Raspberry Macaron

Tea type
Black Tea
Darjeeling Tea, Flavor, Pink Peppercorn, Rose Petals
Astringent, Bitter, Coconut, Fruity, Pastries, Raspberry, Rose, Floral, Perfume
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Edit tea info Last updated by Anlina
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 315 ml

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24 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Trying this again. Even though this tea says that it’s 100% black tea on the website, some of the leaf chunks in my infuser were somewhat greenish, so I steeped it at a slightly lower temp. Not...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dear me this tea! I love Steepster so much—I jumped on the Fauchon sale mentioned in the “Misc Sales” thread in an attempt to assuage my Dammann Freres/Frenchy perfumed tea craving. Thinking...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipdown! i had some of this hot brewed earlier today and then cold steeped the rest. Let’s talk about how that was a bad idea. Don’t do it. I was hoping it would let the flavours come out a bit...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks ifjuly for sending me a sample of this tea. I’ve had a couple of cups of this tonight. We all know that I’m not afraid to call it as I see it, but I’m choosing to reserve judgement. I’m...” Read full tasting note

From Fauchon

Is it a tea to eat or a cake to drink? Who knows?
A tea with the almond and fruity notes of a raspberry macaron flavoured with rose.

Black tea (Inde), raspberry flavour, pink pepper, rose petals (1%), flavours (almonds, rose-lotus).

About Fauchon View company

Company description not available.

24 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

Trying this again. Even though this tea says that it’s 100% black tea on the website, some of the leaf chunks in my infuser were somewhat greenish, so I steeped it at a slightly lower temp. Not that I think that there is green tea in this, but rather maybe a milder black that needs a lower temp, perhaps a darjeeling?

This tea smells a lot like a macaron… it has a light, baked, cookie-ish aroma, along with raspberry and rose. In short, it smells awesome. The taste still has a very faint sharp bitter note, though. It is definitely lighter than before, so perhaps I just need to go lower in temp even, but it’s odd because it’s kind of unlike a usual oversteeped bitter note. It’s also one of those frustrating things where you can tell the rest of the flavors are awesome, but the base tea seems to be mucking it up. Sigh.

Oh and apparently I can’t read because the base is a darjeeling and it says on the website. I guess this goes to show that, no, I still don’t like darjeelings, even flavored ones. Well maybe if I play around with the steeping parameters I can get it to work for me.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

(I’m in the process of trying to figure out exactly how I feel about darjeelings, and this is really helpful.)


Yum, that sounds like a tasty tea.


Dinosara: Did you rate this tea and then remove the rating? Trying to figure out if something is happening to people’s ratings….


No, I never rated this one. I did rate and then try to adjust the rating of this one: http://steepster.com/dinosara/posts/184616
But although it initially looks like the rating change has been saved, when I reload the page it defaults to the previous rating (79).


(But the rating is saved & updated under your ‘Tea ratings’ tab, right? That’s how it works for me.)


Scratch that, even if I change it under the Tea Ratings page, it still shows up as the old rating on the tasting note.


Ok, weirdly enough the rating is showing up as it should (80) on the tea’s page and on the ratings page, but not on my tealog: http://steepster.com/dinosara and the note itself, where it still says 79


Exactly – that’s how it is for me, too. (FF & Chrome, cache/cookies cleaned out.) Sorry to hijack your review, by the way – I’ll delete this when we’re in post-(te)apocalyptic mode.


Now I’m even sadder this wasn’t a part of that vente privee sale, it’s my favorite fruit, my favorite French pastry/cookie, AND Darjeeling?! Maybe try 180 or so on the temperature.


Hmm, have to look into those issues. Sorry to be off topic here.


oh another one I need to look at at Fauchon !


Ysaurella – I really wish I had picked up their new “Naissance” tea… it sounds really good too!


I see http://www.fauchon.com/fr/naissance.html
it looks like a tea corresponding to my tastes.I’ll have a look at the fauchon shop Place de la Madeleine. Did you go to Hédiard as well (in front, on the other side of the place)? their teas are nice too but a little less expensive


This tea sounds so interesting and tasty. I’ve been looking at Fauchon teas the whole week and a really looking forward to buy a few teas next time I’m in Paris.

