Coffee Cake

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Cake Flavor, Cherry, Pineapple
Artificial, Burnt Sugar, Maple Syrup, Pineapple, Sugar, Sweet, Brown Sugar, Caramel, Maple, Cake, Cherry, Bread, Butter, Coffee, Cream, Dirt, Metallic, Oats, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Fig, Bitter
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Edit tea info Last updated by Perry Papadopoulos
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 3 g 25 oz / 745 ml

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147 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is the first from the Winter Collection that I decided to sample – I didn’t want an herbal so that limited me to 2 choices. Side note: there are duplicate entries for all these teas and it’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hmm, my second brewing of this is not meeting with approval. Today there was a faint coffee after taste. Bleh. I will play around with the steep times, to see what I can come up with.” Read full tasting note
  • “I made this in my timolino and it is the first tea I have made in the timolino since I forgot it at home in Thornhill. Unfortunately, I believe the timolino tainted the flavor of this tea. This...” Read full tasting note
  • “BAM! I was able to retrieve my DAVIDsTEA parcel without having to go to the bloody remote shipping centre. Bonus points for semi-freaking out the delivery guy because I was in the lobby when he...” Read full tasting note


Take the cake

There’s nothing more nostalgic than a classic coffee cake. Just picture it. That dense, yellow cake, dotted with fruit and topped with crumbled brown sugar. And this sweet, fragrant black tea blend is every bit as satisfying. It has all the aroma of a fresh baked coffee cake, plus an energy boost from rich black tea and a fruity hint of cherry and pineapple. Now getting that fresh-from-the-bakery taste is so simple, it’s a piece of cake.

Ingredients: Black tea, cherries, pineapple, natural and artificial cake flavouring

Price per 50g: $7.98

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

147 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

This is the first from the Winter Collection that I decided to sample – I didn’t want an herbal so that limited me to 2 choices.

Side note: there are duplicate entries for all these teas and it’s making crazy! (ok, enough ranting).

I’m definitely getting cake from this tea. It smells delicious but I was completely distracted by this odd oily flavour because it was so damn familiar, and then I realized that this tea has the same cake flavoring as Red Velvet Cake. This tea is very similar, except it is lighter, and fruitier with the cherry and pineapple. I like it, but it also reminds me of dirt.

I realize that isn’t a ringing endorsement. Ha. I’m resteeping this now and will update if necessary.


The gingerbread also smells similar. Maybe they only have one ‘cake’ flavour?


Hmmm. Maybe I’ll try the gingerbread tonight too to compare.


Hmm. Red Velvet Cake may be what it’s reminding me of too. But not in an oily way. More of an artificial cherry way…


Maybe that’s what it is! (it was hard to pinpoint)


If you’re comparing it to Red Velvet Cake, then I could see it being similar to DTT’s Pineapple Upside Down Cake?


It kind of is, but DTT PUC is better. I think. It’s been a while. There’s something weird with this one.


I think Heather’s right. It’s been a long time since I’ve had PUC, but I think it’s better.


I totally felt the same way – as soon as I smelled it and then tasted it, instantly I thought of the Red Velvet. Then I smelled both side by side and it confirmed my suspicions

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2970 tasting notes

Hmm, my second brewing of this is not meeting with approval. Today there was a faint coffee after taste. Bleh. I will play around with the steep times, to see what I can come up with.

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6444 tasting notes

I made this in my timolino and it is the first tea I have made in the timolino since I forgot it at home in Thornhill. Unfortunately, I believe the timolino tainted the flavor of this tea. This was never a problem before but when I opened it today it smelled off so I think it just needs a really good soak. Not much to say about the tea given I still can’t taste much :(

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1792 tasting notes

BAM! I was able to retrieve my DAVIDsTEA parcel without having to go to the bloody remote shipping centre. Bonus points for semi-freaking out the delivery guy because I was in the lobby when he came to the front door, saw the teal box, walked through the secure doors, and asked if it was for me. Ha! The best part? I only ended up waiting for like 45 minutes, just entertaining myself with Candy Crush on my iPad. Awesome timing. He was like, “How did you know when I would come?” to which I replied, “I’m psychic.”

But seriously, that’s been the third time in a row when I’ve managed to catch the courier dude, and all three times without having to wait for more than 90 minutes, and all three times from different companies too (Purolator, Canpar, and UPS).

However, let’s hope my luck hasn’t run out because now I have a Fedex parcel that is scheduled to land tomorrow. My gut is telling me, based on previous experience, that I’ll have to go downstairs and wait quite a bit earlier for them, though. It’s too damn bad the apartment buzzer hasn’t been hooked up. What if I don’t get out of bed early enough or have to wait in the lobby for like four hours?

Anyway, so this was a sample in my parcel. I got this as a complimentary birthday tea from DAVIDs a few years ago, but semi-forgot about the experience. Like back then, I swear this smells like Red Velvet Cake? Why do so many smell like that? That thing keeps haunting me. It just won’t die.

Brewed up with milk, yep, like a more subdued Red Velvet Cake. The lack of sprinkles means it’s not as sweet, but I’m going to go ahead and guess that what I’m tasting is the universal cake note that DAVIDsTEA (and TeaTaxi) insists is cake. But it’s not cake, folks. It’s just sugar-dusted chemicals. There is supposed to be cherry in this and I didn’t get any of that, either. Pass.


I am so disappointed that this seems to be the general consensus on this one because I’m getting it as a sample in an upcoming order and I was actually looking forward to this one.


