Wild Wuyi Black

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Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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22 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is accurately described on the Harney website. Dark and intoxicating indeed! There is an assertive cocoa flavor that grabs your senses like a handsome stranger grasping your hand and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Delicious, as always. I am having this one today because I have a Mad Scheme to try with it, and wanted to have it in its original state one last time. My scheme is such: I want a vanilla tea that...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog from the weekend…… (SRP #17, a sipdown) It was a very busy weekend. I kind of felt like we were running in all directions. Saturday was Solo & Ensemble contest for both of my kids (a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to ashmanra for this one, I have tried some wuyi oolongs but I was pretty curious to try a black tea that comes from the wuyi region. I just checked Harney’s website and they don’t have it...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

This tea comes from high in the Wuyi Mountains, 1600 meters above sea level, in the area where great oolongs and Lapsangs are made. It is from wild tea plants and the leaves are small with some golden tips. The brew is dark and intoxicating with cocoa notes.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

22 Tasting Notes

3503 tasting notes

This is accurately described on the Harney website. Dark and intoxicating indeed! There is an assertive cocoa flavor that grabs your senses like a handsome stranger grasping your hand and encircling your waist and looking deep in your eyes when a tango begins to play.

This is the tea that had all the elegance of a Duke, yet had the presence and strength to be paired successfully with rich strawberry ice cream. The two played off of each other very well. I am glad I eat very slowly (though it drives hubby crazy!) so that I still had ice cream left when we served this one at tea party today.

Hints of Golden Monkey by H&S are here, as well as Premium Steap’s delicious Emperor’s Red, but this really is a tea all its own.


Sounds wicked good!


I wish they would bring this back…


Wow. I love the description you gave it!

Hesper June

My goodness, This sounds good!


It really is delicious! I wish they still sold this one and Golden Snail.

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1112 tasting notes

Delicious, as always. I am having this one today because I have a Mad Scheme to try with it, and wanted to have it in its original state one last time.

My scheme is such: I want a vanilla tea that is made from high quality Chinese tea, so that I can have it at work sans additions. Since I have less than an ounce of this left, I was thinking the remainder of this, with some Zhi Tea Gong Fu Black added to make 2 oz, plus a gorgeous organic vanilla bean cut into it, sit three weeks, and see what happens. Both of the teas are rich and chocolatey, so I’m thinking this should be a very low risk endeavor. I’ll report back!!! :)

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

sounds like a good plan!


I tried it with some Assam tea last year and it was goooooooood. I think it will only be better with this higher quality tea! I also put some in rooibos and it is also delicious.


We are having a tea emergency today. Youngest discovered that she is down to one teaspoon of Harney’s Vanilla Black. We thought we still had Some in the one pound bag, but no, there is nothing! I have a half tin of Risha vanilla but she doesn’t like it as well. She remembered we have a little Vanilla Comoro but not much! I think I should try what you are doing. I wonder how it would do with Thomas Sampson?


Sounds like a plan to me! I’m thinking you should measure the quantities of each tea you’re using and write them down, so you can replicate the result if it turns out to be delicious.

I’m less ambitious when it comes to my sans-additions work tea: I just try to pick a good oolong to keep in my desk drawer, since I never add anything to oolongs anyway.


Yikes! That is a tea emergency! H&S’s vanilla picks are ab-fab, delish. I agree this seems like a great endeavor, JacquelineM!


ashmanra – I think it would be great with Thomas! Only thing is it takes about 3 weeks to come together. I think you can drink it earlier but the vanilla will be very forward (which isn’t a terrible thing :)


LadyL – you’re right – I should measure!
If you saw my magpie pack rat tea drawer at work…oooof! I am really trying hard to get it down to ten-ish teas so I have variety for my moods but right now…it’s a bit crazy in there!


have you ever tried steeping it with a vanilla pod? I should try it!


I’m not real big on flavored teas, mainly b/c alot of them taste artificial to me. A vanilla pod in a black tea sounds delicious.

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985 tasting notes

Backlog from the weekend…… (SRP #17, a sipdown)

It was a very busy weekend. I kind of felt like we were running in all directions. Saturday was Solo & Ensemble contest for both of my kids (a flutist and a violist), and Sunday we had a short program with the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW for a writing contest in which my son participated. I know I did not get my usual amount of tea in (and my headaches proved it!)

This, however, was memorable. It is the end of my tin. So sad. I will miss Mr. Dark & Mysterious (and currently irreplaceable) . Perhaps Harney & Sons will find some to offer again.

Usual teapot method.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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2816 tasting notes

Thanks to ashmanra for this one, I have tried some wuyi oolongs but I was pretty curious to try a black tea that comes from the wuyi region. I just checked Harney’s website and they don’t have it anymore so I guess this is another sold out or limited production thing for them.

I ended up steeping this at 4 minutes @212F. Lots of cocoa here and some malt, it’s a nice dark red color. Very smooth and delicious. As it is cooling off I’m also getting a bit of floweriness in the nose, curious. I think this one is very enjoyable for my morning brew, although it does seem to lack some of the complexity of a wuyi oolong.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Charles Thomas Draper

I emailed to inquire if they were getting anymore and they never responded.


