Guayusa (Organic)

Tea type
Guayusa Tea
Organic Guayusa
Grass, Earth, Wet Earth, Vegetal, Wood, Moss, Petrichor, Rainforest
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by DAVIDsTEA
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 4 g 20 oz / 591 ml

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Jungle fever

We are seriously passionate about guayusa around here, and we couldn’t be more excited to spread the word. Not only does it pack an incredible burst of energy, it’s also deliciously smooth, never bitter and lightly sweet. Plus it’s steeped in over 2000 years of Amazonian tradition and legend. To learn more about this wonder-herb, a bunch of the DAVIDsTEA staff went down to Ecuador to check out the guayusa farms, meet the workers and even harvest leaves for tea. Who knows – one of us might have even plucked this very batch.

Ingredients: Fair Trade Certified Organic Guayusa from Ecuador.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

60 Tasting Notes

292 tasting notes

I’ve been super busy and also kind of depressed and avoiding being on my computer in general, because I’ve been actively trying to not spend time doing nothing.

But… I have missed logging my teas and chatting on Steepster, so I’m going to try to ignore my shitty feelings and focus on things that make me happy. Like tea! And Guayusa. Especially mixed with a bit of Santa’s Secret. Still, one of my favorite combinations. Yum.

4 min, 0 sec

Aww, hope you feel better! :)


Gah I can’t believe I haven’t tried this yet! I need to get on that.


Thanks, Stephanie. :)

And Courtney, YES. It’s definitely one of my favorite combinations.


Alright Guayusa and Santa’s Secret for my morning tea before work. YUM!

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1186 tasting notes

Today I decided to try mixing 1 tsp of this with 1 tsp of cocomint cream, as I saw that jessiwrites did this last week or so with excellent results. And I must say, this is really awesome! It produces just the right flavor that cocomint cream needed to not be as sugary sweet, instead, it is fresher and i much prefer it. I’m going to have to mix guayusa with a few more uncaffeinated teas! :)

El Monstro

I have some guayasa from another company and am kind of dragging my heels on trying it…I’m kind of intimidated by the caffeine content :O


I’d try mixing it with something first if you are apprehensive, although I find it doesn’t actually bother me much at all, and i am pretty sensitive to it. I find Yerba mate much stronger, guayusa is a nice cozy awake feeling :)


I love guayusa! And this is such a great combination. If you have any Copabanana, it is also quite amazing. Or Santa’s Secret, but that’s a lot of caffeine. :P


I’ll maybe try it, I have a peanut allergy so I’m a bit leery to try almonds but id love to! I also want to try guayusa with rooibos at some point


I’ve mixed guayusa with Della Terra’s Lemon Lime Cream Tart, and it was lovely.


I’ll definitely have to try that, I have both of those :D

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1359 tasting notes

I mixed equal parts of Guayusa and Luscious Watermelon for my morning tea today. I’m just sipping away at it now and it’s great!

The sweetness of the Luscious Watermelon really balances out the earthiness of the Guayusa. Guayusa continually amazing me with it’s flexibility and deliciousness.

Happy Easter everyone!

Update April 5/13: I chose Guayusa with Copabanana this morning. This may be the best mix yet. I want to love Copabanana more than I actually do and this mix just makes it for me. I’m tempted to pick up some more for the sole purpose of mixing it with Guayusa. The Amish cinnamon bread I’m enjoying with my tea for breakfast probably isn’t hurting either haha.

Update: Tried this as both a 1:1 and 1:2 ratio for Copabanana. I ’d say the 1:1 ratio is tastier. These teas work so well together in both balancing and bringing out the best flavours in each other.


did you go edit all your posting notes?


Sorry I edited a bunch – although this one I did enjoy this morning.


