Marshmallow Snowflake Earl Grey

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Bergamot, Cream, Creamy, Sugar, Tannic, Tannin, Smooth, Sweet, Marshmallow, Vanilla
Sold in
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaLady441
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 67 oz / 1994 ml

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  • “TASTING NOTE 450! Usually I write tasting notes and only after the fact realize I hit a milestone number so last night I saw I had written 449 tasting notes and decided I would celebrate 450 with a...” Read full tasting note
  • “And here’s my 3/12. I don’t think it’s realistic to hit 12 by the end of the day but it’s fun to try! :) This is a really nice Earl Grey. The marshmallow lends a vanilla sweetness to it that...” Read full tasting note
  • “there are snowflakes in my tea. Dexter warned me when she sent these to me but i’m ok with them since Herbal Infusions doesn’t but this crap in all of their teas. I’M LOOKING AT YOU DELLA TERRA!...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another thoughtful awesomely unique pick from Dexter3657—seriously, this swap box is loaded with things that feel picked just for me in the most touching way. Thank you! My goodness this is a...” Read full tasting note

From Herbal Infusions

Day 12
12 Days of Christmas 2013

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59 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes


Usually I write tasting notes and only after the fact realize I hit a milestone number so last night I saw I had written 449 tasting notes and decided I would celebrate 450 with a special tasty cup.

I was initially hoarding this but then I was able to pick up more when HI reblended it so I am breaking it out to have a delicious treat! I think that was definitely the right choice because this is hitting the spot for sure. Even though it was the end of my first bag and the leaves were a little broken, I still get the awesome marshmallow earl grey flavor that is so amazing. If they actually made marshmallows that had this taste to them, I would be in serious danger of losing my weight loss progress because I would be eating them until I fell into a sugar coma. And then I would dream about them.

Anyways, this is certainly the perfect cup to celebrate my many tasting notes on steepster. I am so glad to have found this community and am honored to be apart of it. It is amazing how generous and kind you all are and you have improved my tea drinking experience immensely! Cheers to great tea and great friends :)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec



Woohoo! Congrats!




Challenge accepted! I want to try making earl grey marshmallows now!


Haha Dustin. I do not want to know if you are successful. Mostly because if you are, that would be bad news for my weight loss. I wish you all the best in your attempt though :)


You say that as if I were willing to share! ;)

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1598 tasting notes

And here’s my 3/12. I don’t think it’s realistic to hit 12 by the end of the day but it’s fun to try! :)

This is a really nice Earl Grey. The marshmallow lends a vanilla sweetness to it that lingers long after each sip. It’s very creamy too. OMG

I’m going to have to re-steep this before I move on to the next!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

sounds good..even if it IS an EG lol


I really like the marshmallow in this one. I think it mellows out the citrus of the earl grey.


Sil, do you not like EGs at all? Even ones that don’t feel the need to smash a bergamot tree several times over your head, and then rub your face in it, just because well… EAHRL GREEEHY!!!!! I also hate those, and I’m not a regular EG kind of gal, but sometimes it inexplicably hits the spot.


Incidentally, that just made me wonder how many companies use hibiscus and bergamot to cover up the taste of a poor quality tea base…


i haaaaate EG. bergamot is awful. There have been maybe 2? that haven’t made me want to spit the cup down the drain. I just keep trying them anyway haha


This is the one I wish I could have bought, but alas it was not to be.

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15606 tasting notes

there are snowflakes in my tea. Dexter warned me when she sent these to me but i’m ok with them since Herbal Infusions doesn’t but this crap in all of their teas. I’M LOOKING AT YOU DELLA TERRA! bah. I figured i’d start with this tea because a) everyone seems to like it and b) it’s an earl grey, which is not generally a winner in my books.

first off – this smells wonderful! not at all like an EG. then i brewed it up and it was like OH bergamot! There you are…i thought i’d missed you :)
This is more marshamllow-y than EG like. The base is pretty nice and the bergamot is totally taking a back seat to this whole mixture. While it’s not going to win any tea of the year awards from me – it’s an EG that i can drink and enjoy :) thanks dexter!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I am glad you liked it. It is definitely a more mellowed EG than others I tried.