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612 tasting notes

Dear me this tea! I love Steepster so much—I jumped on the Fauchon sale mentioned in the “Misc Sales” thread in an attempt to assuage my Dammann Freres/Frenchy perfumed tea craving. Thinking about it, it’s sorts of nuts how reasonable the teas came out to be—on par with a lot of what I think of as fair-to-midling brands right here (about $3/oz). So that’s awesome. I couldn’t help but internally squee when I opened the package—the tins are so fancy with their indented internal lid chamber and little gold pull. And the perfume. Oh my. Heady, sweet, floral, and sexy. Wonderful. I definitely smell raspberry macaron in the dry leaf.

Steeped, it’s less apparent, but the smell continues to be dreamy. Unsurprisingly the taste is not as crazy as the aroma—how could it be?—but it’s a nice tea that does evoke macarons to me, and raspberry flavoring. I am so not a girly person but ohhh I love the way this smells. My friends wanna do our very first ladylike tea party next weekend (I am SO EXCITED vknlafbvasjdln), and this would be excellent to bring (the hostess loves girly Frenchy gourmet perfumed things; before this arrived I was going to bring my coveted Butiki Champagne and Rose Cream or Rose Violet Calendula Oolong for her sake). Funny part is my husband’s bandmates wanna join in so I’m picturing guys in black gothy metal or horror t-shirts sipping from dainty cups, ha. Friend’s husband promised to make a “vat of chai” for them, so there’s that.

Next time I might try this at a slightly lower temp a la Kusmis. We’ll see. It’s still a lovely cuppa. I could be in the throes of new excitement but my initial impression is I like this more than the Mariage Freres flavored blends I got earlier this year (and these were a heck of a lot more affordable!). Teas like this are always a bittersweet moment for me—when I love them it’s with the knowledge I likely won’t ever be able to restock, alas.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

i tried the link. nope. i am so let down. i will say dammit now…. but without the energy of anger. =0(


i wonder if you would like jarding bleu by dammann?


So glad that you took advantage of that sale, and the posting! I was told by a staffer at Winners/HomeSense that they’ll be stocking these on a yearly basis, as the companies locally rotate out old stock for the new year’s blends. So… there’s still hope that this may become a yearly thing!


Oh, and while the cute boxes only say the time to steep and not the temp, I’m finding these do best (the ones I bought) just under boiling.


JustJames, I’d totally be down for swapping some Fauchon for DF! For sure. I’m about to head out for the evening, so if I don’t PM deets right away no worries. Sometime this weekend. If you’re up for it of course—don’t mean to be presumptuous. (:


Thanks for the useful info, MissB! Yeah, I’m getting that impression about some of the Frenchy teas—that they’re becoming more available on a seasonal basis based on turnaround. Which I certainly don’t mind as the tins keep them very fresh and I doubt I’ll have this around for too long, ha. I will try the temp slightly lower and see if that makes it even awesomer. (:


sounds good to me! i have a few of them too….

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Oh my gawd I’m soooooooo jealous. I tried the link but it would let me through for some reason. I am drooling just reading this I have always wanted to try these since the day I read about them on steepster last year. :(


I am missing whatever link you guys are talking about. BrewTEAlly Sweet, I purchased a lot of Fauchon this past week and would be happy to send you some to try out if you’d like. I also bought two tins for Dinosaura and shipped them out to her, although I’d be surprised if there was much left where I am… just Anniversaire and lots of Abricot last I looked.


@MissB if you look under the discussion tab at the top there’s a subject header titled something like misc. sale. the only guarantee with them is that i’ll miss them. it’s a tradition, lol.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

@MissB where did you purchase them? I would love to swap you for some. I have a lot to add to my cupboard.


BTS, coming in here just to offer the same. I’d be more than happy to swap or just send you some—it’s the least I can do as a thanks for setting up Secret Pumpkins. If you’re interested feel free to PM me your addy.