I’m super excited for this tea. I tried my sample and I enjoyed it. Everyone has different tastes, and I hate red velvet cake – but like this. So… Who knows? @Fay


That’s right, taste is very subjective. Surely they bring it back because there are enough people who like it. Hope you won’t be disappointed once you try it, Fay!


I just got this one too and it’s pretty underwhelming

Evol Ving Ness

What a shame! I think this is the only new one that seemed of interest. Bah!

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15620 tasting notes

we’ve got some duplicate entries going on for the new david’s tea collection but this one has the most notes on it so logging it here. They gave me this as a free sample in store today. I was pretty much convinced i didn’t want any of the winter collection based on the fact that i generally don’t like david’s tea and other steepsterites had posted such “glowing” reviews for the collection. However, free sample taste? sure.

Verdict? watered down pineapple upside down cake from della terra. More oily, less tasty…lacking in overall OOMPH. Pass.

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2291 tasting notes


It smells good, all cake-like, but it doesn’t translate over to flavour at all. I just taste tea and oil, and adding brown sugar didn’t bring out the cake part at all.

Looks like this collection is pretty much a miss for me. The only one I sort of enjoyed was the Gingerbread Rooibos.


Boo. Booo! :(
Yeah – it’s totally oily!


I’m returning it and the Choconut Oolong tomorrow. :/


I didn’t realize you could return opened tea!


Neither did I, but James suggested it so I might as well go complain (politely) and try.


Good luck! I think I spent about $19 on the new teas, and haven’t tried them all yet. The ones I have had are drinkable but not exceptional. I’ll sip themdown and move on. It’s too much hassle to return them, but I’ll be voting with my money by buying different blends.


It’ll be like $4 or something silly, because I used all te spiced fig in one cup, but for me it’s worth it. I’m frustrated I bought into the hype again and bought them all!

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818 tasting notes

I couldn’t resist going straight to DavidsTea on my lunch break yesterday to pick up some of the coffee cake tea. It was nice that, due to my last online order, I got to try samples of choconut and spiced fig, so I knew I was going to pass on those. I was also in the market for a new mug, because earlier this week, one of my elephant mugs broke….I’m so sad about that!

So, my coworker and I headed over to the store, and I picked up 1 oz. of this tea and the silver berries mug. I was hoping to get the new Nordic mug advertised at the back of the winter tea menu, but I guess they don’t have that one yet. Will probably still pick it up once they have it. ;) My coworker picked up a bunch of tea, including some of the fall teas they still had in stock. We also learned that they are indeed retiring ceylon star. The horror! Glad I still have two tins of that one.

Anyway, this tea smells a lot like DavidsTea’s red velvet cake tea, which to me, tasted like Della Terra’s pineapple upside down cake tea. Since this tea also has pineapple and cherry, it definitely reminds me of Della Terra’s tea. Someone posted on here that they thought it had more tea taste, and I agree, and that happens to be a plus for me. What disappoints me, however, is that this isn’t really coffe cake to me. Coffee cake to me is more brown sugar and cinnamon, but this tea has fruit. I think they should have named it differently, but I will still enjoy what I picked up.


Two tins of Ceylon Star? Wow. Then you WON’T need this:


That’s funny that it’s 50% off now. The reason I still have two tins is because I bought the 8.8 oz at 48% off not that long ago!


That makes sense that you’d buy it like that. :)
I really like the Star Anise in it.


Me too, and I like that it’s cozy and creamy, with a touch of spice. :)


Aaaah. I’m really feeling like I need to buy that 8.8 ozs, even though I just spent $50 at DT yesterday. :O I’m making a cup right now to help me decide if this is a good idea or not.


Lol! When I was trying to decide on the 8.8 oz., I made a cup too!


Well, I just made the order. Hope I don’t regret it. /0\


Nice! I haven’t regretted mine. Enjoy! :)

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Smells liked baked goods!

Liquor: An appealing red-brown colour, with the aroma of freshly baked upsidedown cake.

Flavour: Laden with the satisfying flavours and aroma of sweet baked goods.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Kimberly Wolfson

Sounds delicious!


This is one where the flavour sneaks up on you. On first taste I thought it was okay, but it is actually the taste it leaves which is even better.

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1040 tasting notes

Sometimes I feel like I go against the grain here, but not this time.
This was a sample with my last order.
Smells really good, flavor is underwhelming. It tastes a bit cakey, but after than I taste a bunch of nondescript sweet, and something odd at the end.
Glad this was a free sample…..

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513 tasting notes

Yeah…no. Not happening. It smelled very similar to birthday cake, which I’d initially fallen in love with, only to run the other way because of the rooibos. but to perhaps have a version of birthday cake without the rooibos sounded a bit enticing. anyway, it’s so hard for me to separate the two in my head.

anyway, this doesn’t taste even reminiscently of coffee cake. and it does have that artificial aftertaste, even for me. It wasn’t, like, insulting to drink or anything like that; it actually felt good on my slightly irritated throat (I was singing rather obnoxiously at the top of my lungs earlier as a way to de-stress), but I’m definitely not going to restock. I see i’m in good company, though.


I thought red velvet cake was like birthday cake sans Rooibos. This one here I was going to try but it is not well liked so I’m going to pass for sure!


nxtdoor. just try it by going in when they have a free sample haha that’s what i did


Oh yeah, definitely pass on actually paying for it if you can!

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