Cafe Vanilla

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by IllBeMother221B
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 340 ml

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66 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Am almost through with this. I was, unfortunatly, correct yesterday, when I said I’d only get one cup of tea. I did only get one cup of tea. Bleh. Today, I am almost out of filtered water, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Cavocorax for sharing this one with me. It is actually a very delicious vanilla tea. However, I have said before and I will say it again, this is quite similar to Vanilla Comoro and as...” Read full tasting note
  • “DTT order #2 has landed. Still searching for the perfect vanilla black. The smell of the dry tea is a soft, creamy vanilla. It smells like quite a natural vanilla, not at all perfumey or like...” Read full tasting note
  • “Mmmm this is a really tasty tea! Nt too overpowering on the vanilla and a nice balance with the black. I haven’t had too many other vanilla blacks but this is pretty tasty!” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

Our Cafe Vanilla will take you right to a French Bistro along the streets of Paris. With real vanilla bits and flavoring it will be one of your favorites.

Ingredients: Black tea, vanilla flavoring

About Della Terra Teas View company

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66 Tasting Notes

2970 tasting notes

Am almost through with this.
I was, unfortunatly, correct yesterday, when I said I’d only get one cup of tea. I did only get one cup of tea. Bleh.
Today, I am almost out of filtered water, and have injured my ribs from coughing. Well, time to call up the boyfriend for water delivery, so I can have tea!!!
This mornings breakfast was an english muffin with local honey, for which this was an excelent pairing.
Almost done, I’ve only got a cup or so left. But, hey. More tea is always forthcoming, and I’m eager to try more vanilla teas. Anyone have good recomendations?

Flavors: Vanilla


Angrboda, AKA ‘Dr. Vanilla’ is who you need to talk to.


yep..angrboda has gone through a number of vanilla teas. I’ve had a few as well, but nothing has blown my mind..yet, though i did like the one angrboda sent me…but not readily available to us here in canuck land :)


I’m obsessed with vanilla, but I tend to prefer it mixed with other flavours, or, if on its own, in a green tea. I own just one single straight-up vanilla tea. (But probably 95% of my favourite cupboard teas contain some vanilla notes.)

Sami Kelsh

My favourite vanilla tea is actually Adagio’s vanilla green, which is weird because I tend to gravitate more to black teas than green teas in the first place, but man, that tea’s got good vanilla-ness.

But oh man, I feel your pain on the whole cough thing :( I hope your ribs feel better soon!


Sami – okay, adding Adagio’s vanilla green to my shopping list. =)

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you Cavocorax for sharing this one with me. It is actually a very delicious vanilla tea. However, I have said before and I will say it again, this is quite similar to Vanilla Comoro and as that one is caffeine free, that is the one I will be keeping around.

Flavors: Vanilla

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Glad you enjoyed it! I wonder how this compares to the caffeinated version of Vanilla Comoro? I think I’d probably still prefer the decaf version though…


I did not even know that Comoro had a caffeinated version :P

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1792 tasting notes

DTT order #2 has landed. Still searching for the perfect vanilla black.

The smell of the dry tea is a soft, creamy vanilla. It smells like quite a natural vanilla, not at all perfumey or like overpowering factory-made vanilla icing.

But unfortunately, the taste lets me down a little bit. Too much sweetness and not enough vanilla, in my opinion.

I wonder if it would make a good cold brew? Like a sweetened black iced tea. That just may work.

PS: Had a jug of this cold steeped waiting for me this morning and I was right, it’s much better this way. It’s creamier and more flavourful. It tastes like vanilla toffee.


Have you tried the vanilla black from zentealife? They have free shipping in BC, and fairly reasonable samples.


I never heard of them before. I’ll have to try it out sometime. Why, is it your favourite vanilla so far?


So far I can’t stand vanilla teas, so I’m hesitating about ordering it! Just thought I’d mention it, because it’s not a huge cash outlay with the free-in-BC shipping.


Oh, I see! It’s hard to find a solid vanilla. Thanks for pointing me to them!


They have free shipping in BC? Is that new? :O

Miss Starfish

I think it’s only if you spend over $100? I thought I saw something saying $5 for BC orders though. (I’m from Victoria, so pay attention despite living in New Zealand lol)


Right now at least it’s free shipping in BC. :D I may have gotten sucked into ordering some samples based on this.

Miss Starfish

Awesome, hope you enjoy! :) I have loved everything I’ve tried from them thus far.


Thanks – I might have to get some samples too. :P


Remember to look for and then enter your discount code. I didn’t. :/ thankfully I only ordered ~$15 worth of stuff.


So I have ten samples in my shopping cart and don’t think I should do this. I JUST got two other orders in!