(i couldn’t send whole tins as this was my only opportunity so far to get any fauchon—we don’t have winners here—but samples of the 6 i grabbed, to clarify)


@BrewTEAlly Sweet, I got them at Winners/HomeSense here in Canada; I started a thread about Fauchon in Canada and someone posted in there about where they found them in the US. $12.99 CDN/100g. If you friend me I’ll send you a note. @JustJames – I hear you there, and thanks for the heads up!


So Fauchon was found in the US at TJ Maxx, The HomeStore, and Marshall’s. The Vente Privee link for the online Fauchon sale only works if you’re in the US, sadly.


The tea sounds dreamy and the party sounds FUN!!!

BrewTEAlly Sweet

@ifjuly are you sure?! That would be awesome!!!! Ill PM you! I wish I could find some around me because I am inlove with the tins. It’s just toooooo expensive from the actual website. I hope to find them some day :)
@MissB thank you for the info. I do live in the US idk why it wasn’t working but now it seems to be working :( too late tho


CelebriTEA, yeah! Tea party squee! :D

BTS (do you mind me calling you that? ack), yeah definitely. It’s, yeah, a way to thank you which I’ve wanted to do anyway. I’m sorry the samples can’t be larger sized—I’m guessing 2 or 3 cups each, and I have 6 different kinds—but would love to send you something! This weekend’s kind of nuts but I should be able to send it out by the end of next week if that’s ok.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Whenever!!!! :) you’re doing ME a favor:) don’t apologize!!! :):):):) I’m sooooo excited! And that’s fine (BTS) it’s better than shortening it to brewtall ha ha brew is fine too or Megan ha ha . Ill PM you!

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15575 tasting notes

sipdown! i had some of this hot brewed earlier today and then cold steeped the rest. Let’s talk about how that was a bad idea. Don’t do it. I was hoping it would let the flavours come out a bit more…no such luck. Ah well, at least i enjoyed the hot steepings of this one, and i’m really glad to have crossed this off my list! thanks a bunch dinosara!


Haha good to know!


yeah,…stick to uber low HOT water temp

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1040 tasting notes

Thanks ifjuly for sending me a sample of this tea. I’ve had a couple of cups of this tonight. We all know that I’m not afraid to call it as I see it, but I’m choosing to reserve judgement. I’m getting some strange impressions tonight. Will drink it again in a couple of days and write something more constructive. For now – Thanks ifjuly – I learn something from every tea experience…
Edit – I know I was going to leave it for a couple of days, but the sample package was sitting on the counter, and here we are again. This is raspberry in the “scented – wafting in the air French sort of way”. I don’t normally read others tasting notes until I’ve tried a tea – my confusion last night would have been alleviated if I had read Dinosara’s note “It had a weird bitter note that was very sharp and I’m not certain wasn’t leftover soap aroma from the pitcher.” That is exactly what I was getting – and I too thought it was a soap contamination – but I’m pretty careful about that so was confused. I steeped today at a lower temp, and while I’m not getting as much of “that” it’s still present. I think it’s something floral I don’t like, and can’t recognize so my brain is saying “soap”. Dunno – this isn’t my favorite of the French teas, but I appreciate the experience. Thanks ifjuly.


I was surprised you mentioned being interested in this one actually—it doesn’t seem to fit into the teas you usually like (it’s so girly and floral! All the Fauchons I’ve tried so far except, interestingly enough, the Naissance you sent me—thank you!!—are very floral perfume-y to me). So I’m curious what you ultimately make of it, hee.

And as you know (I hope) given our earlier conversations, you don’t have to hold any punches reviewing any of the teas I sent. It’s been lots of fun reading your thoughts and will be regardless of whether you love something or hate it, promise!


girly and floral? LOL that is NOT ME. I am so NOT pink….. I really hope all the Fouchons are not too floral – I have almost 500g of their teas in my house – if they are…. massive care package heading your way.
As for this one, I think I’m having an off night – I’m getting some really weird impressions of this – wouldn’t have said floral… I need to try it again before I commit one way or the other – for right now I like it better cooler rather than hotter….


