Dear me this tea! I love Steepster so much—I jumped on the Fauchon sale mentioned in the “Misc Sales” thread in an attempt to assuage my Dammann Freres/Frenchy perfumed tea craving. Thinking about it, it’s sorts of nuts how reasonable the teas came out to be—on par with a lot of what I think of as fair-to-midling brands right here (about $3/oz). So that’s awesome. I couldn’t help but internally squee when I opened the package—the tins are so fancy with their indented internal lid chamber and little gold pull. And the perfume. Oh my. Heady, sweet, floral, and sexy. Wonderful. I definitely smell raspberry macaron in the dry leaf.
Steeped, it’s less apparent, but the smell continues to be dreamy. Unsurprisingly the taste is not as crazy as the aroma—how could it be?—but it’s a nice tea that does evoke macarons to me, and raspberry flavoring. I am so not a girly person but ohhh I love the way this smells. My friends wanna do our very first ladylike tea party next weekend (I am SO EXCITED vknlafbvasjdln), and this would be excellent to bring (the hostess loves girly Frenchy gourmet perfumed things; before this arrived I was going to bring my coveted Butiki Champagne and Rose Cream or Rose Violet Calendula Oolong for her sake). Funny part is my husband’s bandmates wanna join in so I’m picturing guys in black gothy metal or horror t-shirts sipping from dainty cups, ha. Friend’s husband promised to make a “vat of chai” for them, so there’s that.
Next time I might try this at a slightly lower temp a la Kusmis. We’ll see. It’s still a lovely cuppa. I could be in the throes of new excitement but my initial impression is I like this more than the Mariage Freres flavored blends I got earlier this year (and these were a heck of a lot more affordable!). Teas like this are always a bittersweet moment for me—when I love them it’s with the knowledge I likely won’t ever be able to restock, alas.
i tried the link. nope. i am so let down. i will say dammit now…. but without the energy of anger. =0(
So glad that you took advantage of that sale, and the posting! I was told by a staffer at Winners/HomeSense that they’ll be stocking these on a yearly basis, as the companies locally rotate out old stock for the new year’s blends. So… there’s still hope that this may become a yearly thing!
Oh, and while the cute boxes only say the time to steep and not the temp, I’m finding these do best (the ones I bought) just under boiling.
JustJames, I’d totally be down for swapping some Fauchon for DF! For sure. I’m about to head out for the evening, so if I don’t PM deets right away no worries. Sometime this weekend. If you’re up for it of course—don’t mean to be presumptuous. (:
Thanks for the useful info, MissB! Yeah, I’m getting that impression about some of the Frenchy teas—that they’re becoming more available on a seasonal basis based on turnaround. Which I certainly don’t mind as the tins keep them very fresh and I doubt I’ll have this around for too long, ha. I will try the temp slightly lower and see if that makes it even awesomer. (:
Oh my gawd I’m soooooooo jealous. I tried the link but it would let me through for some reason. I am drooling just reading this I have always wanted to try these since the day I read about them on steepster last year. :(
I am missing whatever link you guys are talking about. BrewTEAlly Sweet, I purchased a lot of Fauchon this past week and would be happy to send you some to try out if you’d like. I also bought two tins for Dinosaura and shipped them out to her, although I’d be surprised if there was much left where I am… just Anniversaire and lots of Abricot last I looked.
@MissB if you look under the discussion tab at the top there’s a subject header titled something like misc. sale. the only guarantee with them is that i’ll miss them. it’s a tradition, lol.
@MissB where did you purchase them? I would love to swap you for some. I have a lot to add to my cupboard.
BTS, coming in here just to offer the same. I’d be more than happy to swap or just send you some—it’s the least I can do as a thanks for setting up Secret Pumpkins. If you’re interested feel free to PM me your addy.
(i couldn’t send whole tins as this was my only opportunity so far to get any fauchon—we don’t have winners here—but samples of the 6 i grabbed, to clarify)
@BrewTEAlly Sweet, I got them at Winners/HomeSense here in Canada; I started a thread about Fauchon in Canada and someone posted in there about where they found them in the US. $12.99 CDN/100g. If you friend me I’ll send you a note. @JustJames – I hear you there, and thanks for the heads up!
So Fauchon was found in the US at TJ Maxx, The HomeStore, and Marshall’s. The Vente Privee link for the online Fauchon sale only works if you’re in the US, sadly.