Don’t worry, I edited a bunch of mine too! Apologies to all!


lol no biggee just wanted to make sure that i wasn’t losing my mind

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170 tasting notes

Note to self: don’t ever make a 1000ml teapot of this again. Too. Much. Caffeine. AHHH!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1759 tasting notes

Aha! I beat you, sneaky browser you.
Firefox won’t let me post a note, so I logged in under IE and lo!! she works. I don’t like IE for most of my net app type activities, but once in a while she saves me so I gotta send a little love xo.
Anyhow! Me no likey MATE guayasa. It’s kinda tasteless and boring. With that earthy mate depth, but in a bad way that I’ve never seen before. Sticking with my sock reference, it’s worse than stinky sock. More like stinky ground up sock, fermented in soil. Bleh.
Now I did finish the cup, as it was still drinkable. Just far from enjoyable. Double bleh.
Mind you this was in my travel mug, and I’m sure it’d taste different in something ceramic or glass.
Nevertheless, I’ll use the rest of my small packet for blending. When I remember.
Also, is it weird that I’d often rather buy a cup of tea from the shop than spend less money to purchase 3-4 cups, so I don’t end up regretting the addition to my cupboard?! Sighs. You know you are addicted when you’d rather spend a an extra dollar or two so as to not expand your quite unmanageable cupboard!!

Bear With Me

I agree that it’s not the best straight, but blend it with herbals/rooibos for an extra kick. It’s a lot better for blending than mate, I find (and I keep both on hand for the exact reason I mentioned above), it’s just a touch sweeter than the mate.
I do notice it tastes grassier, like a light green tea, when I use a ceramic mug. I can’t actually drink anything but blacks or pu’erh out of my el cheapo metal travel mug, and only iced green/oolong/white from my timolino (but hot herbal/black/rooibos/pu’erh/some dark oolongs are fine). metalic + grassy = socks, apparently

Bear With Me

also, use Chrome for a backup browser ;)


Love Chrome!


Hum, good point Shayne! I’ll try it in ceramic before truly judging it lol
I dunno, I’ve had bad luck with Chrome. Will def give it a try when I get a new laptop though.
Ashmanra, I used it on a friends computer and it was awesome!! on mine, not so much. Ah well.


I can only assume you brewed it properly, did you try it again in a proper tea cup?

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124 tasting notes

The leaves smell awesome!
I am having the worst most fibro-tacular day moving someone into a new house. Serious energy is in order, so I’m really putting this to the test.
Brewed up this smells really grassy – it’s actually really similar to wheatgrass shots, which I love.
It tastes like… wheatgrass! No, really, it has those deep chlorophyll notes to it. It has no bitter aftertaste, and actually doesn’t have much of a flavor at all, aside from the “green” tastes. I like that about this though – If I’m drinking something for energy, I just want a quick “zing!” rather than something super flavorful or cloying.
It’s actually pretty refreshing.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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1184 tasting notes

I have been forgetting to log my teas lately :(
I drank this awhile ago. I think this base is too earthy for me. I can drink guayusa but it has to be flavoured I think. I don’t think I would buy more of this unless my tastes change..

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Full, fresh and herb-based aroma with a light hint of sweet earth and some smokiness for depth.

Liquor: Earthy green liquor with some cloudiness at times, most often clean. Full, herb aroma with some earth notes and a sweet finish.

Flavour: Full bodied liquor with a natural sweetness and a robust body. Complex and sweet herb notes layered with an earthy quality, reminiscent of the jungles in which the guayusa is grown. The moist air of the jungle is brought to the cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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97 tasting notes

I was so excited to try this one. I brewed this tea right before my hockey game started because I figured that if my team started to lose this tea would help cheer me up. I am regretting buying only 50g of it instead of a 100g tin because I love it.

I think I was a bit in love with this tea from the moment I opened the bag. It smelled grassy yet a bit roasty. Like mate yet not. Brewed it was surprisingly flavorful. I was expecting grassy and vegetal but this was fruity and a bit nutty. It tasted like a slightly under-ripe banana with a bit of a roasty, almost caramel type background. It was an unexpected but yet completely welcome surprise. I may add a bit of nutmeg and cinnamon next time. Why not?

Guayusa may just kick mate’s butt. I think mate will still be my go-to when I am looking for a coffee-like drink but I love guayusa. I will probably keep a tin of it stocked in my cupboard.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec

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464 tasting notes

So any of the blends I’ve had with guayusa have been really vanilla creamy (not buttery creamy like oolongs), so I was interested in tasting a straight guayusa just to see if they are that way.

This tastes very “green”- like fresh leaves or grass. It kind of hits you in the face like the scent of grass shavings or cut branches. It’s a deep flavor that really gets to the back of my throat and up my sinuses.

I didn’t taste much of the creaminess I was trying to find until it started to cool off and then it was just barely discernible. Maybe it’s just this particular guayusa? I’m interested to try more evenutally.

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