I edited this log with more thoughts……


That makes sense to me in that I seem to adore a lot of teas Steepsters dislike for being “soapy”. I think whatever it is, probably yeah a floral element or maybe a kind of fruit peel/bergamot thing, reads to me as “clean and a neat mix of invigorating and soothing” but yeah, straight up soap to most. Have a feeling that’s some weird programmed childhood memory nostalgia thing I don’t fully understand. But I go “aaaaaah” in pleasure to it and most go “ick”. You are not alone!


Now if I just figure out what it is so that I can avoid it in the future. Whatever it is seems to be more prominent when the tea is really hot, it dissipates as it cools then comes back at lukewarm. There was a point that is was barely there – if I could drink the tea at that temp I would like it a lot better. :))


I don’t think my problem with this one is the flavoring, i just don’t like Darjeeling really. I often get a weird flavor from darjeelings that I can’t get past.


Hmmmmmmm ok – then I don’t know why I think this is “soapy” – I have lots of Fauchon in my house I haven’t tried yet, will have to see how I do with the others.

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681 tasting notes

Sipdown of the day! 191/397

I saw that this was a Darjeeling so steeped it at a lower temperature than I usually would, but there is still some bitterness coming through and a drying feeling at the back of my throat, unfortunately. Like others have noted, I am picking up on rose notes most prominently, and when combined with the floral Darj it’s just a bit more overpowering than I would have liked. I’m also noticing some violet notes which are adding to the perfumed aroma. The raspberry is present, and in fact my very first sip was dominated by the raspberry note, but since then it has faded and been overpowered by the floral bouquet which is very loud, only allowing the raspberry to peek through as a background note. I don’t seem to be picking up on the almond, or anything that reminds me of a macaron. It’s a very typical ‘French style’ perfumed tea, I would say, with a hint of raspberry. Thank you for the sample, Marzipan, but unfortunately this one was not for me.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 20 OZ / 591 ML

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1780 tasting notes

I got the sudden craving yesterday for raspberry chocolate tea. Not sure where that came from, but I don’t have a tea that fits that criteria. Shocking. So I turned to this tea as an alternative and have been drinking it for two days despite not really digging it for the past three years. I’m not sure if aging of the tea has played a part or if it took three years for me to be in the right mood for it. It still needed cream to not be bitter, but once that was added it was much smoother. It is still very floral, but I’m picking out raspberry much more than I have before. Could be it is because I’m concentrating on it more. It is still very light and fluffy, like I mentioned in a previous post, but I’m not minding it as much. I would like to mix this with a chocolate tea and see if and how it rounds it out! In the mean time I’m glad I kept this around.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Evol Ving Ness

It’s funny how some teas well past there prime suddenly become just the right thing.


Right?! Hoarding for the win!

Mastress Alita

I’m a terrible hoarder, and am already worrying that some of my teas that are now hitting a year are going to be “be bad.” This gives me hope they will be okay despite my hoarding habits!

And I was just thinking mixing it with a chocolate tea might do the trick. I also have a recipe where you actually crush tea up and infuse it with cocoa powder, creating tea-flavored hot chocolates. If it has a really strong raspberry flavor, that could be worth a try. (EGs and herbals certainly work well for it…)

Occurs to me I actually have a chocolate raspberry tea! (The hoarding, I think I actually forgot…) It’s called “Dark Chocolate Raspberry” and it’s a Chinese orange pekoe base, with dark chocolate chips and freeze-dried raspberries in it. I’ll have to make it a priority to try that one soon!


You could always try it as a chocolate milk latte a la VarieTEA

Mastress Alita

Mmm, I’ve done the chocolate milk latte tactic before! Reminds me that I’m currently out of chocolate almond milk and need to pick some up…


I tried mixing it with MF’s Wedding Imperial to infuse a little chocolate and it didn’t work out so well. :/
I’m not exactly sure how VarieTea is doing the lattes. Is it just steeped concentrated with little water then adding a lot of milk after?
Tea hoarding is a dangerous game. Sometimes it pays off, but sometimes it goes badly. Anything with coconut, orange or nuts doesn’t last as long.

