but it takes getting used to. I imagine fresh cherry blossoms to taste much better since they won’t need to be preserved in salt and vinegar. I’m guessing you’ll need to be in Japan during springtime for a treat like that.

Obubu Tea

Actually, it’s the salt/vinegar pickling that brings out this traditional flavor…this is the flavor that is used in traditional sakura mochi etc. It can also be achieved through the leaf as well as the flower. This flavor is popular in Japan during the blooming of the sakura in April, but actually, it takes two-three months to produce so all the sakura-flavored items that you get in Japan in April was actually produced the year before.

By the way, this is one of the best comments I’ve ever read…“Everyone knows that flowers are a princess’ favorite food.” Great!!!


So fresh Sakura don’t taste like cherries? :( thanks for the info. I’ve had Sakura Mochi with the leaves wrapped around them. They are pretty good too. They probably would be great with this tea but I had it with green tea at the time.

Glad I’m at least somewhat entertaining. :)

Obubu Tea

Sakura are actually a different species of tree from cherry fruit bearing trees. But the cherry blossoms themselves in any case taste nothing like cherry fruit. In fact, I’m not sure eating raw cherry blossoms will generate much flavor…the pickling tends to strengthen the flavor.

Sometimes you see “Cherry Blossom Green Tea”…look at the ingredients. Some companies make blends with rose petals, artificial cherry fruit flavoring and green tea…i.e. “cherry” + “(rose) blossoms”. Which is not to say that this combination tastes bad…actually can be very yummy.


Well, I thought I tasted a cherry-ish flavor in this tea, which is why I assumed the fresh blossoms would have that flavor as well. As I recall, the sakura mochi also had this cherry-ish flavor. I was surprised that the leaves and flowers would taste like cherries. Or maybe the flavor I’m describing as cherry-ish is actually something else and I’m crazy.
hmmm…maybe I’ll go to the Sakura Festival at the botanical garden this spring and snag a few flowers to try. :)

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431 tasting notes

Wow, talk about different but so cool. You have to go into this with an open mind and I think I did or at least I hope I did. It was lovely and so very unique. I tried it plain for my first time but based on the flavor I can imagine this a great addition to Genmiacha and Sencha and I truly can’t wait to try it that way.

Flavor: Sweet and lightly floral as you would imagine a cherry blossom to smell. Tiny bit salty but most of the flavor was removed during the 5mins I let the flower soak in warm water, as directed. I then put in a spoonful of water, one at a time using the water the flower was soaking which adds a bit of a salty flavor. I noticed after the second spoonful that the sweetness vanished and the flavor became completely different. I wish I could describe it but let’s just say it was very unique and no it doesn’t taste like water with salt. I am glad I tried it and recommend you give it a try knowing it is a big risk. I imagine this to be a love it or hate it experience for most.

195 °F / 90 °C

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541 tasting notes

I can’t believe I never logged this tea! I’ve had it for quite some time and although it says that the expiration date is 6 months after shipment, these smell beautiful much after that. This is a truly beautiful tea. In the back the tiny flowers have a smell of light umeboshi, salt, plum/cherry, and floral hints. It is simply amazing to watch them steep. I wish I had a decent camera because you can see the veins in the translucent skins of the flower petals. As much as I enjoy watching blooming teas, this feels much more organic. Since I couldn’t find any official steep times quickly I treated this very similar to an herbal. I used only 6oz of tea for one slightly larger and one medium blossom.
Once steeped this actually has a much strong smell than expected. It has a very light liquor that reminds me of white wines. It has a very unexpected ume plum smell. It is very distinct and reminds me of my favorite Japanese ume gum. Any sense of floral smell is very subdued. The flavor is very much the same, very light, subtle, and most of the flavor is on the back end of the sip. It is a very fun and amazing tea that I would advise people try at least once.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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921 tasting notes

Today was a good day, I got to visit my favorite local Asian Market, the illustrious International 888 Store that is as big as a large supermarket and has a huge selection of yummy foods. Also and entire large aisle devoted to tea which I spend way to much time lingering in. Of course there are lots of beautiful tea pots and some clothes as well, what can I say, I love this store and visiting it is one of my favorite things. Also my reviewing schedule for tea is totally thrown off because I got to try a tea that has been on my ‘to try list’ for years! The package arrived last night and I could have tried it immediately, but it is far to beautiful a tea to drink at night, this needs sunlight.