They’ll be there next month too, pretty sure! :)


I ordered. :/ Haha, this place is evil sometimes. It’s so great of them to offer samples. Such reasonable prices too. I luckily didn’t need to enter a code? It just did it automatically.


Aww. My order didn’t do it automatically. Boo! Oh well.


I wonder if you contacted them, they would adjust it. Or let you pick out $5 more of stuff if you could find something else. Because come on, $5 is still $5. :)


Oh, I meant the sale code. I did get free shipping, but I forgot to enter the sale code for, I think, 20% off.


Ohhh, me too! I didn’t even think of that. Oh well.

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15575 tasting notes

Mmmm this is a really tasty tea! Nt too overpowering on the vanilla and a nice balance with the black. I haven’t had too many other vanilla blacks but this is pretty tasty!

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6768 tasting notes

Azzrian Thanks, Girl!

Now…THIS…is a straight-up Vanilla Flavored Black! It smells and tastes wonderful!

A nice mellow yet medium strength black tea base but more importantly a wonderfully smooth vanilla walking hand-in-hand with the black tea. It’s lovely!

If you are a flavored black tea fan or a vanilla fan this would place nicely in your stash!

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814 tasting notes

snog box!
just watched new doctor who.
drank over half of my sample of this today.
it was just so easy to drink!
the vanilla was subtle for me, but that is great cuz vanilla is so easy to over do.

update: so ya, i just ordered an additional mini sample of this with a new try me pack. i don’t think i love this tea, but maybe i love this tea, cuz obviously i can’t stop brewing it. it’s like i have a compulsion to drink it that is beyond my control.

i win! bwahahahah!!!
i got a surprise bit of this tea from TastyBrew in our mystery swap, and that would be a ho-hum story except that i LOVE this TEA! i even ordered myself a second sample pouch from Della Terra after i finished my first pouch in record time. and now i have more of it! and i will goddamn hoard it all i want to!! cuz ’’’singit’’’ this is fucking awesummmm

Autistic Goblin

oh goody a new doctor who!! dang it, I’m still at work…(SIGH)


New Doctor Who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gah (sorry)


no apologies! i’m the same way. totally.
(i’ve watched the xmas episode more times than i can count.)


I just loved what “the bells of saint john” turned out to be. It was brilliant.


Woo! Just finished the new episode! :O (I kinda wanna rewatch the Xmas ep again – it was slightly better. :P)


Cannot wait for next week to learn what the deal with Clara is!


i still have yesterday’s episode to watch. and i know fans have been critical of this recent season, but i am having a great time. Jenna-Louise Coleman meets Matt Smith’s acting chops hit for hit. and also i suspect that watching the old series has helped me appreciate some nuances very much.
to be continued!…….


Oh goodness, you’re in for a treat! Nightmare in Silver was my favorite of the season. Matt Smith’s best performance thus far, in my opinion!


I missed the new cyberman episode too. Hubby is out of town and friend’s with PVR are sick. Watching the old series definitely sheds light on the nuances…yes. Matt Smith is very Troughton, but he has channeled Hartnell and Tom Baker for sure too.

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652 tasting notes

So I was very excited to get home today after work to find my Della Terra order waiting for me on the counter. (Incidentally, I was surprised they didn’t include any samples! Not sure what the criteria is but every other tea company I’ve ordered from has included samples!)

This tea was one of the five I ordered, including Love in a Cup, Lemon Lime Tart, Shamrocks & Shenanigans and S’Mores (in case you were wondering!)

I had a face palm moment when I noticed that the directions on the tea pouches called for 1-1.5 tsp of tea per 6oz, and realized my mug was 12oz, the directions for Davidstea are probably the same and so I’ve been skimping on tea this entire time! Ugh!

Anyway. I added the proper amount of tea to this mug (about 1.5 or more Davidstea perfect spoonfuls) and then I got distracted and accidentally steeped it for like 10 minutes instead of 4ish.

Needless to say this was a super strong, intense and flavorful tea! It surprisingly didn’t get too bitter so I still drank it no problem. It was sweet but not too sweet, full bodied, rich, dark – (All the qualities you’d want in a man?? Haha, sorry. Just found that funny as I was re-reading it) – really tasty and definitely vanilla-licious! Almost a “classy” vanilla. Sort of like the Michelle Williams of tea. Maybe Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe in ‘My Week With Marilyn’.

In summary, I really enjoyed it. For some reason I thought of blending it with H&S Paris sometime because they both seem classy to me. I mean, relatively high quality, natural vs artificial tasting, not cloying but more of a jazz loving 32 year old. “Classy” isn’t proper tea lingo.

I really like similes tonight, my apologies. I will resteep tomorrow and report back with an accurate rating.

edit to add – drank my second steep of this this morning, which was more like my first steep should have been (since the first one was STRONG!). It’s a really good tea. I could see this being my go-to breakfast tea. It’s rich and full bodied and all the things I said earlier. And the perfect vanilla tea.