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1220 tasting notes

I may be one of the few. I freakin’ love this tea.

I had wanted it for so long and one day it was on vente-privee (which I found out is closing their American site NOOOOOO) and then I held onto it. Well I figured it would be a nice thing to keep at work so that’s exactly what I did.

I’ve had it a few times now and the first time, I was blown away by the smell of it. It’s very, very perfumey but I like it. It doesn’t taste that way thankfully.

I don’t entirely get macarons from it but there’s a definitely pastry flavor along with the raspberry. There’s also that marvelously French floral taste that I believe is what that perfume translates into. I love that this is a Darjeeling, I’m drinking a different Fauchon teas as I write this, and it just has a softer flavor. Like, maybe to me that seems to add to the nuttiness too. Darjeelings always remind me of pecans rather than almonds though.

So I’m glad I was finally able to get this. I hope it lasts me longer than I expect, but I try not to have it every day. I just basically filled a drawer with tea. And I kind of forgot oolongs look suspect, and my boss joked with me ‘are you sure that’s all tea?’ We are apparently more a team of tea drinkers, though I seem to be the only one who goes all out with the loose leaf. I’ll convert them.

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1324 tasting notes

Pass the stash ttb. Was excited when I first saw this one. But as soon as it started steeping, it smelled like rose petals and I know it wouldn’t it tastes like it sounds. I don’t mind rose teas but this doesn’t taste of raspberry or macaroons too me…


Did you go pretty low temp? It’s finicky.


Yea. I tend to not like steeping my tea in water that’s too hot regardless but all I could taste was rose.

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894 tasting notes

For my first cup of the day, I’m digging into the teas I got from Dinosara.

Opening the bag, I was struck by just how floral and perfumey this tea is. Rose was pretty much the only noticeable fragrance and it was powerful. This is an unflattering comparison, but it really reminded me of the air freshener my grandma always had in her bathroom when I was a kid. The dry leaf is quite pretty with the pink peppercorn scattered throughout.

The liquor is a clear, reddish brown, and has the same fragrance as the dry leaf.

Steeped for three minutes, it’s flavourful but light. There’s a touch of bitterness, a touch of fruitiness (that I honestly couldn’t identify as raspberry) and lots and lots of rose flavour. The mouth feel is pretty smooth, though a bit of astringency builds up as I sip.

This is a pleasant tea for sure, but I wish it tasted more like its inspiration.

I didn’t realize that the base tea was a Darjeeling when I made this, so I’ll have to give it a shot again, with more Darjeeling specific steeping parameters.

Edit: Bah! I had a few cold drops of this left in a tiny cup that I was using to sample it, and I sipped those down before starting on my next tea. There were all the raspberry and pastry notes, even some coconut, that I just couldn’t detect at all in my cup! So they’re there, but now to figure out how to draw them out in a full cup.

Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Coconut, Fruity, Pastries, Raspberry, Rose

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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4330 tasting notes

Another Fauchon sample from the lovely Dinosara. It’s so exciting to get to try all of these teas! I’ll be at least somewhat prepared for the next time Fauchon shows up somewhere :D This tea looks somewhat similar to La Naissance – it’s black tea leaves with rose petals and what looks like pieces of pink peppercorns? It smells similar too, candylike and very floral. :(

Yep, this tea is more rose than anything else, which leaves me extremely disappointed… There’s some raspberry flavor in there, but I don’t taste anything resembling macaron or pastry in general. This tea is making me very sad. Fauchon seems to be far too heavy-handed with their florals, rose isn’t even mentioned in the name of this blend and yet it’s the most powerful flavor…

Flavors: Floral, Perfume, Raspberry, Rose

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Yeah, this one comes out real bitter, and I worried it would be too floral for you :(


I was sure this would be too floral for you! Definitely why I sent a sample first. I honestly think the darjeeling base makes the floral-ness worse on this one than it would normally be.

Cameron B.

I didn’t really have a problem with it being bitter, just rosey. And I’m glad I’m getting to try all of these so I can take them off my list. :D


it was bitter for me and too parfumy

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