Chai On Life

Tea type
Chai Green White Blend
Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Coconut Chips, Ginger, Green Tea Leaves, Lemongrass, Natural Flavours, Pineapple, Pink Peppercorn, White Tea Leaves
Cinnamon, Lemon Zest, Lemongrass, Spices, Spicy, Ginger, Peppercorn, Cloves, Coconut
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 308 ml

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38 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I figured I might as well start in on the sample package I got, because it’s kind of like replying to emails: I either reply within three minutes or three months; there’s pretty much no in-between....” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Cavocorax for sharing this tea. I find I am always drawn to DAVIDs Teas of the month even when it might not be something I truly enjoy. For instance, I am not a chai fan but was still...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I haven’t had tea since Sunday! :O What the heck? I’ve been sick. So terribly sick. I just started eating again too, but this seemed like a good cup to ease back into things with. It’s low...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, I was running out of paper tea bag filters to use at work, which gave me an excuse to go to DavidsTea on my lunch and see the new mugs, and check out the tea of the month! ;) The new mugs are...” Read full tasting note


What do you reach for when you need a little pick-me-up? Maybe you go for something sweet and satisfying. Or perhaps you prefer the feel-good glow of something super healthy. Lucky for you, this lemongrass-spiked white tea is the best of both worlds. It’s a uniquely fresh and delicate chai, filled with traditional warming spices from Ayurvedic medicine, like cinnamon, cloves, ginger and black pepper. Sweet, smooth and refreshing, this blend isRead more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

38 Tasting Notes

513 tasting notes

I figured I might as well start in on the sample package I got, because it’s kind of like replying to emails: I either reply within three minutes or three months; there’s pretty much no in-between. yes, I’m not a very good person. But yeah, I knew that if I didn’t bust open this package, I’d probably guiltily be reviewing it in May or June, or forget that I had it and just buy more tea (which will likely happen anyway).

So i brewed this up this morning, and after I lifted my basket out of the mug and inhaled, I instantly thought “Hey! I’ve smelled this before!” and I sat there, wondering where on earth i’d smelled something so similar. And then I realized that this smelled almost identical to (but a bit lighter than) Sugar and Spice! I’m not entirely surprised—both teas are spice-heavy, it’s just that the sugar and spice has a bit more vanilla and cakiness, plus it’s on a black base whereas this one isn’t. When I sipped, I got cloves first, followed by a jumble of spices, the most prominent of them being the cinnamon and ginger (although when not in latte form, I’m getting less ginger overall, which I’m ok with). I was a little disappointed that this felt so similar to sugar and spice, although I liked that tea very much when I first tried it—I think I was just hoping for something markedly different. Having said that, I really do want to polish off this package because I hate half-filled sample packages, and they’re pretty much taking over my house at the moment. How annoying. This is also low-caffeine, which means I can have it in the evenings, which will aid in sipdownatude.

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C-chan 11 years ago

I know the feeling about half-filled packages taking over your house…. Good luck with the sipdowning to finish them off! (I will be doing the same alongside you. ^^)

Tuscanteal 11 years ago

I’m seeing similar flavours the more I try DT’s line. I bought the sugar and spice web special and I do like it, but I wouldn’t say it’s chai by any means. I don’t think David’s does Chai very well. They don’t get the sweet and savory mix that usually happens in any authentic Chai I’ve had.

keychange 11 years ago

No, I think I’m with you on the chai front. Their “pure chai” smells divine but also falls flat. But there are many teas DT does extremely well, so not all hope is lost. And yup, let the sipping down begin! I don’t mind having a few samples, but I’d prefer to mainly just have my regular full-time teas be taking up most of my life space.

Fjellrev 11 years ago

I’m like that with emails too!

keychange 11 years ago

Oh yeah, those e-mails sneak right down the page and then it’s hopeless. And I’m always like “I meant to reply, I swear I did!”

Fjellrev 11 years ago

Haha exactly. And it’s such a great analogy when it comes to tea. So many I’ve bought months ago that I was meaning to review. Half the batch got reviewed right away while the rest have been sitting there for months.

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you Cavocorax for sharing this tea. I find I am always drawn to DAVIDs Teas of the month even when it might not be something I truly enjoy. For instance, I am not a chai fan but was still interested in tasting this and thus I am happy I was given the oppurtunity to try it without having to commit to a lot of it.

I actually am not minding the combination of spices in this cup. They are nicely balanced between each other and the fruit in the blend. There is no one spice jumping out and taking over the cup. However, at the end of the day, I think this is still a bit too heavy on the spices for my tastes (which tend to lean toward the sweet and fruity) and consequently I won’t be getting more when my sample runs out.

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1598 tasting notes

So I haven’t had tea since Sunday! :O What the heck?
I’ve been sick. So terribly sick. I just started eating again too, but this seemed like a good cup to ease back into things with. It’s low caffeine so it won’t upset my stomach, but it should have a little bit to avoid withdrawal :P I under-steeped it a little to make sure it wasn’t too spicy.

Yay for being able to drink again! :D

Also the little bear is sick (again? Holy man, do kids stop being sick???) so we’re watching non-stop cartoons today, and listening to:

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VariaTEA 11 years ago

Oh no. I hope you guys feel better soon!