How typical – they do kind of suck in the customer service dept.


I quit asking H & S questions for the same reason…….emails never got answered. A big problem for me because I consider quality of tea & customer service to be equally important!

Charles Thomas Draper

I have not bought anything from them nor will I….

Charles Thomas Draper

There is too much tea in China….


I placed an order with them a few months ago but have not been that tempted recently. There’s too many other companies that are nice and friendlier.


I had a horrible experience with them a while ago and I’ve been finding local replacements for everything I was tempted by. Why order from a cruddy company in the States when Toronto has so much amazing tea to offer?


@aisling – I don’t blame you one bit and you certainly must have lots of great tea in Toronto…

Charles Thomas Draper

Wow. I wonder how many others have have similar complaints….


I agree there are lots of better, friendlier, customer conscience companies, but I still order from them sparingly. Another thing I don’t like about H & S is their limited selections. They say they only pick the best teas from the best gardens. Well, I’ll give them that to an extent…….but even that is subjective. I think the more honest answer is that they focus on a limited number of teas per category, and focus more on selling bulk to hotels and resorts. That’s OK too, if that is what they choose to focus on. Personally, I like more choice, and if I have questions about a tea, I choose a company with more selection, and better customer service. If I choose a tea, and it is not to my liking, then it’s on me.


I just wonder if they really did not know when it would be back. It is still wrong for them to not answer. I asked about Golden Monkey in the early spring of last year and did get a response of September, but it was part of their usual offerings. (I work in online CS. Sometimes a “We don’t know” answer if it is true is still a good one because the customer is no longer hanging, and I think companies forget that. If you had asked the question at the shop, it is likely the answer you would have gotten.) I am betting with the seasonality of tea, they are not getting more until next year at the earliest, so they should have said “maybe next year”. And then will it be up to their standards for selling like the new crop like the issues with Golden Snail? I still have a few favorites from Harney, but you are right, they are not the only place to buy tea.


@amy oh When my tea-loving brother came up for the weekend, we visited 6 tea stores in the area, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. It seems like every time we go out, we discover a new tea place, it’s awesome! Though I am sad that the teascape in Toronto is about to be tainted with Teavana :(. But I have 5-6 stores in TO that I regularly visit and there are still more on my list to try! I love living here.


Most of my experiences with Harney have been good. I sometimes got an online response from Michael himself. When they revamped the website I did notice that inquiries seemed to be falling through the cracks, but for most orders I had great service and extremely fast shipping. Since they were the first good loose leaf tea company I found I was extremely loyal to them, and still like many of their teas, but I agree that there are many great places to buy tea! For customer service I have been really impressed by purepuer.com though it is mostly tea ware rather than tea that I have purchased from them. I am sorry to hear that so many people have had bad experiences with Harney.


My one experience of them was it took them a long time to ship my order and it also seemed to take a long time for them to answer e-mails. Then my BF went to one of their tasting rooms in NY and he was quite un-impressed by their lack of friendliness.


I’ll still order from them for a few teas here and there…….if I can find what I’m looking for. Also, if it is stock. That is the problem with let’s say their Assam selection. They usually carry 6 or 7, & I may only be interested in one or two. If they sell out of those, they tend not to restock-maybe they can’t until next year. All the more reason to carry a few more selections. So they lose a sale.

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39 tasting notes

After a field day testing out some new teas at the Soho location, I ended up picking up a tin of this and Heavenly Gyokuro. I wanted a strong cup so I let this brew about 6 minutes and the risk paid off – the tea brewed up dark and strong, and as noted elsewhere had hints of Golden Monkey flavor. But it is just a tad spicier/smokier, giving it an intriguing and unique aftertaste which I rather enjoyed right off. I have tested different brewing parameters and suggest the full 5 minutes or more – at this point it grants a hint of assam to your palette. The aroma also fills your inhale and generates the commensurate desire for the tea. The extra brewing time also provides the creeping complexity I found lacking with a shorter steep.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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275 tasting notes

Bought this back in September of 2022, tried it once, really did not like it, and moved on because I had so many other teas to try and drink.

I didn’t bother rating or reviewing it at the time because it was so busy after the office move and training a new person. And, because I hadn’t liked it, I wasn’t really motivated to try it again.

But I am getting motivated to sip down/clean out teas I am not enjoying. In the office move, I ended up with new drawers which were significantly smaller, which shrunk my tea drawer. Added to this, the company I work for gave me a generous gift certificate to thank me for my work in the move and so I ended up which a whole bunch of extra tea I wouldn’t have normally purchased on my own. So tea drawer has some serious overflow onto the top of my desk and I really want to recover some of that space.

I also decided to go for cold brew as our weather has been kind of warming up (Seattle doesn’t have spring, winter and summer just battle for dominance) and I decided to try this again.

Its nothing like the description. There’s almost a lemon zest vibe to it. Not unpleasant for cold brew. I have no memory of it hot, so I can’t make any comments about it there. I’m not sure if I can honestly say I am enjoying it, but its not bad.

I do plan on revisiting this hot again at some point and will update my rating then.

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