Today I am reviewing Sakura Tea by Kyoto Obubu Tea Plantations and Yunomi.us! I was told (more like warned a bit) that this tea is ‘uniquely Japanese’ and may be a bit weird, this warning was completely unnecissary because I love a lot of ‘uniquely Japanese’ things (I mean I eat Beni Shoga straight from the jar and eat seaweed like they are chips, I love Japanese food!) So of course when I see a beautiful and very delicate tea made from cherry blossoms preserved in salt and plum vinegar, I think to myself “I have got to get my greedy little hands on some of that” and several years later, I finally did! The aroma is sweet and a bit tangy, it reminds me of pickled peaches, or more likely pickled plums but a touch sweeter. The floral notes are very subtle and the tartness mixed with salt is a delicious aroma. I admit it, I licked the salt crystals out of the package, I may be a salt addict.

At first I wanted to try the tea without adding any of the salt brine from the initial soaking, just nothing but flower. The aroma is very mild with a blend of sweetness and flowers, it smells very much so like a spring breeze carrying the aroma of flowers from a distance. The taste is as mild as the aroma, delicately sweet and floral with just a touch saltiness. There is also a smooth and nutty aftertaste.

Adding the brine makes the aroma a little stronger and the taste, well, lets just say I might have giggled a bit at how good it was. It leaves the mouth feeling smooth and the taste is creamy with hints of tartness and floral. It is a bit salty, but deliciously so! It does not leave the mouth feeling dried out as one would expect from something salt pickled, but instead invigorates the salivary glands. The aftertaste is nutty and enjoyable.

It was recommended that you can brew it with other teas, specifically Genmai Cha and Sencha, conveniently I have some of both so first let us try the Genmai Cha. It seems strange to say it, but Genmai Cha is a pretty potent tea, at least when compared to Sakura Tea, so the addition of a flower certainly does not overpower the already present taste. It does compliment it very well with notes of sweetness and delicate floral tones. I really enjoyed the subtle sweetness added to what I usually consider to be a savory tea.

Brewing the flower with Sencha was a wonderful idea, really this is delicious. It adds a buttery sweetness and the floral and pickled notes are much more prominent than in the Genmai Cha. I feel a bit bad, I want to get into detailed descriptions on how wonderful this mixture of flavors is, but it honestly boggles my mind a bit. It is one of those moments where I think my Synesthesia kicked in and all I can perceive are colors. Beautiful spring colors swirling in my mouth!

Lastly I found a recipe for a Sweet Sakura Latte and had some time to kill while waiting for Ben to return home from school, so I wanted to try it out. He arrived home the moment I finished photographing the results and I deiced to let him have the first sip, expecting the worst (as a rule he is not a fan of most Japanese foods and teas) but surprisingly he really enjoyed it. We ended up splitting the latte, which was nice. The taste is creamy and sweet with just a hint of the salt. There are strong notes of floral that finish off with a nutty aftertaste.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2013/10/yunomius-and-obubu-tea-sakura-tea-tea.html


Hm. Somehow I’ve never been to International 888…


I certainly recommend it! I have managed to find some awesome teas there for about half the price I would have to pay online. Plus lots of food!

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32 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting to try this for a long time, so I finally ordered some sakura tea from Obubu Tea.

The tea has a very delicate cherry scent, with a salty undertone, and tastes similar. The taste is much stronger than I expected from a single blossom: uniquely floral and refreshing, mildly sweet, with a hint of salt. You can also add the salted water you soaked the blossom in back into the tea to taste, which makes the flavour stronger and saltier.

If you have glass teaware, I recommend using it with this tea so that you can watch the blossom unfurl itself when you pour on the hot water. You can get several infusions out of each blossom – I’ve drank this tea several times now and usually get four or five infusions out of a single blossom.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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20 tasting notes

This tea is fascinating and very much worth trying. It’s a really marvelous experience to drink clear, sweet nectar scented with cherry blossoms.

The flowers arrive salt-pickled and must first be soaked in warm water before use. The unsoaked salted sakura blossoms smell like a sweet candy. It reminds me a little bit of the smell of salted plum candies from the Chinese grocery store. While the liquor produced from steeping the sakura blossom is clear and virtually colorless, it has a very distinctive sakura taste, like honey, sugared plum and melon. Steeped as recommended, the flowers bloom exuberantly in the hot water and reveal a very sweet and floral taste with a complexity of flavor.

I also used this to flavor my everyday genmaicha and it tasted delicious. It really adds layers of complexity and sweetness to the tea!

