Gingerbread Cookie

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Yerba maté Blend
Cinnamon Bark, Currants, Ginger, Ginger Root, Green Rooibos, Honeybush, Maple Crystals, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Pineapple, Roasted Yerba Mate, Rooibos, Safflowers, White Chocolate
Cinnamon, Ginger, Spices, Spicy, Bark, Honey, Chocolate, Cookie, Maple, Molasses, Sugar, Sweet, Butter, Caramel, Dirt, Vanilla, Rooibos, Wood, Artificial, Pineapple
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by CHAroma
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 30 sec 4 g 10 oz / 291 ml

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Cookie of the year

Happiness is…the smell of gingerbread cookies baking in the oven. Warming up with a perfect cup of tea. And sharing something sweet with your family and friends. And with this sweet and toasty tea, you can have all three at once. We started with a smooth base of rooibos, then added a sweet hint of maple and molasses. Then we warmed it up with spicy cinnamon and crystallized ginger. Finally, we added a dash of yerba maté for an energizing kick. With this in your tea cupboard, happiness is just a steep away…

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

33 Tasting Notes

1309 tasting notes

This bag has got to be like a decade old, so it’s a good thing I can finally claim it for a sipdown, and one that counts for Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge because it’s a mate! Shockingly, it’s still really flavorful, with really spot-on flavor. It made my heart beat really fast and hard though, so I ended up only drinking about 2/3 of the cup.

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2594 tasting notes

Grabbed this tea from the tea box. It came in the absolute cutest tin. It tastes very similar to the one I have that’s just called gingerbread. I think they’re basically the same tea. It’s sweet and lightly spiced. This is one I like to have in my car with me while running errands because it stays nice all day long.

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2987 tasting notes

Thanks to AJRImmer for a chance to try this blend!

I made the mistake of trying this before bed because I thought it was a rooibos blend, however it is actually a rooibos/yerba mate blend. Oops. The name is quite accurate in that this tastes like gingerbread spices. I didn’t taste any cookie flavour or brown sugar/vanilla type flavours, so this was more of a gingerbread spice flavour than a cookie flavour. Still, it was a nice winter blend on a very wet and cold days.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Ginger, Spices, Spicy

Boiling 8 min or more

Any favorite teas you would recommend that do taste like cookies?


Oh whoops I thought it was just rooibos as well! Luckily I usually take this one to work so I haven’t had it at night before. Shae, I recommend snickerdoodle from Simpson & Vail. One of my absolute favorites.


Oh actually the tea I sent was this one:

So it is just rooibos and no mate! I didn’t realize they had two different versions.


Added to my list! Thank you!

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8 tasting notes

Quite good (hot)

180 °F / 82 °C 8 min or more

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1 tasting notes

This is the tea of all teas for me. With the genuine gingerbread cookie smell and the smoothness of the flavour its delicious. It’s not overwhelmingly strong but I feel like its a tea my tastebuds can really pick up without it having to be some crazy intense fruity sensation as many “flavourful” teas are. Having one of my few remaining mugs of it now and I’m terribly upset David’s has not brought this one back!

Flavors: Bark, Ginger, Honey

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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91 tasting notes

This tea has a lovely festive aroma in the tin! Definitely smells like a gingerbread cookie with the cinnamon, ginger, currants, maple and chocolate accents. The flavour of the tea surprisingly wasn’t too sweet even with the mate, sugar and white chocolate ingredients. It’s a bit of an underwhelming flavour actually. I’ve been in no hurry to finish it since buying it in the boxing day sale last year. It’s a decent tea, but nothing too special.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cinnamon, Cookie, Ginger, Maple, Molasses, Sugar, Sweet

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 30 sec 5 g 12 OZ / 355 ML

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46 tasting notes

Day 23 of the 2015 Advent Calendar. I love the idea of this tea personally, but then again I love gingerbread in general so I suppose that’s to be expected. In terms of smell, I don’t know how to describe it other than well… Gingerbread Cookie ahaha. Although I do smell the mate base I think.

The tea itself brews into a really pretty amber colour, but I might attribute that to the rooibos that I believe is in the tea. Taste wise I wouldn’t really consider this ‘gingerbread’. For some reason its fruity and almost molassesy. I can definitely also taste the rooibos in this as well. Not getting the mate really, but I’m not a fan of the taste so I can’t say I mind.

Overall I feel like this tea was a bit of a letdown. The flavor itself isn’t… bad but I kind of expected a lot more from it. The aftertaste isn’t particularly nice either. I can see why David’s did not bring this one back. I’ll be sticking to Teavana’s take on Gingerbread, personally.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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2970 tasting notes

In my new tea panic, and my resolution to drink more evening teas, I grabbed this out of the sample bowl.
And, obviously this has been in the sample bowl since last Christmas time, which is highly embarrassing. What took me so long? Especially since I love gingerbread, and just plain ol ginger.
But it turns out my trepidation was correct, because if someone had given this to me blind, and told me to list the ingredients, I would have said Rooibos, and maybe a touch of spice.
And that’s it. No gingerbread flavor to be found. None. I drank it without paying any attention to it, which I’m sure was not its intention, but here we are.
Ah well. Another one out of the sample bowl, and out of my cupboard.

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46 tasting notes

This one was meh.

I had high hopes for a good gingerbread cookie tea but was disappointed.

First, I’m not a huge fan of mate. Maybe if this tea had a different base it would have tasted better. The rooibos part was fine and didn’t bother me, and I figured there would be some rooibos in a gingerbread tea anyways.

Dry, it did smell pretty good. It reminded me of maple and light cinnamon.

However once brewed it felt like it had no flavor. I couldn’t taste the ‘gingerbread’ or ‘cookie’ part of it at all, which is what it needed to bring this tea to life.

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28 tasting notes

Even with 2 tsps the gingerbread flavor is barely noticeable, just tastes like rooibos. These holiday teas have been a big disappointment.

185 °F / 85 °C 7 min, 0 sec 0 OZ / 0 ML

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