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Sorry you’ve been sick. :-(

Kids are such little incubators. I wasn’t sick for years, then after having kids I started getting sick several times a year from the gunk they brought home from daycare. The good news is there’s a big drop off on the sickness front when they get old enough to stop putting everything in their mouths. ;-) Then there’s another drop off when they learn about handwashing and it’s even better when the school enforces handwashing. The year of the big H1N1 outbreak we didn’t get sick at all because the kids were washing hands all the time at school.

TeaLady441 11 years ago

Well… that’s encouraging! She’s so little that she runs away whenever I try to wipe her nose, and then she just tries to smear it on EVERYTHING. It’s so gross. I want to burn the house down. :O But I’m sure it’ll get better once she learns to blow. I’m just lucky that I can miss work the way I have been each time she gets sick!

And thx!

Fjellrev 11 years ago

Oh geez, it seems like you’ve been sick all winter! I hope you feel better soon.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Feel better!

TeaLady441 11 years ago

And yeah, I feel like I’m always complaining about being sick. :O :O :O Seems like we are all taking turns. And, enough!

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818 tasting notes

So, I was running out of paper tea bag filters to use at work, which gave me an excuse to go to DavidsTea on my lunch and see the new mugs, and check out the tea of the month! ;) The new mugs are cute, but there weren’t any that I was totally in love with, so I’m going to wait to see what they come out with next. They had samples of this tea made up, so I tried it. Very mellow, but I could definitely taste cinnamon. It was a nice cinnamon flavor though, so I picked up an ounce. :) Made this at work yesterday afternoon and it was really good. It’s like a lightweight chai, good for the afternoon and evening. The cinnamon is prominent, but there’s a freshness from the lemongrass and pineapple. It’s definitely mellow, and that’s why I found it kind of relaxing. I will definitely enjoy drinking more of this unique tea! Good job, DavidsTea!

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Sweet, warm spices with a hint of lemongrass and coconut. The cinnamon comes forward in the spices and some cardamom notes. The teas are evident but play a minor role in the nose.

Liquor: A lovely and clear yellow gold liquor with the aroma of warm spices and coconut. Sweet and round with notes of lemongrass.

Flavour: A sweet and complex overall flavour, filled with warm spices and a hint of lemongrass. Delicate and smooth in the cup.

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec
TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Coconut? A new DavidsTea with coconut in it, really? Lol!!!

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37 tasting notes

I was in the mood for some chai tea today so I pulled out my sample of this and decided to give it a go.

First sip: It definitely doesn’t scream chai to me, although I do like it. Its a mild chai, so its good if you’re not a huge chai fan. I can definitely taste the spiciness, and I find it quite refreshing.

After finishing: I ended up really enjoying this! Perfect for those nights when you just want a nice refreshing cup of tea to warm you up after a long day. Its not something I would drink every day, but it was better then I was expecting. It definitely reminded me of Splash, but spicy. So if you enjoy that then chances are you’ll enjoy this.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
keychange 11 years ago

I got a sample of this too, but haven’t tried it yet. Did you drink it straight?

Pandeme 11 years ago

I did, I usually drink my tea straight though :) Definitely try it when you can, it was pretty good.

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75 tasting notes

Happy New Year and hope you all had a great holiday season. First tasting note of 2014. It’s almost hard to believe how quick time passes and how some things change and remain the same. Unexpected meetings and new outlooks on life. It’s all quite refreshing and familiar all at the same time much like this special Chai.

It’s much like “Splash” with its medicinal properties and detoxifying benefits. But its new in its spicy qualities and taste of the tropics. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loved “Splash” and to any Chai connoisseurs who want to experiment with all the various types of Chai. For those back east it’s just the trick for those cold evenings, to melt the Winter ice.

As for those in the West, it keeps that mild ambiance going no matter where your journeys happen to take you. Best of all worlds, wouldn’t you agree? To conclude I raise a “Cheers” to my fellow tea drinkers and hope we continue to prosper in the new year. Best wishes!

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TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Happy new year to you also :-)

Cassie Eng 11 years ago

Thank you Tea Fairy.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Happy new year!

Cassie Eng 11 years ago

Thanks OMGsrsly <3

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513 tasting notes

Surprisingly, not bad, and I am not a chai fan! it is definitely a chai, but it is not super spicy. Instead, the coconut and the lemongrass go a long way to tone down the spice and add a fresh background note. I am super impressed, this is the chai for those of us who aren’t this biggest chai fans.

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165 tasting notes

I had a cup of this the other day while at the mall. I tried this as a sample when I first walked in the store and this was enough to entice me into trying a full cup. I was really pleased with this tea; although to me it doesn’t overly scream “chai”. I found it to be much lighter than many other chai teas I have had over the years and the spices are definitely not as overwhelming. It is very warm from the spices yet, the lemongrass gives it a lighter citrus note and makes it almost, dare I say it, refreshing to drink. I would definitely try this tea again and would encourage those of you who are interested to give it a try as well. This is not something I can see myself craving and wanting to drink all the time (and therefore will probably not be rushing out for a tin) but I think every once in a while this would be a nice tea to sip on.

TheKesser 11 years ago

I absolutely love my chai. I’m thinking I may have to try this one too. :)

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29 tasting notes

I was hoping that this would be the winter version of “Cocolemon Thai” which is my go to tea in the Spring months. It is okay, but it doesn’t have that addictive quality that usually has me going back for more. It is truly a lighter Chai, but there is something about the way the ingredients go together… it is just not quite “there”.

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