I have coffee addicted friends and family who have said “I wish I could love tea as much as you do so I could give up coffee! But tea is just too weak and tasteless.”

I get what they mean, because coffee is pretty substantial, but a lot of tea is pretty watery (particularly if you don’t use enough leaves when making it duh), this is a tea I would recommend to my coffee loving friends. A gateway tea :) YUM!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

DT doesn’t often include samples, I think because they almost always have sales running! I did get one once from them, and then recently they had a 30% off + 2 free samples promotion.


Oh yeah that’s a great point, their sales are awesome. Plus they sell a 1oz bag and that is great too!


I’m pretty sure that Davidstea directions are for an 8oz glass…


I think you’re right, TheKesser.


That said, thanks for pointing that out about Della Terra’s teas, whatshesaid! That would explain why I feel the need to use about 2 tsp/8 oz. in order to get enough flavour.


Yup, Davidstea indicates “1-1.5 tsp per 1 cup” but my “cup” is 12 oz so I’ve still been ripping myself off of my trip to flavor country.

So these are definitely good things to be aware of and I am impressed with myself for noticing because normally I don’t do directions :)


The amount of tea/amount of water conundrum always gets me since I have cups/mugs of varying sizes…

Jackie O

I am so loving your creative writing reviews!!! the Michelle Williams of tea…so wonderful!


Thanks :)

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137 tasting notes

Ohhh. Wow. I just don’t even know where to begin. I’ve been searching for the perfect straight up vanilla black tea for a while now, and I think this is it.

Such an unassuming name, description, and ingredient list for such an amazingly delicious tea! Just black tea and vanilla flavour. But I swear it tastes like little vanilla clouds on my tongue. Sweet, creamy, smooth vanilla flavour with a toasty black tea base and just a liiiittle bit of astringency that seems to keep it from getting too heavy.

Drinking it like I drink most black teas – hot with milk and sugar. It is so relaxing and satisfying and just what I needed after work.

This is my first cup from Della Terra; just picked up my order today. Everything smells pretty darn intoxicating. I love the great deals and giveaways they have for their customers too! A really nice touch, and will keep me coming back.

Oh boy, between this and my Butiki order I am drowning in new teas. 15 of them. It is the BEST. Shhh don’t tell my girlfriend that I smuggled more tea into the house. She would most certainly shake her head and click her tongue. I bet she’s going to love some of the ones from this order though, who can resist desserty blacks?

Della Terra Teas

Thank you for the amazing review. We are glad you liked it! Made with real vanilla beans btw. :) You know, I’ve had this tea a hundred times and it never gets old. A great classic and one of my favorites! Oh, and don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone you’re a tea smuggler. ha ha


Sigh, another to add to the list for my next Della Terra order. (There isn’t even a list at this point because of all the new ones hahaha.)


I thought there must be some real vanilla in there for it to taste this awesome! The ingredients just list vanilla flavouring. It really is a classic though, so simple and comforting. And yes Amanda you have to try it! It’s even better than I had hoped. I’m a pretty huge vanilla fan though.


Oh man must get this.


pricks up ears O.O

Unfortunately research shows that geography and shipping issues puts it out of my reach. Oh well.

I’m glad you found your Perfect Vanilla Black, though. It gives me hope that mine is out there too. Somewhere…

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1598 tasting notes

I had a craving for this today, but sadly it was the same time I did the dishes and I ended up steeping this for about 7 minutes.

Huh. I’m sorry Cafe Vanilla. You SMELL wonderful. You’re just a little strong. I’ll have to add a little bit of milk to even it out.

This is a really nice tea though. The vanilla is subtle but not underpowered if that makes sense.

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4843 tasting notes

My third and final tea that I sent out to the participants of the 12 Days of Christmas Swap. Mmm… this is so deliciously rich and creamy. A really good representation of a vanilla tea … and I’m really glad I chose this as one of the three teas. For me, it was between this and the French Vanilla Assam from 52Teas, and ultimately, I chose this one because I had already tasted the French Vanilla Assam but not this, and I wanted the teas to be an adventure for me as well as the other participants … and since I was already definitely sure I wanted the maple tea, I wanted the other two to be teas I hadn’t yet tried.

And I’m really glad I’m trying this today. Sweet, creamy, decadent vanilla flavor. Rich, smooth, and yummy.


I love the French Vanilla Assam – I’m actually waiting on getting it custom blended! But I’ve also loved pretty much everything I’ve had from Della Terra as well.

Did you end up preferring this one over the 52teas?


The two are very different. The very first blending of the French Vanilla Assam … I preferred over this. However, the second blending of the French Vanilla Assam was not as good … so, I would say that those two (reblend vs. this) are about even.

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