Mellow Peach

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Green Tea, Peach, Peach Flavour, Rose, Tangerine
Floral, Fruity, Grass, Peach
Sold in
Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Martin Bednář
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 300 ml

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  • “I bought a several tea bags from, kind of favourite, tea shop, a Basilur teas distributor. They sell even a individual packed tea bags and as I bought some other teas, I have received a load of...” Read full tasting note

From Greenfield

Mild composition of Greenfield Mellow Peach is a combination of excellent Chinese tea, natural peach and mandarin peel.

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2 Tasting Notes

2076 tasting notes

I bought a several tea bags from, kind of favourite, tea shop, a Basilur teas distributor. They sell even a individual packed tea bags and as I bought some other teas, I have received a load of other tea bags as well. Brands like Tipson and Eminent, all with short shelf life as they have BB in June, but I don’t mind!

Maybe they thought I am a collector of those wrappings, so they sent some tea as a package filling as well as to get rid of them.

Anyway, this one should be fresh. This is what I have ordered. And when I read it is “combination of excellent Chinese tea, natural peach and mandarin peel.” I thought it’s black tea. So, boiling water used for a green flavoured tea. Whoops.

But it doesn’t turn the tea bitter, it was nicely grassy, with some buttery aftertaste. Nice peach flavour, I have been expecting a bit bolder taste though. It was sweet ripe peach. For a tea bag, where real peach is rare, but it’s there… it was a bit too weak. The rose leaves included (not sure if petals or rose plant leaves as in Czech as well in Russian it is said in the same way).

It’s nice, but expected a bit more. Won’t rate so far as prepared wrongly. Although they suggested 100°C.

PS: My exam result? Sadly, I have failed. But it’s maybe better this way. Finals thus postponed to August. Still okay, though I have hoped to have everything done before my 26th birthday.

Flavors: Floral, Fruity, Grass, Peach

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

There’s a purpose for everything; even exams that went a direction you didn’t expect. Hope the August postponement means you get a little down time for yourself! (And the tea sounds delicious.)


Sorry to hear about your exam results. At least you get the chance to redo it and you have the summer to prepare!


How frustrating to fail an exam, but its an opportunity to take it again. And drink other tea while studying!


Ditto to what gmathis said! Glad you have lots of time to study and get confident in the material!


You’ll do great the next time around Martin. When is your birthday?

Martin Bednář

Thank you everyone… I knew about the comments here thanks to email notification working well, but somehow lazy to reply! I am sorry. So, two weeks till another attempt. I am going to take it 11th June. And today I just start studying it again. I neded that week break to rethink and get my sanity again. Drinking tea all the time. Mow the grass if it isn’t raining. You know… just doing other things than studying. So much needed! Courtney, my birthday is 24th June.

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