I also hate candies in my tea!!!!! But I’m willing to accept it if it’s really worth it and does’t create gooey weird stuff on the surface, that I just can’t stand.
I just purchased lots of teaware online from DavidsTea and they sent a bunch of samples. I hardly ever buy their teas anymore but hey, free samples, I’ll try. I had White Chocolate Frost yesterday, and the tea itself tasted pretty awesome, but the texture was so oily and when I looked at my cup, I swear there was a toxic blue nuclear waste floating all over, it ever got stuck inside the cup, I couldn’t finish it, gross!!!


i am in the minority in my hatred for david’s teas. I’ll drink them when other ppl buy them and share them but i don’t like stevia, don’t like that they don’t always list ingredients and i hate the oily film on a lot of their teas. I’ve tried their straight teas as well, and for those prices i can get insanely more delicious straights :)


Well I’m totally with you, so the minority just got less minor, lol!

Terri HarpLady

I’ve been curious about this one, especially on a snowy day like today :)


Add me to that DAVIDs list, although I do still have a few that I enjoy – mostly herbals.


hahaha yay for the minority! (though i do confess i love me some lime gelato…but i’ve found others that are delicious for cheaper heh)

Terri HarpLady

sprinkles freak me out :p

Herbal Infusions Tea Co.

I was on the fence with the snowflakes in this blend but really couldn’t resist! The themed bag had a snowflake so I just needed to continue the theme :) Glad to have the feedback on this blend :D


@ Herbal Infusions – Will there be any way we could be more of it?! I am running out of this fast!


Dan – I always prefer none of that crap to any of that crap, but you don’t put it in all your blends so I didn’t mind seeing them in this one as a Christmas special sort of thing. And yours didn’t melt into a goofy clump that messed up my brew basket.

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612 tasting notes

Another thoughtful awesomely unique pick from Dexter3657—seriously, this swap box is loaded with things that feel picked just for me in the most touching way. Thank you!

My goodness this is a complicated tea. I have a feeling I may have overleafed or oversteeped it slightly, but thankfully I don’t mind a touch of bitterness (in fact, I think I may even prefer it with this one because of how it evokes chocolate—Dexter3657 was kind enough to send enough so I can try it normally too and compare!).

I do think that accidental bitterness might be contributing to the impression of chocolate candy I’m getting, as it combines with the sugary marshmallow component. It’s creamy and sweet, makes me think of those big chocolate-covered marshmallow candies but with fancier/darker, higher cacao-content chocolate. It took me a moment to find the Earl underneath that complicated flavor, and it’s still relatively faint for me but the zestiness lends a brightness that helps even out the fluffy vanilla marshmallow sweetness. The orange comes out more as it cools too, and the combination of chocolate and vanilla and marshmallow candy combined with bright orange ultimately makes it a poster child tea of the holiday season (no wonder it was part of the 12 days of Christmas promo!). This feels like a rich, cocoa-y beverage with added orange peel to me. It’s heavy and intense. Not an everyday pick but a nicer more grown up upgrade option from hot cocoa on a snowy day, I think.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

OMG I love this tea! I am glad you got to try some. It is quite tasty :)


it grows on me the more i drink it! i went from “whoa there is a lot going on here, and all of it loud” to “huh…i really like this!”


It is definitely an interesting blend. I am glad you are liking it more and more.


I’m still trying to find out if we can order a reblend of this, perhaps in a large order. Really tasty!


They made a reblend MissB. There might still be some available. If not, I bought 100 g so I can always send some your way.


I’ve seen a lot of people posting about this one.


Ha! Awesome. I did email Dan asking him for a reblend, however we must be having communication issues. I’d definitely love some, however zero rush. I know how much you love this one too. :)


he did reblend.

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1501 tasting notes

Inspired to delve into this bag again with the news it was reblended, I tried another small cup of this today. Still just as delicious as before, although I am finding some astringency as it cools, sadly.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Noooo, I ordered some of the reblend. I hope I won’t get the same. Maybe it’s a picky little whiny thing.

