Ok, now we’re gonna get into stuff from my date – but first I’ll write about the actual tea stuff, I suppose. I got this one iced since I still had my free tea from signing up for the Frequent Steeper program (I struggle so much writing “Steeper” instead of “Steepster”), and that was going to expire on Sept. 1st so I wanted to redeem it since I was pretty sure (and correct) that I wouldn’t be stopping at the store before the 1st.
I’ve actually never had this one before prior to getting it iced but it’s one I’ve been off and on curious about for a while; I finally decided to try it instead of one of my standard “To Go” choices. If I would have been able to redeem my free tea as a latte I would have gone with Cotton Candy, though.
Anyway, this was pretty good. It was light/mellow and fruity. Most prominently were apple, orange, and mango notes over top the somewhat hay-like white base. Other citrus notes were also present, but in a far more muted and less distinct way. I was surprised that the mango in this was so agreeable to me; I usually don’t embrace Mango with open arms. It’s a fruit I’m a bit hesitant towards.
Also, apparently there’s pineapple in this (which I didn’t realize when I got it). However, that flavour was completely lost to me; I didn’t even get a hint of my favourite fruit in this blend. Not disappointed about it though, given I didn’t even know that was something in the blend when I drank it. After all, they didn’t named is “Pineapple Madness”. That just doesn’t have the right ring to it, anyway. So I did enjoy this on the whole, but I don’t think I’d buy it again.
And now for the date with Thorne…
So he met me at DAVIDsTEA (I’d already done my shopping), and he seemed really nice and sweet but he was so damn quiet. I think he must have been really, really nervous or just a very shy person in general. It was weird though, because our text exchanges prior to this he definitely had not come off as so quiet and reserved.
So while I enjoyed sipping on this tea, I tried to help him pick something from the wall. I think, like most tea newbies, he was really overwhelmed. It was a long sorta trying process as the staff (very patiently and sweetly) pulled things down for him to smell. After about ten minutes of suggestions he finally decided on a hot cup of Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait, which he ended up not liking; he was very polite about it though and asked if I’d be offended if he through out the rest of it. I, of course, said it was ok.
After that we had a quick meal; it was also pretty awkward though because he was, again, being super quiet. And, I mean, I can handle quiet but there’s a difference between being a quiet/more reserved person (like my brother is when he first meets people) and forcing me into carrying the entire conversation. I’d try to prompt a response from him by asking questions and he’d shoot back a one or two word reply and then just stop talking. So I’d ask another question, and same thing. I felt like I was talking to myself, and then after a while I sort of felt like an ass for just talking non stop. But if I hadn’t’ve kept talking then we would have been sitting in complete silence…
After food I was torn; I half wanted to just go home and I half wanted to continue the date in the hope he would maybe open up more. We ended up continuing it; we decided to go to his place (which he said was within walking distance) and watch some anime. I think his definition of walking distance is much different than mine because it was, easily, an hour to hour and a half long walk – most of which was uphill. I did not enjoy the walk, and it was especially frustrating given it was mostly silent.
On the way to his house we passed an icecream place and he decided to treat me. That was really, really nice of him – and also probably the most forward/outspoken he’d been the entire time. I told him to pick whatever flavour he wanted and that I was up for trying anything. I like “out there” flavours. He chose Maple Nut, which was really good but I think his idea of “out there” may be different than mine. Oh well.
When we did finally get to his place things got on a better track. I think he was much more comfortable at home, so he was talking much more and I felt like I was actually getting to know him better. We watched the pilots for a few different animes (he showed me the pilots from two of his favourites that I hadn’t seen and I did the same), and I think the conclusion here is that I’m probably going to start watching Hellsing because it looked really good.
And then the night ended, and that was that.
I think overall I had a fun time, especially near the end of the night, and I’d be down for hanging out with him again. But, I think as friends and not anything else. There was just no “spark” or chemistry between us and maybe part of that was how quiet he was, but I don’t think so. We I did get him talking he was fun and we had shared interests, just in a friends way is all…
Holy Shit; I didn’t realize how long that note was.
LOL. Some people are extremely different in person than they are online or over text… Is Thorne a common name in Canada?
And Hellsing was good from what I remember… And it’s short!
No, Thorne is definitely not a common Canadian name :P
Sounds like a fantasy character, teehee. :D