Southern Belle

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
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Cream, Peach, Smoke, Vanilla, Yogurt
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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61 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Strraaange. This one tastes like smoky peach today. Not sure why; it’s in its DT bag and therefore shouldn’t have been contaminated. Ah well. I’m definitely not feeling DT’s peachy flavourings...” Read full tasting note
  • “ICED TEA MODE! I just spent 40 freaking minutes stirring a dark roux for gumbo and managed to burn my finger in the process – note to self and others, roux gets VERY hot, do not try to taste test...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow another win with me and DT today! Thank you Cedes for this sample! I rather like this one a lot! Its creamy, sweet, and note I do not normally like the Stevia in DT but this is fitting here!...” Read full tasting note
  • “I tried making this cold, but it still is just so gross. It just tastes like a really bad, cheap alcohol drink. If the stevia and/or the yogurt drops just weren’t here this might not be so...” Read full tasting note


She’s a peach.

If you order a cup of tea in the south, don’t expect a piping hot mug. Southern iced tea comes tall, sweet, and extra cold. And that’s just how this fruity black tea is best enjoyed. With big sweet pieces of peach, creamy yogurt drops, and sweet stevia leaf, it’s the perfect companion to a big bowl of peach cobbler on a warm September day. One sip and you’ll swear you’ve been transported to a porch swing in Georgia. Seersucker suit and panama hat not included.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

61 Tasting Notes

16374 tasting notes

Huge thanks to aisling of tea/De for sending me so much of this one! Prior to tonight I’d only had one cup of it (courtesy of Kittenna), but I adored it and figured I’ve never get a chance to have more. I’m so SO happy to be wrong!

I just sent some of this to VariaTEA today along with a giant package of other teas which has been steadily growing the last month or so, and I couldn’t resist making myself some of this as soon as I got home.

I’d forgotten how cloudy/murky this is from the yogurt (I’m hoping that doesn’t turn off VariaTEA too much), and am really happy that it still tastes as amazing as I’ve held it up to be in my head. Delicious creamy/mellow and maybe even a teeny, tiny touch smokey/malty peach taste! Delicious!

Sami Kelsh

There’s yoghurt? This sounds FANCY.


Yay! I look forward to trying it despite the murkiness.

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1473 tasting notes

I had my lukewarm, which was perfect.

I’m not sure how I feel about this tea. I opted for agave instead of sugar, which…I dunno. Agave adds a thickness and burnt quality to tea for me. I need to get a bit and try it out at home, but personally I didn’t see much difference between this and Long Life Oolong.


I haven’t smelled or tried it yet, but it almost seemed as if it might be a Zing Me replacement (sans ginger, obviously).

Daisy Chubb 3 minutes ago It is the same peach flavour as Long Life Oolong isn’t it?

I prefer this one and it’s a bit cheaper, so I might get a bit of this to replace my long life when it’s gone

Daisy Chubb

Not only 3minutes ago, but also every day.
Yay for typo-correction fail

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297 tasting notes

I got this one out of the traveling tea box as well.

It’s peachy, but also appley smelling. The yogurt chips make the tea really cloudy. This tea smells peachy, but not artificial peach which tends to smell like cat pee, however not quite like a real peach.
This is quite good, but I’m sure would be even better iced. Too bad I don’t have any left.

This is one I would definitely like to keep around for the summer.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec

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326 tasting notes

Tried this again today iced, and I’m still feeling disappointed. It’s better iced, but I didn’t like the flavours in the hot brew to begin with. To me, the aroma from the bag and tea liquor is just off putting. It might be the yogurt, but something just doesn’t seem right when I drink it. I like the strong peach flavour, but that is about it.

Since peach is one of my favourite fruits, I’d really like to enjoy Southern Belle but it just isn’t happening. I don’t regret trying this once, but I’m happy to have only bought a 25g bag.

Iced 4 min, 15 sec

Ditto on this one. I did not like the sample I tried at all :(

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516 tasting notes

Okay they must have oversteeped at my place because I thought for SURE that this was a rooibos. For reals. Anyways!

It’s peachy! It reccomends it iced (that’s how I’m drinking it), but I really want to try it warm. I imagine it to be deliciously creamy due to the yogurt! Even as iced, it has this creamy tartness
at the back of the tongue that reminds me of yogurt. It takes a while to taste it, but when you do it’s really unique!