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4343 tasting notes

Another lovely blend from MissB’s lovely package! This one sounded magical with its marshmallows and snowflakes…and EARL GREY. I love the idea for this blend. Maybe this blend will make me tolerate the freezing weather this week a bit more than I can’t. Sadly, I don’t think I can actually see marshmallows in my blend, unless it is just my sample. There are snowflakes though! I had two cups of this and they were both equal in taste: really well done. It tastes to me like the usual Earl Grey (though maybe a bit sweeter… the sprinkles?) but an EG that is great, even if it is on the lighter tasting side, both on the bergamot and the strength of the leaves. If it wasn’t this light, it might be very similar to some of my favorite Earls. Very bright, fresh, sweet. I can tell from the two blends I’ve tried so far from Herbal Infusions, I would be in love with all of them!


No marshmallows in the blend, only marshmallows in the flavor :)


Aw, but there should be! :D


There’s about 250g of this (or so) left if you feel tempted to order any! #nudge I’m only saying this because I decided I had to have it yesterday and asked what was left. :P (Only snagged 50g though)


I’m glad I snagged 50g because this sounds like a winner. I’m surprised there is even any left, as I expected it to sell out in a day.


I WOULD order some but I really shouldn’t right now! And then I would have to order everything from them. :D The grapefruit tea that Dex sent me was AMAZING.


There’s more?! Jeepers. What am I doing wrong to get a hold of Dan? I’ve emailed him a few times, with zero answer. Good to know…


He posted on the discussions board that you could order the cream of earl grey and ask for it to be replaced with the marshmallow snowflake earl. However, that was at least a week ago and he only blended a pound.


I sent him a facebook message – that seemed to work quicker! I wanted to make sure they still had the Snowflake EG left before I ordered and I had a reply in half an hour!

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1186 tasting notes

Omg omg omg….ok. This is SO GOOD RIGHT NOW. Like wow. At first I was like hmm strong bergamot..but then it was all like BAM MARSHMALLOW. And fluffy. And creamy. And toned down just enough by the bergamot and black tea. Very good base for this tea too, not overpowering or too weak. I am just enjoying this to the max on this Monday afternoon at work. Not even sure how long I steeped it for lol, probably around 2 minutes. Yes, I really like this, not even filtered water used! Rating now added, although if I come to my senses and this one isn’t as epic, it might go down haha.

Flavors: Cream, Vanilla


All the reviews for this one were so intriguing, but bergamot is a deal breaker. Sigh.


Courtney, if you want to try it I can send you a sample in one of our swaps. I am not a huge EG fan but I love this.


Hmm. Alright, maybe just one cup VariaTEA. :)


Haha. Remind me next time we swap and I will throw in a sample.


You have to try it @Courtney! The marshmallow is truly perfect in it, just like a pillow :)


Haha a pillow. :P That is awesome. Perhaps that will help with disguise/drown out the bergamot.


I think it did, it helps a lot when the tea is a bit cooler, I noticed the bergamot the most when it was pretty hot


Excellent, thanks for the heads up. :)


No problem :)

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2201 tasting notes

It’s freaking cold! And sitting in my freezing office is not exactly pleasant. Ugh. Well, at least I have this tea from MissB! Get use to seeing her name in tasting notes from me because she sent me a ton of samples.

This definitely smells nice, like an Earl Grey Cream but with an extra sweet punch from the marshmallows. I have to say, with my usual parameters I didn’t get a ton of flavor out of this. I mean, there was some light bergamot and vanilla, but I wanted more. So I threw the leaves back into my 3/4 filled cup, added the last pinch of leaf I hadn’t used before, topped it up with hot water, and steeped it for another two minutes. It sounds crazy, but it actually turned out nice! The bergamot picked up, the vanilla picked up, and the base tea has a bit more heft to it. Still, I don’t quite get marshmallow from the taste (definitely there in the scent), but I bet I would if I sweetened it (which I don’t do unless I can’t drink a tea straight).

