Formosa Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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From ESP Emporium

Oolong is a specialty, which had originally been produced in the Taiwanese mountains. After plucking, the teas are prefermented by approximately 50% and then wilted in the sun. Frequent turning of the tea in bamboo baskets during the drying process allows the Oolong to develop a mild aroma and a large, wildly curled leaf. After steeping, the still green leaf center with the fermented leaf edges becomes clearly visible. It is very light in the cup and has a very flowery and spicy taste.

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Brew Temp: 203 to 212 degree F

Brew Time: 4 to 5 Minutes

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3 Tasting Notes

4246 tasting notes

How am I the first to review this? I got this as a sample with my order a while back. The unsteeped leaves have a strange but nice scent. It’s hard to describe but it is different than any other tea I’ve tried.

First steep – 4 mins
The steep color is a lighter yellow but sadly the strange scent to the unsteeped leaves isn’t in the cup. The flavor is light and really good. It doesn’t have much of a floral to it. It’s more buttery. There is a slight tangy flavor too (not in a bad way — it makes it interesting), but there is also a sweetness to it to balance it. I recently read that some oolongs have caffiene. Now how am I supposed to know when they do? Sometimes oolong is my go-to late night tea, but now I’m not so sure.

Second cup – 7 minutes
This had more of that floral oolong flavor, but still buttery. On my oolong flavor meter where one is the lightest and most floral and five is strongest and could be confused with a black tea, this is a two! I love that all oolongs are so different. This one is simple yet very interesting!


Pretty sure all oolongs have caffeine… all true teas (Camellia sinensis) do. There’s debate on which tea has more (oolong, black, green, white), but they all should be caffeinated to some degree.


Interesting! I had no idea.. it also could be why I never sleep after drinking ANY tea so late at night.


Yeah, I think there are a LOT of myths circulating out there, but that’s my understanding of it. Stick to herbals or rooibos/honeybush to sleep at night :) I think I can get away with a cup or two of caffeinated tea sometimes, if I’m particularly tired, but other times it wakes me up… not good!

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92 tasting notes

The more Oolong I drink the more I realize I love the heck out of it. The first time I made this I made a whole pot and boy was I glad. Easy to drink and smooth on the palate, I could drink this pretty much daily.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Glad you like it! :D

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3 tasting notes

No aroma. But a very tasty tea. Soft gentle hints and a nice smooth texture make this a good cup of tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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