I’m loving this tea, but I really need to take a little home to see how different it tastes when I brew it before I buy a lot. The stevia leaf sweetens it just perfectly without having the aftertaste I usually associate with stevia drops.

As the rain clouds part and show me a little sunshine, I feel justified in drinking this super yummy iced tea. I great contrast to the fall teas! Try eet.

It gives the same wonderful aftertaste that I get from the Long Life Oolong – this fuzzy peach sort of taste that is delightful


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62 tasting notes

I’m not sure if it is the stevia in this tea but there is a strange after taste when I drink this tea. Aswell as the white floaties from the yogurt. I tried taking the yogurt out and it was a bit better. Its got a nice peach taste . Tried this hot and cold I perfer hot but I’m not one for cold tea.

Daniel Scott

So many people mention floaties! I’ve never gotten them, but I usually use a filter bag. Maybe that would help, if you usually use some sort of strainer/infuser, steep this one in a filter bag instead?


Ill have to try that thanks

Daisy Chubb

Good call Daniel – Filter bags would be very helpful for this blend!

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75 tasting notes

After a nice long evening soak the allure of something sweet called out to me. The winner this night was “Southern Belle”. I first came across this one in the last fall collection. It still captures me with its intoxicating peachy perfume. The taste is quite similar to enjoying a bowl of fresh orchard peach slices with a dollop of whipped cream. Like with many dessert teas the flavors are enhanced nicely while hot. I have tried this cold during dance rehearsals as a refresher too and it works wonderfully to perk the spirits. I can see how it fits the image of September, the tea is the perfect representation of the transition between the seasons. Not too bad at all. Delish!


I agree! Well put.. it is the perfect representation of the transition between seasons =)

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144 tasting notes

Bleh. The dry leaves smelled fairly peachy and just a little weird, but the tea smells totally plasticky and off to me. Maybe it’s the yogurt bits? I’ve heard this is better if you take them out. So I’ll try that next time. But yeah, the taste is plastic and weird too. I’m not even really getting any peach at all. :/
After it cooled a little I started eating some mint chocolate with it and it actually tasted better. Huh. Still hopeful about this one, gonna try it iced too.
EDIT: The second steep was much nicer and lighter on the weird stuff, but still not all that great :\

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

And bleh, my house is full of smoke fumes! The stupid High Park Fire has shifted wind direction again and the smoke hit the ground like fog, I have a headache and can’t sleep…HELP!


I hadn’t of this till your review, and sounded really weird! Just read the tea description. An odd tea indeed. Yogurt pieces just seems like a huge no.


Bonnie – I hope you got to sleep! Stay safe :(

noordelijk – Yeah, the yogurt pieces seemed weird to me too, and it left some weird scum on the tea. But the pieces are pretty big so it should be pretty easy to pick them out next time.

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440 tasting notes

Last year when this came out I loved it. I drank so much of it in the late summer early fall as I clung to those last warm days. I revisited it today by brewing up what was left in my cupboard as a cold brew iced over night.

Disappointment is the best way to describe what I’m feeling with it. Something tastes off. I’m not getting the peach I remember as intensely and the vanilla seems . . . old? Maybe it was just some old tea and that was why so I’m not going to rank it, but still. Sadness.

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72 tasting notes

Drinking this (hot) during my lunch break. Yes, it’s gotten to the point where I’m on Steepster at work. * Hangs head in shame *

Another of the DT teas that has a way better description than actual taste. I like the smell (even though its candy peach rather than real peach). I don’t notice the yogurt in this tea. Well, I don’t notice it flavour-wise, but I definitely notice the tiny white floating bits it leaves behind. Unattractive.

I find this tea slightly better with milk (damn whoever finished that off!), but I’ll probably just keep the rest until next summer for iced teas. Glad I didn’t buy much of this one!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

I see no problem with being on Steepster at work!

Kay Kanada

Thanks Jessie! Now I don’t even have to feel guilty, which makes my tea addiction all the more alarming… :P


I can identify… And now, with the holidays coming, as an excuse to buy more tea… Tea addiction is full blown!

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