I have a sneaking suspicion that Herbal Infusions will be like Della Terra for me. I requested a number of samples of both from MissB (and she graciously obliged me) because I always read the raves and feel like I’m missing something. I tried Della Terra a while ago and liked the teas ok but couldn’t get into them because of a boring base that had no role in the flavor of the tea (a plus for some). I wanted to try again to see if maybe I was just too harsh on them.

So far, this is a nice, drinkable cup of tea but nothing I have to order more of (I’m a little relieved, haha). Thanks MissB!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Mmmmm…anything with marshmallows sounds quite good to me!


I need this!


I had a difficult time with DT too. There were a couple of black teas that I enjoyed, but most I found to be dull. The three rooibos I got I liked much better! Still haven’t tried any whites or greens from them, but I’m recalling that they don’t have many blends for those.


LOL. I have not tried many from Della Terra yet, but I don’t think that over all I really cared for most of the ones I tried.


I went overboard with DT’s sample sizes and grabbed almost everything I could. The only blacks I’ve enjoyed have been a few of the chocolate ones, while Lime and Lemon Chiffon really are very decadent and yummy. One that OMGsrsly sent me, an herbal whose name escapes me, was also delicious. As for Herbal Infusions, I’m finding them hit or miss, although I do love my Cacao and Cacao Vanilla.

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358 tasting notes

Snow day! I will have a lot of at-home assignments to do to make up for it, but at least I can be in my pajamas and sipping a cup of tea!

What better tea to start this snow day off than with a cup of Marshmallow Snowflake Earl Grey?! The snowflakes in this tea are so pretty – not the cheap little sprinkle ones, but bigger gleaming white ones. I could smell the marshmallow aroma from this one even before I opened the little sample package. I couldn’t smell any of the bergamot, but it comes through in the tea as a light lemony flavor. This is followed up by a creamy marshmallow finish and a light bergamot and vanilla aftertaste. The creaminess and flavor of this tea is absolute perfection! I get tired of such strong bergamot flavors after a while, but this is one that I could drink everyday. I like that the Earl Grey flavor isn’t overwhelming, and it’s just softly floating in my cup wrapped up with the marshmallowy sweetness. Thank you to VariaTEA for sending me a sample of this one – I love it! I looked on their website but didn’t see it – is it still available to order?

-Dry blend has large black tea leaves with small blue and white petals and small white snowflakes.
-Dry leaves smell very sweetly of marshmallow and sugary vanilla. Tea liquor aroma is of rich vanilla with a hint of bergamot.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium orange brown color.
-Light lemony bergamot flavor with a sweet and creamy marshmallow finish. Soft bergamot and vanilla aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Excellent tea. A smooth cup. Light Earl Grey with a creamy sweet marshmallow flavor.


Haha. Okay. I am glad it arrived.


I’ve been having that same problem for quite a while. It will freeze and I’ll have to close the program. Last time I checked, Jason was unsure of why it was happening, but was kindly looking into it.

Josie Jade

Thanks for the update! It’s been a crazy busy week and I didn’t want VariaTEA to think I’d forgotten about her. This was the easiest way I could think of to get a message out. And I’m really excited to try this tea too!

Tea Pet

I have the same problem. I’m not sure if this will help you both… but, the solution that I found is using Steepster on Firefox. Firefox seems to handle the messages application fine.

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2291 tasting notes

~ahem. BANDERSNATCH BUMBLEYSOCKS! It’s *&^%$%& snowing! And I have to go to work to rescue some bacteria. I was supposed to do a whole lot of science, but I won’t be able to spend 3-4 hours there without getting stuck.


Anyways. This tea is delightful. Not too much ‘blergamot’ as Sil says. It’s nice and sweet with that marshmallow flavour. This is definitely an earl grey I can get behind!

I actually forgot how much I like this one, especially compared to other teas of theirs where the ickiness of the base really shows through. (Sorry guys. I really don’t like your base tea!)

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Lol, “rescue some bacteria” OMGsrsly, the Superhero of science!!


If I don’t go pull them I’ll have to start over on Monday. I’ll have to start over for some things anyways, but if my plates are safe in the fridge, I won’t have to start everything again. :)


LOL, I loved the bacteria rescue, too. I hope they appreciate what you’re doing for them. ;-)

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