The steeped flower is gorgeous, check out my photos here: http://www.leafjoy.com/2011/01/tasting-sakura-cherry-blossoms-from-obubu-tea-includes-pics/

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4336 tasting notes

Sipdown! (7 | 7)

Obubu sent out a single 5g packet of this with the December subscription box, I assume as a way to enjoy a little bit of spring during the cold winter months. Well, here there is no “winter” really, but still a nice thought!

I followed the instructions I found on Yunomi, and did a rinse first to remove the salt, but kept the liquid. Then I added hot water to the rinsed blossoms and let it steep for a few minutes before tasting it, then adjusted the flavor by adding some of the stronger rinse until the saltiness was where I wanted it.

It’s delicious honestly. Being a lover of salty-sour umeboshi and sakura, this is right up my alley. With the amount of rinse I added, it reminds me more of a sipping broth or umecha than a tea. So cozy and comforting, with the savory-fruity-floral notes of the sakura taking center stage, and a viscosity that makes it taste even more brothy. I do taste a touch of the tart plum notes from the ume vinegar as well, but it’s quite subtle and doesn’t overpower the sakura. And of course, I used a small glass teapot to steep this, and the blossoms fully expand and float perfectly – they’re so beautiful.

Definitely need to add some of this, and maybe the sweet version too, to my next Obubu subscription package. It’s delicious as an infusion, but I could also see adding it to rice and enjoying it in a bento. :)

Flavors: Broth, Cherry, Floral, Fruity, Herbaceous, Plum, Sakura, Salty, Savory, Smooth, Sweet, Tart, Viscous

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more 5 g 12 OZ / 354 ML
Mastress Alita

Using it in rice was the only way I enjoyed it, but I also really enjoyed the sakura flavored rice.

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1271 tasting notes

I’ve been craving sakura lately, and found this sampler from a very long ago Yunomi order. These are actual sakura flowers, preserved in salt and ume (plum) vinegar.

I first tried making some rice by adding one flower into my rice water while it simmered with the rice. The finished rice definitely tasted of the preserving agents, having a pleasant salty and tangy plum flavor, with a more subtle hint of cherry in the background.

Then I decided to try making a matcha latte with it. The directions on the tea suggested rinsing the flower to remove the salt, then steeping it again, and adding back in any of the “salt water” to taste. I prepared it pretty much as suggested, with a 2 minute steep for the initial rinse and a 5 minute steep for the second. The rinse steep was, indeed, extremely salty/umami in flavor, but I could taste that distinct soft floral cherry flavor in the brew… possibly a little more tangy fruit than expected, as I think the ume was bringing that out in the cherry. It did make me think of a soup broth, so I can see why that worked well for my rice. The second infusion had more of a sweet, floral aroma, and the cherry blossom looked like a little jellyfish floating around in the water! Lacking the salt and vinegar, the tea had a very soft and mild sweet and floral taste, like extremely watered down wild flower honey.

The matcha latte wasn’t quite the indulgent experience I was hoping for; I have a hard time with matcha tasting too bitter if I use water, and I thought the sakura tea would help with that. It didn’t really. Still tasted like strong seaweed to me. Added milk and some honey and that calmed the matcha flavor down to something tolerable, but it was overpowering any sakura that might be present. It presented more as an aftertaste, after the grassy/spinachy/seaweedy flavors subsided.

There are a few more flowers left in my pouch, so I’ll continue to experiment with different uses!

Flavors: Cherry, Cherry Blossom, Floral, Flowers, Fruity, Honey, Plum, Salty, Tangy, Umami


Your post makes me curious about making rice with tea as the water! I might have to experiment with that!

Mastress Alita

Oh, I do it frequently! Jasmine is always a solid choice, but those turm/ginger blends are also tasty. Also, sticky rice puerh (obviously) does a nice job! (I can’t use soy sauce because of migraine trigger issues, so I get creative, heh.)


I usually add a can of coconut milk and a touch of salt to my rice. I bet I could do that and jasmine tea and it would turn out pretty good.


I find this one soothing for a sore throat.

@Dustin adding it to rice sounds like a great idea! I’ve cooked Japanese rice with pickled plum (umeboshi) before and this has a similar salty flavor. Thanks for the inspiration.

Mastress Alita

I made another batch of rice with a MUCH stronger sakura infusion than my initial one and it was way better; lots of flavor! The flowers sort of “dissolved” as they simmered with the rice so I just left the petals in and ate their mushy remains, but plucked out the stems.

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