@ifjuly are you sure?! That would be awesome!!!! Ill PM you! I wish I could find some around me because I am inlove with the tins. It’s just toooooo expensive from the actual website. I hope to find them some day :)
@MissB thank you for the info. I do live in the US idk why it wasn’t working but now it seems to be working :( too late tho
CelebriTEA, yeah! Tea party squee! :D
BTS (do you mind me calling you that? ack), yeah definitely. It’s, yeah, a way to thank you which I’ve wanted to do anyway. I’m sorry the samples can’t be larger sized—I’m guessing 2 or 3 cups each, and I have 6 different kinds—but would love to send you something! This weekend’s kind of nuts but I should be able to send it out by the end of next week if that’s ok.
i tried the link. nope. i am so let down. i will say dammit now…. but without the energy of anger. =0(
i wonder if you would like jarding bleu by dammann?
So glad that you took advantage of that sale, and the posting! I was told by a staffer at Winners/HomeSense that they’ll be stocking these on a yearly basis, as the companies locally rotate out old stock for the new year’s blends. So… there’s still hope that this may become a yearly thing!
Oh, and while the cute boxes only say the time to steep and not the temp, I’m finding these do best (the ones I bought) just under boiling.
JustJames, I’d totally be down for swapping some Fauchon for DF! For sure. I’m about to head out for the evening, so if I don’t PM deets right away no worries. Sometime this weekend. If you’re up for it of course—don’t mean to be presumptuous. (:
Thanks for the useful info, MissB! Yeah, I’m getting that impression about some of the Frenchy teas—that they’re becoming more available on a seasonal basis based on turnaround. Which I certainly don’t mind as the tins keep them very fresh and I doubt I’ll have this around for too long, ha. I will try the temp slightly lower and see if that makes it even awesomer. (:
sounds good to me! i have a few of them too….
Oh my gawd I’m soooooooo jealous. I tried the link but it would let me through for some reason. I am drooling just reading this I have always wanted to try these since the day I read about them on steepster last year. :(
I am missing whatever link you guys are talking about. BrewTEAlly Sweet, I purchased a lot of Fauchon this past week and would be happy to send you some to try out if you’d like. I also bought two tins for Dinosaura and shipped them out to her, although I’d be surprised if there was much left where I am… just Anniversaire and lots of Abricot last I looked.
@MissB if you look under the discussion tab at the top there’s a subject header titled something like misc. sale. the only guarantee with them is that i’ll miss them. it’s a tradition, lol.
@MissB where did you purchase them? I would love to swap you for some. I have a lot to add to my cupboard.
BTS, coming in here just to offer the same. I’d be more than happy to swap or just send you some—it’s the least I can do as a thanks for setting up Secret Pumpkins. If you’re interested feel free to PM me your addy.
(i couldn’t send whole tins as this was my only opportunity so far to get any fauchon—we don’t have winners here—but samples of the 6 i grabbed, to clarify)
@BrewTEAlly Sweet, I got them at Winners/HomeSense here in Canada; I started a thread about Fauchon in Canada and someone posted in there about where they found them in the US. $12.99 CDN/100g. If you friend me I’ll send you a note. @JustJames – I hear you there, and thanks for the heads up!
So Fauchon was found in the US at TJ Maxx, The HomeStore, and Marshall’s. The Vente Privee link for the online Fauchon sale only works if you’re in the US, sadly.
The tea sounds dreamy and the party sounds FUN!!!
@ifjuly are you sure?! That would be awesome!!!! Ill PM you! I wish I could find some around me because I am inlove with the tins. It’s just toooooo expensive from the actual website. I hope to find them some day :)
@MissB thank you for the info. I do live in the US idk why it wasn’t working but now it seems to be working :( too late tho
CelebriTEA, yeah! Tea party squee! :D
BTS (do you mind me calling you that? ack), yeah definitely. It’s, yeah, a way to thank you which I’ve wanted to do anyway. I’m sorry the samples can’t be larger sized—I’m guessing 2 or 3 cups each, and I have 6 different kinds—but would love to send you something! This weekend’s kind of nuts but I should be able to send it out by the end of next week if that’s ok.
Whenever!!!! :) you’re doing ME a favor:) don’t apologize!!! :):):):) I’m sooooo excited! And that’s fine (BTS) it’s better than shortening it to brewtall ha ha brew is fine too or Megan ha ha . Ill PM you!